Billie Jean – Michael Jackson Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Billie Jean – Michael Jackson song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Billie Jean – Michael Jackson piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Billie Jean – Michael Jackson Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

.C___ .C___.C____.B_ .A__ .B-.A__ .C_
She was more like a beauty queen

.B____.A__ .B-.A___.C_
From a movie scene

.C__.C__.C__ .C_
I said don’t mind,

.B_____.A__ .B___.A__ .C_
But what do you mean,

.B_ .A_ .G__ .F_
I am the one…

Who will dance

.F__ .G___.F_
On the floor

.F__ .G___.F_
In the round?

.F___ .A__.B__.A_ .G___.F_
She said I am the one…

.F____.G___ .F_
Who will dance

.F__ .G___.F_
On the floor

.F__ .G__ .F_
In the round?

.C__ .C__ .C_
She told me

.C_____.B____.A__ .B-.A__ .C_
Her name was Billie Jean

.B___ .A___ .B___.A___.C_
As she caused a scene

.C___ .C_-.C___ .C____.B
Then every head turned

.A______ .B____.A_____.C_
With eyes that dreamed

.B__ .B-.A__.G__ .F_
Of being the one

.F____.G____ .F_
Who will dance

.F___.G__ .F_
On the floor

.F__ .G__ .F_
In the round?

F_-E_ F_-E_F__A
People__always__told_ me

F_ A-F__F__F__^B_F_
Be__ careful_ of_what_ you_do


F_-E___ F___G___ F_
Breaking young girls’ hearts

E_ F_-E_F_-E_F__A

Be_ careful_ of_ who_ you_ love

C__F__D-D_D_ D_ E_ F_
And_ be_ careful_ of_ what_you_do

F___F__ F__F-F_ F__ G_
‘Cause the lie becomes the truth…

F_-F__ E-C_
Billie_____ Jean

Is___not___my__ lover

F_ F_ F_ E-C_
She’s_ just_ a__ girl

C__ F__ A_ B_ A_G__F_

F_ F_ ^C_-B B F_ D C_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

She_ says_ I_ am_ the_ one,

F_ F_ ^C_-B B F_ D_C_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

C_ C_-C_ C_ .B .A .B-.A C_
For forty days and forty nights

.B____ .B__ .A__ .B__.A_ C_
The law was on her side

C__C__C__C___.B___ .A__ .B__ .A-C_
But who can stand when she’s in demand

.B_______.A_____.G___ .F_
Her schemes and plans…

.F______.G____ .F_
‘Cause we danced

.F__ .G___ .F_
On the floor

.F__ .G___.F_
In the round…

.F___ .A__.B___ .A___ .G_-.F_
So take my strong advice,

.F___.F_-D-C__.A_ .G_-.F___.D__ .C_
Just remember to always think twice

C_ C__C__C_-.B
She_ told_ my_ baby

.A______ .B____.A___C_
We’d danced till three,

.B____ .A___ .B___.A__C_
Then she looked at me

C__ C__C__C_-.B
Then showed a photo

.A___.B-.A_ C_
My baby cried

.B____ .B___ .A___.G___ .F_
His eyes were like mine…

.F______.G____ .F_
‘Cause we danced

.F__ .G___ .F_
On the floor

.F__ .G___.F_
In the round…


F_ A-F__F__F__^B_F_
Be_ careful_ of_ what_ you_ do


Breaking young girls’ hearts

E__ F__ E__F__ E_ F_ F_
She came and stood right by me

F__F__A_ F__ F__ ^B-F_

F___ D-D___D__E__F_
This happened much too soon

F__ F__F_ F_F__G_
She called me to her room…

F_-F__ E-C_
Billie_____ Jean

Is___not___my__ lover

F_ F_ F_ E-C_
She’s_ just_ a__ girl

C__ F__ A_ B_ A_G__F_

F_ F_ ^C_-B B F_ D C_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

She_ says_ I_ am_ the_ one,

F_ F__^C_-B B F_ D_C_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

Billie Jean – Michael Jackson Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

.Do___ .Do___.Do____.Si_ .La__ .Si-.La__ .Do_
She was more like a beauty queen

.Si____.La__ .Si-.La___.Do_
From a movie scene

.Do__.Do__.Do__ .Do_
I said don’t mind,

.Si_____.La__ .Si___.La__ .Do_
But what do you mean,

.Si_ .La_ .Sol__ .Fa_
I am the one…

Who will dance

.Fa__ .Sol___.Fa_
On the floor

.Fa__ .Sol___.Fa_
In the round?

