American Pie – Don McLean Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of American Pie – Don McLean song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of American Pie – Don McLean piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

American Pie – Don McLean Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D_ _D_ _D_ _D_ B-G
A long long time ago

_C_B_ _C_ _C-B-A__ G
I can still remember how

F#___ G-F#_ G___F#__G___F#__ D
That music used to make me smile

D _D _D _D _D _D _D _E G
And I knew if I had my chance

G___A__ B_____C____B____ A – B__ _C
That I could make those people dance

A____G – E____G___E___G – E__G_ B__A
And maybe they’d be happy for a while

E___ B-B-B-B___C__ B___G-A
But February made me shiver

B_____B-B__ B-B_ _C_ B-G-E
With every paper I’d deliver

G_____F#__G__F#__ E – G
Bad news on the doorstep

A__G – A___B__ _E___D___B
I couldn’t take one more step

B_ _E_ _D-_D-B__C_B_G
I can’t remember if I cried

E_____E__ A__ B-_C__B___A – B____ _C
When I read about his widowed bride

B_-_B_________ B_____B____ B__B-A-G
Something touched me deep inside

The day the music died

D___D _C___C___B-B-A-G_ A
So bye-bye Miss American Pie

_D___D__D-_D _D _C _C-_C
Drove my Chevy to the levee

_C__B___B-A__ G__D
But the levee was dry

_D_____D___D_ _C
Them good old boys

_C____ _C – B____B – A___G___A
Were drinking whiskey and rye

B – A___G – E_ G__ E__ G__F#_E_A
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die

G – E__G__E__ G__F#_ E_E-D
This’ll be the day that I die…

_D_ _E_ _D___D_ _D_ _C_B-A
Did you write the book of love

A___ B_ _C___B__ _C__ B__C__B-G-A
And do you have faith in God above

G__G_ G-F#__G_ F#_ D
If the Bible tells you so?

_D _E__D-_D-B_B _D _D _D-_E
Do you believe in rock and roll?

B___D-_C___D_ _C__ B-A_ _D-_C
Can music save your mortal soul?

B____ G__ E___ G____E
And can you teach me

G____E___ G___ B___B-_C-B-A-B
How to dance real slow__ ~__ ?

B____C_ _E___ B____B___ B___C__B___D
Well, I know that you’re in love with him

_C___ B___E__B____B-B_ _C_ B__D
‘Cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym

B___ _C____ B__ A-G__ G__ B-A
You both kicked off your shoes

_G _G _G_ _G_ _G-_G__A__F#-_D
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues

_B _G_ _E_ _G-_D
I__ was__ a__ lonely

_D-_D-B_ _D-_D__ _E
Teenage__broncin_ ‘ buck

B___ B__ A___ B-_C-A
With a pink carnation

_C_ B__D-B_ A-B
And a pickup truck

B__B__G-_E _D _D _D-_E _D_ B
But_ I_ knew_ I_ was_ out_ of_ luck

G__ G___ B___C-B___G
The day the music died

_D _D-_D _E-_D
I started singin’

_D___C___C__ B-B-A-G_ A
Bye, bye Miss American Pie

_D__ _D__D-_D__D__C__C-_C

_C__B__ B-A__ G___D
But the levee was dry

_D____ _D_ _D_ _C
Them good old boys

_C_____C – B____B – A___ G___A
Were drinking whiskey and rye

B-A____G – E_ G__E__G__F#_ E_A
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die

G – E__G__ E__G__F#_ E_E-D
This’ll be the day that I die

American Pie – Don McLean Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re_ _Re_ _Re_ _Re_ Si-Sol
A long long time ago

_Do_Si_ _Do_ _Do-Si-La__ Sol
I can still remember how

Fa#___ Sol-Fa#_ Sol___Fa#__Sol___Fa#__ Re
That music used to make me smile

Re _Re _Re _Re _Re _Re _Re _Mi Sol
And I knew if I had my chance

Sol___La__ Si_____Do____Si____ La – Si__ _Do
That I could make those people dance

