All Star – Smash Mouth Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of All Star – Smash Mouth song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of All Star – Smash Mouth piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
All Star – Smash Mouth Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G-^D-B___ B__ A__G
Somebody once told me
G_ ^C__B_B-A__A_ G
The world is gonna roll me
G ^C_ B___ B-A__ A_ G_A_ E-D
I_ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed…
G__ G_ ^D-B__ B__A_ A
She was looking kind of dumb
G__G_ ^C- B_ B__A__ A
With her finger and her thumb
G G__^C__B_A_A_G_ A___E-D
In the shape of an “L” on her forehead…
G___G__G___G__ G-G
Well the years start coming
G__E___G__ G__ B-G
And they don’t stop coming
G__G_G__ G__ G E G_ G___G____B-G
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
B-B__ ^D__ ^C__B_ G_ A_ G_ G
Didn’t make sense not to live for fun
G___ B__ G__ G___G__ E__ G__ G__E-D
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb…
G__B_ G_ ^D_ G_ B_ G_^D
So much to do, so much to see
G_ ^D___^C___B__ A-A__ G__A___ G
So what’s wrong with taking the back streets?
E___ G-G__ G_ G_ G_ G__G
You’ll never know if you don’t go
G___ B-G__ G_ G_ E__G__ E-D
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow!
B___G___ G__ E_G_ G
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
G__ E__ G__ G_G_ B
Get your game on, go play!
B___G___ G__ E_G__ G
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
G_ E__ G__ G_ G_ B
Get the show on, get paid!
G__ B ^D_ ^C-B_ A A-G
And all that glitters is gold
G-G__ A-G__ B-A__A__ G_ A-B-E
Only shooting stars break the mold!
G_G_G___G__ G_ G__G_G_G__G-G
It’s a cool place and they say it gets colder
G_____G-G__ G_ G__ G__G_ G_ G_B-G
You’re bundled up now, wait till you get older
G__G_ B-^C-D_^C__B_ A_A-G
But the meteor_men beg to differ
G-G___G_ G_ B_ G_G_ G-G-G__ E-D
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture
E__G_B__^D_ G_ B-G__G-G_ E-D
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
G__ G-G___ G-G___B__ G_ G__ B__ G_ G_ E-D
The water’s getting warm so you might as well swim
G__ G__ B_ ^D-^D_ G_ E-G_ E-D
My world’s on fire, how about yours?
G___ G_ G_ G_ B_G
That’s the way I like it
G_ G_ B-G_ G_ E-D
And I never get bored
B___G___ G__ E_G_ G
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
G__ E__ G__ G_G_ B
Get your game on, go play
B___G___ G__ E_G__ G
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
G__ E__ G__ G_ G_ B
Get the show on, get paid
B_ ^D_ ^C-B_ A_ A-G
All that glitters is gold
G-G__A – G__B – A__A__G_ A-B-E
Only shooting stars break the mold!
B___G___ G__ E_G_ G
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
G__ E__ G__ G_G_ B
Get your game on, go play
B___G___ G__ E_G__ G
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
G_ E__ G__ G_ G_ B
Get the show, on get paid
B_ ^D_ ^C- ^D_^E_^G
All that glitters is gold
G-G__A – G__^D-B_ A__G_ A-B-E
Only shooting stars break the mold!
All Star – Smash Mouth Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol-^Re-Si___ Si__ La__Sol
Somebody once told me
Sol_ ^Do__Si_Si-La__La_ Sol
The world is gonna roll me
Sol ^Do_ Si___ Si-La__ La_ Sol_La_ Mi-Re
I_ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed…
Sol__ Sol_ ^Re-Si__ Si__La_ La
She was looking kind of dumb
Sol__Sol_ ^Do- Si_ Si__La__ La
With her finger and her thumb
Sol Sol__^Do__Si_La_La_Sol_ La___Mi-Re
In the shape of an “L” on her forehead…
Sol___Sol__Sol___Sol__ Sol-Sol
Well the years start coming
Sol__Mi___Sol__ Sol__ Si-Sol
And they don’t stop coming
Sol__Sol_Sol__ Sol__ Sol Mi Sol_ Sol___Sol____Si-Sol
Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running
Si-Si__ ^Re__ ^Do__Si_ Sol_ La_ Sol_ Sol
Didn’t make sense not to live for fun
Sol___ Si__ Sol__ Sol___Sol__ Mi__ Sol__ Sol__Mi-Re
Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb…
Sol__Si_ Sol_ ^Re_ Sol_ Si_ Sol_^Re
So much to do, so much to see
Sol_ ^Re___^Do___Si__ La-La__ Sol__La___ Sol
So what’s wrong with taking the back streets?
Mi___ Sol-Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Sol__Sol
You’ll never know if you don’t go
Sol___ Si-Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Mi__Sol__ Mi-Re
You’ll never shine if you don’t glow!
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol_ Sol
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
Sol__ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_Sol_ Si
Get your game on, go play!
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol__ Sol
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
Sol_ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Si
Get the show on, get paid!
Sol__ Si ^Re_ ^Do-Si_ La La-Sol
And all that glitters is gold
Sol-Sol__ La-Sol__ Si-La__La__ Sol_ La-Si-Mi
Only shooting stars break the mold!
Sol_Sol_Sol___Sol__ Sol_ Sol__Sol_Sol_Sol__Sol-Sol
It’s a cool place and they say it gets colder
Sol_____Sol-Sol__ Sol_ Sol__ Sol__Sol_ Sol_ Sol_Si-Sol
You’re bundled up now, wait till you get older
Sol__Sol_ Si-^Do-Re_^Do__Si_ La_La-Sol
But the meteor_men beg to differ
Sol-Sol___Sol_ Sol_ Si_ Sol_Sol_ Sol-Sol-Sol__ Mi-Re
Judging by the hole in the satellite picture
Mi__Sol_Si__^Re_ Sol_ Si-Sol__Sol-Sol_ Mi-Re
The ice we skate is getting pretty thin
Sol__ Sol-Sol___ Sol-Sol___Si__ Sol_ Sol__ Si__ Sol_ Sol_ Mi-Re
The water’s getting warm so you might as well swim
Sol__ Sol__ Si_ ^Re-^Re_ Sol_ Mi-Sol_ Mi-Re
My world’s on fire, how about yours?
Sol___ Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Si_Sol
That’s the way I like it
Sol_ Sol_ Si-Sol_ Sol_ Mi-Re
And I never get bored
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol_ Sol
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
Sol__ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_Sol_ Si
Get your game on, go play
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol__ Sol
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
Sol__ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Si
Get the show on, get paid
Si_ ^Re_ ^Do-Si_ La_ La-Sol
All that glitters is gold
Sol-Sol__La – Sol__Si – La__La__Sol_ La-Si-Mi
Only shooting stars break the mold!
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol_ Sol
Hey now, you’re an all-star,
Sol__ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_Sol_ Si
Get your game on, go play
Si___Sol___ Sol__ Mi_Sol__ Sol
Hey now, you’re a rock star,
Sol_ Mi__ Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Si
Get the show, on get paid
Si_ ^Re_ ^Do- ^Re_^Mi_^Sol
All that glitters is gold
Sol-Sol__La – Sol__^Re-Si_ La__Sol_ La-Si-Mi
Only shooting stars break the mold!