Letter Notes

Boys Like You – Anna Clendening Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Boys Like You – Anna Clendening song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Boys Like You – Anna Clendening piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Boys Like You – Anna Clendening Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

F#-F#___F#____ E____ D___D___E___D
Momma said there’d be boys like you

D – D___D__ C#_ D_ E-.B
Tearing my heart in two

F#-D__ D___ D__D_ E-C#
Doing what you do best

F#-E__ D__D_ .A_ D
Taking me for a ride

D – D__ E_ C#-C#_C#-C# D
Telling me pretty little lies

.A___.B__ D_ F#_ D__ D-C#
But with you, I can’t resist

C#-E_ E__E__ D
Before I met you

C#_C#-C#_C#_ C#__D – D
I_ never_ felt_ good_ enough

C#-E_ E__E_ D_.A
Before I let you in

.B_ D-C#-C#_ .B-.A_ .B
I’d_ already_ given_ up

.A__ .B__ D__ .A__.B-D
Left on read, no reply

.A___.B__ D___ .A – .B____E-D
Left me just wondering why

.B___.B__ .B-.A-.A__.A_ .A
Now I’m skeptical of love

.A__ .A___ .B___ D__ E___ D
So when you hold my hand

D___D__C#-C#__C#__D__ D
Do you wanna hold my heart?

.A_____ .B___E___E___ E___ D
When you say you want me

D_E F#_F#_E_E__D_ C#__.B
Is it all of me or just one part?

D___D____D__ D__ A__ F#-E-D-E
So when you hold my hand_~

D__ D__C#-C#_ C#_ D___ D
Do you wanna hold my heart?

D_____ D___D___E___F#__ E
When you say you want me

E – F#____ F#____E___ D___ D__ A__ F#
Momma said there’d be boys like you

F# – E__ D____E_ F#_ F#
Tearing my heart in two

F#-D__ D___E___E__C#-.B C#
Doing what you do best_ ~

F# – E__D__D_ D_ F#
Taking me for a ride

F#-E__ D__ E-D__ E-F#_ G-F#-E-D-E
Telling me pretty little lies__ ~__~

.A___ .B__ D__F#__D_ D-C#
But with you, I can’t resist

D – E___ F#-F#
Maybe momma

D – E____F# – G___ E___ C#
Doesn’t always know best

I’m terrified

.B__ D_C#-C#_.B_ .A__ .B
But I’ll never let you know

E – E__ E-D-D
Social suicide

.B_D C#-C#_.B_.A__.B
If_ I_ ever_ let_ it_ show

.A_-.B – D____.A___.B___D
Everything feels just right

.A_.A .B_ D___.A__.B_ E__D
I fall in place, we fall in line

.B_.B-.A_ .A_ .A__.A
I’ll never let you go

.A__.A___.B___ D___E____D
So when you hold my hand

D___D_ C#-C#_ C#__D___D
Do you wanna hold my heart?

.A_____ .B__ E___E___ E___D
When you say you want me

D E F# F#_E_ E__ D__C#_ .B
Is it all of me or just one part?

D___D___ D___D__A__ F#-E-D-E
So when you hold my hand_~

D__ D__ C#-C#_ C#__D___D
Do you wanna hold my heart?

D______D__ D___E__ F#_ E-D
When you say you want me

D_E_F#_F#_E-D_ G-F#-E
Is_it_all_of_me?_ Yeah_~

F# – F#__F#____E____D____D__ A___F#
Momma said there’d be boys like you

F# – E__ D___ E__ F#_ F#
Tearing my heart in two

F#-D___D___D__ E__C#-.B-C#
Doing what you do best_~

F#-E__ D__ D_ D_ F#
Taking me for a ride

F#-E__ D__ E-D__ E-F#_ G-F#-E-D-E
Telling me pretty little lies__~__ ~

.A___.B___D_ F#__D_ D-C#
But with you, I can’t resist…

Boys Like You – Anna Clendening Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Fa#-Fa#___Fa#____ Mi____ Re___Re___Mi___Re
Momma said there’d be boys like you