La____Sol – Mi____Sol___Mi___Sol – Mi__Sol_ Si__La
And maybe they’d be happy for a while

Mi___ Si-Si-Si-Si___Do__ Si___Sol-La
But February made me shiver

Si_____Si-Si__ Si-Si_ _Do_ Si-Sol-Mi
With every paper I’d deliver

Sol_____Fa#__Sol__Fa#__ Mi – Sol
Bad news on the doorstep

La__Sol – La___Si__ _Mi___Re___Si
I couldn’t take one more step

Si_ _Mi_ _Re-_Re-Si__Do_Si_Sol
I can’t remember if I cried

Mi_____Mi__ La__ Si-_Do__Si___La – Si____ _Do
When I read about his widowed bride

Si_-_Si_________ Si_____Si____ Si__Si-La-Sol
Something touched me deep inside

The day the music died

Re___Re _Do___Do___Si-Si-La-Sol_ La
So bye-bye Miss American Pie

_Re___Re__Re-_Re _Re _Do _Do-_Do
Drove my Chevy to the levee

_Do__Si___Si-La__ Sol__Re
But the levee was dry

_Re_____Re___Re_ _Do
Them good old boys

_Do____ _Do – Si____Si – La___Sol___La
Were drinking whiskey and rye

Si – La___Sol – Mi_ Sol__ Mi__ Sol__Fa#_Mi_La
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die

Sol – Mi__Sol__Mi__ Sol__Fa#_ Mi_Mi-Re
This’ll be the day that I die…

_Re_ _Mi_ _Re___Re_ _Re_ _Do_Si-La
Did you write the book of love

La___ Si_ _Do___Si__ _Do__ Si__Do__Si-Sol-La
And do you have faith in God above

Sol__Sol_ Sol-Fa#__Sol_ Fa#_ Re
If the Bible tells you so?

_Re _Mi__Re-_Re-Si_Si _Re _Re _Re-_Mi
Do you believe in rock and roll?

Si___Re-_Do___Re_ _Do__ Si-La_ _Re-_Do
Can music save your mortal soul?

Si____ Sol__ Mi___ Sol____Mi
And can you teach me

Sol____Mi___ Sol___ Si___Si-_Do-Si-La-Si
How to dance real slow__ ~__ ?

Si____Do_ _Mi___ Si____Si___ Si___Do__Si___Re
Well, I know that you’re in love with him

_Do___ Si___Mi__Si____Si-Si_ _Do_ Si__Re
‘Cause I saw you dancin’ in the gym

Si___ _Do____ Si__ La-Sol__ Sol__ Si-La
You both kicked off your shoes

_Sol _Sol _Sol_ _Sol_ _Sol-_Sol__La__Fa#-_Re
Man, I dig those rhythm and blues

_Si _Sol_ _Mi_ _Sol-_Re
I__ was__ a__ lonely

_Re-_Re-Si_ _Re-_Re__ _Mi
Teenage__broncin_ ‘ buck

Si___ Si__ La___ Si-_Do-La
With a pink carnation

_Do_ Si__Re-Si_ La-Si
And a pickup truck

Si__Si__Sol-_Mi _Re _Re _Re-_Mi _Re_ Si
But_ I_ knew_ I_ was_ out_ of_ luck

Sol__ Sol___ Si___Do-Si___Sol
The day the music died

_Re _Re-_Re _Mi-_Re
I started singin’

_Re___Do___Do__ Si-Si-La-Sol_ La
Bye, bye Miss American Pie

_Re__ _Re__Re-_Re__Re__Do__Do-_Do

_Do__Si__ Si-La__ Sol___Re
But the levee was dry

_Re____ _Re_ _Re_ _Do
Them good old boys

_Do_____Do – Si____Si – La___ Sol___La
Were drinking whiskey and rye

Si-La____Sol – Mi_ Sol__Mi__Sol__Fa#_ Mi_La
Singin’ this’ll be the day that I die

Sol – Mi__Sol__ Mi__Sol__Fa#_ Mi_Mi-Re
This’ll be the day that I die


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