.Fa___ .La__.Si__.La_ .Sol___.Fa_
She said I am the one…

.Fa____.Sol___ .Fa_
Who will dance

.Fa__ .Sol___.Fa_
On the floor

.Fa__ .Sol__ .Fa_
In the round?

.Do__ .Do__ .Do_
She told me

.Do_____.Si____.La__ .Si-.La__ .Do_
Her name was Billie Jean

.Si___ .La___ .Si___.La___.Do_
As she caused a scene

.Do___ .Do_-.Do___ .Do____.Si
Then every head turned

.La______ .Si____.La_____.Do_
With eyes that dreamed

.Si__ .Si-.La__.Sol__ .Fa_
Of being the one

.Fa____.Sol____ .Fa_
Who will dance

.Fa___.Sol__ .Fa_
On the floor

.Fa__ .Sol__ .Fa_
In the round?

Fa_-Mi_ Fa_-Mi_Fa__La
People__always__told_ me

Fa_ La-Fa__Fa__Fa__^Si_Fa_
Be__ careful_ of_what_ you_do


Fa_-Mi___ Fa___Sol___ Fa_
Breaking young girls’ hearts

Mi_ Fa_-Mi_Fa_-Mi_Fa__La

Be_ careful_ of_ who_ you_ love

Do__Fa__Re-Re_Re_ Re_ Mi_ Fa_
And_ be_ careful_ of_ what_you_do

Fa___Fa__ Fa__Fa-Fa_ Fa__ Sol_
‘Cause the lie becomes the truth…

Fa_-Fa__ Mi-Do_
Billie_____ Jean

Is___not___my__ lover

Fa_ Fa_ Fa_ Mi-Do_
She’s_ just_ a__ girl

Do__ Fa__ La_ Si_ La_Sol__Fa_

Fa_ Fa_ ^Do_-Si Si Fa_ Re Do_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

She_ says_ I_ am_ the_ one,

Fa_ Fa_ ^Do_-Si Si Fa_ Re_Do_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

Do_ Do_-Do_ Do_ .Si .La .Si-.La Do_
For forty days and forty nights

.Si____ .Si__ .La__ .Si__.La_ Do_
The law was on her side

Do__Do__Do__Do___.Si___ .La__ .Si__ .La-Do_
But who can stand when she’s in demand

.Si_______.La_____.Sol___ .Fa_
Her schemes and plans…

.Fa______.Sol____ .Fa_
‘Cause we danced

.Fa__ .Sol___ .Fa_
On the floor

.Fa__ .Sol___.Fa_
In the round…

.Fa___ .La__.Si___ .La___ .Sol_-.Fa_
So take my strong advice,

.Fa___.Fa_-Re-Do__.La_ .Sol_-.Fa___.Re__ .Do_
Just remember to always think twice

Do_ Do__Do__Do_-.Si
She_ told_ my_ baby

.La______ .Si____.La___Do_
We’d danced till three,

.Si____ .La___ .Si___.La__Do_
Then she looked at me

Do__ Do__Do__Do_-.Si
Then showed a photo

.La___.Si-.La_ Do_
My baby cried

.Si____ .Si___ .La___.Sol___ .Fa_
His eyes were like mine…

.Fa______.Sol____ .Fa_
‘Cause we danced

.Fa__ .Sol___ .Fa_
On the floor

.Fa__ .Sol___.Fa_
In the round…


Fa_ La-Fa__Fa__Fa__^Si_Fa_
Be_ careful_ of_ what_ you_ do


Breaking young girls’ hearts

Mi__ Fa__ Mi__Fa__ Mi_ Fa_ Fa_
She came and stood right by me

Fa__Fa__La_ Fa__ Fa__ ^Si-Fa_

Fa___ Re-Re___Re__Mi__Fa_
This happened much too soon

Fa__ Fa__Fa_ Fa_Fa__Sol_
She called me to her room…

Fa_-Fa__ Mi-Do_
Billie_____ Jean

Is___not___my__ lover

Fa_ Fa_ Fa_ Mi-Do_
She’s_ just_ a__ girl

Do__ Fa__ La_ Si_ La_Sol__Fa_

Fa_ Fa_ ^Do_-Si Si Fa_ Re Do_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…

She_ says_ I_ am_ the_ one,

Fa_ Fa__^Do_-Si Si Fa_ Re_Do_
But__the___kid___is_ not_ my_ son…


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