Re – Re___Re__ Do#_ Re_ Mi-.Si
Tearing my heart in two

Fa#-Re__ Re___ Re__Re_ Mi-Do#
Doing what you do best

Fa#-Mi__ Re__Re_ .La_ Re
Taking me for a ride

Re – Re__ Mi_ Do#-Do#_Do#-Do# Re
Telling me pretty little lies

.La___.Si__ Re_ Fa#_ Re__ Re-Do#
But with you, I can’t resist

Do#-Mi_ Mi__Mi__ Re
Before I met you

Do#_Do#-Do#_Do#_ Do#__Re – Re
I_ never_ felt_ good_ enough

Do#-Mi_ Mi__Mi_ Re_.La
Before I let you in

.Si_ Re-Do#-Do#_ .Si-.La_ .Si
I’d_ already_ given_ up

.La__ .Si__ Re__ .La__.Si-Re
Left on read, no reply

.La___.Si__ Re___ .La – .Si____Mi-Re
Left me just wondering why

.Si___.Si__ .Si-.La-.La__.La_ .La
Now I’m skeptical of love

.La__ .La___ .Si___ Re__ Mi___ Re
So when you hold my hand

Re___Re__Do#-Do#__Do#__Re__ Re
Do you wanna hold my heart?

.La_____ .Si___Mi___Mi___ Mi___ Re
When you say you want me

Re_Mi Fa#_Fa#_Mi_Mi__Re_ Do#__.Si
Is it all of me or just one part?

Re___Re____Re__ Re__ La__ Fa#-Mi-Re-Mi
So when you hold my hand_~

Re__ Re__Do#-Do#_ Do#_ Re___ Re
Do you wanna hold my heart?

Re_____ Re___Re___Mi___Fa#__ Mi
When you say you want me

Mi – Fa#____ Fa#____Mi___ Re___ Re__ La__ Fa#
Momma said there’d be boys like you

Fa# – Mi__ Re____Mi_ Fa#_ Fa#
Tearing my heart in two

Fa#-Re__ Re___Mi___Mi__Do#-.Si Do#
Doing what you do best_ ~

Fa# – Mi__Re__Re_ Re_ Fa#
Taking me for a ride

Fa#-Mi__ Re__ Mi-Re__ Mi-Fa#_ Sol-Fa#-Mi-Re-Mi
Telling me pretty little lies__ ~__~

.La___ .Si__ Re__Fa#__Re_ Re-Do#
But with you, I can’t resist

Re – Mi___ Fa#-Fa#
Maybe momma

Re – Mi____Fa# – Sol___ Mi___ Do#
Doesn’t always know best

I’m terrified

.Si__ Re_Do#-Do#_.Si_ .La__ .Si
But I’ll never let you know

Mi – Mi__ Mi-Re-Re
Social suicide

.Si_Re Do#-Do#_.Si_.La__.Si
If_ I_ ever_ let_ it_ show

.La_-.Si – Re____.La___.Si___Re
Everything feels just right

.La_.La .Si_ Re___.La__.Si_ Mi__Re
I fall in place, we fall in line

.Si_.Si-.La_ .La_ .La__.La
I’ll never let you go

.La__.La___.Si___ Re___Mi____Re
So when you hold my hand

Re___Re_ Do#-Do#_ Do#__Re___Re
Do you wanna hold my heart?

.La_____ .Si__ Mi___Mi___ Mi___Re
When you say you want me

Re Mi Fa# Fa#_Mi_ Mi__ Re__Do#_ .Si
Is it all of me or just one part?

Re___Re___ Re___Re__La__ Fa#-Mi-Re-Mi
So when you hold my hand_~

Re__ Re__ Do#-Do#_ Do#__Re___Re
Do you wanna hold my heart?

Re______Re__ Re___Mi__ Fa#_ Mi-Re
When you say you want me

Re_Mi_Fa#_Fa#_Mi-Re_ Sol-Fa#-Mi
Is_it_all_of_me?_ Yeah_~

Fa# – Fa#__Fa#____Mi____Re____Re__ La___Fa#
Momma said there’d be boys like you

Fa# – Mi__ Re___ Mi__ Fa#_ Fa#
Tearing my heart in two

Fa#-Re___Re___Re__ Mi__Do#-.Si-Do#
Doing what you do best_~

Fa#-Mi__ Re__ Re_ Re_ Fa#
Taking me for a ride

Fa#-Mi__ Re__ Mi-Re__ Mi-Fa#_ Sol-Fa#-Mi-Re-Mi
Telling me pretty little lies__~__ ~

.La___.Si___Re_ Fa#__Re_ Re-Do#
But with you, I can’t resist…

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