Bring Me To Life – Evanescence Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Bring Me To Life – Evanescence song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Bring Me To Life – Evanescence piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Bring Me To Life – Evanescence Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

B_____A__ B__^C_ B-A__B__G
How can you see into my eyes

E___ F#-G__ A
Like open doors?

B_-_A___^D__ ^C__ B-A__B__ G
Leading you down into my core

Where I’ve become so numb…

E_ -_F#_ G__A
Without a soul

(Oh, oo-ooh)

E___ F#-G__ ^C – B____A – ^C_____ B
My spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold

B-A___B__^C_ B__ A___ B___B-A-G
Until you find it there and lead me

A_ F#___ E
It back home…

___ E___E__ E
(Wake me up)

B_____ B__B___A-A
Wake me up inside

E_ E___ E___ E
{I can’t wake up}

B_____ B__ B__ A-A
Wake me up inside

__G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C__ B____A___ G__^C__ B___ A___B__G-F#-E
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

B___B___ B___ A__ A
Bid my blood to run

__ E__E__E___ E
(I can’t wake up)

B – B__B___B___ A – A
Before I come undone

__ G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C___ B___ A___G__^C – B__ A__B-G-F#-E
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

B_____A__B__^C___ B___A___ B-G
Now that I know what I’m without

E____ F#___G___ A___G-F#
You can’t just leave me…

^C-B-^C-B_A-^D_^C_ B__ A___B__B-A-G
Breathe_~_ into me and make me real ~

A____ F#_ E__E
Bring me to life…

__ E___E__ E
(Wake me up)

B_____ B__B___A-A
Wake me up inside

E_ E___ E___ E
{I can’t wake up}

B_____ B__ B__ A-A
Wake me up inside

__G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C__ B____A___ G__^C__ B___ A___B__G-F#-E
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

B___B___ B___ A__ A
Bid my blood to run

__ E__E__E___ E
(I can’t wake up)

Before I come undone

__ G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C___B___ A___ G__ ^C-B___ A___B-^C
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

G____ A__F#_ E
Bring me to life….

(Lot’s of E’s, at a guess!)
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s no feeling inside)

G____ A__F#_ E
Bring me to life…

^C – B___A-B___ G – A____ B____A
Frozen inside, without your touch

G_-_A____ B__ B-A-G___ A-B
Without your love_~_darling

^C-B B-A-G_ A__ B__A
Only you_ ~_are the life

G_-_A__ B___ B
Among the dead…

All this time

D_ D__ D – D__D__D-D__ E
I can’t believe I couldn’t see

E____ E__E___ E
Kept in the dark,

E____ E____E____ E___E___E___D_ D
But you were there in front of me

B_____B____ B – A
I’ve been sleeping

A___A_-_G___ G___E___E
A thousand years it seems

B B B-A A A G E-^C-B
Got to open my eyes to everything…

D_-_D__ D____E
Without a thought

D_-_D__ D__ E_
Without a voice

D_-_D__ D__ E
Without a soul…

B_____B__ B__ B
Bring me to life….

__ E___E__ E
(Wake me up)

B_____ B__B___A-A
Wake me up inside

E_ E___ E___ E
{I can’t wake up}

B_____ B__ B__ A-A
Wake me up inside

__G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C__ B____A___ G__^C__ B___ A___B__G-F#-E
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

B___B___ B___ A__ A
Bid my blood to run

__ E__E__E___ E
(I can’t wake up)

Before I come undone

__ G__ F#
(Save me…)

^C___B___ A___ G__ ^C-B___ A___B-^C
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

G____ A__F#_E
Bring me to life

(Lot’s of E’s again…?)
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s no feeling inside)

G____ A_^C_ B
Bring me to life….

… A B C ^E B

B A B C ^E B

Bring Me To Life – Evanescence Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Si_____La__ Si__^Do_ Si-La__Si__Sol
How can you see into my eyes

Mi___ Fa#-Sol__ La
Like open doors?

Si_-_La___^Re__ ^Do__ Si-La__Si__ Sol
Leading you down into my core

Where I’ve become so numb…

Mi_ -_Fa#_ Sol__La
Without a soul

(Oh, oo-ooh)

Mi___ Fa#-Sol__ ^Do – Si____La – ^Do_____ Si
My spirit’s sleeping somewhere cold

Si-La___Si__^Do_ Si__ La___ Si___Si-La-Sol
Until you find it there and lead me

La_ Fa#___ Mi
It back home…

___ Mi___Mi__ Mi
(Wake me up)

Si_____ Si__Si___La-La
Wake me up inside

Mi_ Mi___ Mi___ Mi
{I can’t wake up}

Si_____ Si__ Si__ La-La
Wake me up inside

__Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do__ Si____La___ Sol__^Do__ Si___ La___Si__Sol-Fa#-Mi
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

Si___Si___ Si___ La__ La
Bid my blood to run

__ Mi__Mi__Mi___ Mi
(I can’t wake up)

Si – Si__Si___Si___ La – La
Before I come undone

__ Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do___ Si___ La___Sol__^Do – Si__ La__Si-Sol-Fa#-Mi
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

Si_____La__Si__^Do___ Si___La___ Si-Sol
Now that I know what I’m without

Mi____ Fa#___Sol___ La___Sol-Fa#
You can’t just leave me…

^Do-Si-^Do-Si_La-^Re_^Do_ Si__ La___Si__Si-La-Sol
Breathe_~_ into me and make me real ~

La____ Fa#_ Mi__Mi
Bring me to life…

__ Mi___Mi__ Mi
(Wake me up)

Si_____ Si__Si___La-La
Wake me up inside

Mi_ Mi___ Mi___ Mi
{I can’t wake up}

Si_____ Si__ Si__ La-La
Wake me up inside

__Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do__ Si____La___ Sol__^Do__ Si___ La___Si__Sol-Fa#-Mi
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

Si___Si___ Si___ La__ La
Bid my blood to run

__ Mi__Mi__Mi___ Mi
(I can’t wake up)

Si Si Si Si La La
Before I come undone

__ Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do___Si___ La___ Sol__ ^Do-Si___ La___Si-^Do
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

Sol____ La__Fa#_ Mi
Bring me to life….

(Lot’s of E’s, at a guess!)
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s no feeling inside)

Sol____ La__Fa#_ Mi
Bring me to life…

^Do – Si___La-Si___ Sol – La____ Si____La
Frozen inside, without your touch

Sol_-_La____ Si__ Si-La-Sol___ La-Si
Without your love_~_darling

^Do-Si Si-La-Sol_ La__ Si__La
Only you_ ~_are the life

Sol_-_La__ Si___ Si
Among the dead…

All this time

Re_ Re__ Re – Re__Re__Re-Re__ Mi
I can’t believe I couldn’t see

Mi____ Mi__Mi___ Mi
Kept in the dark,

Mi____ Mi____Mi____ Mi___Mi___Mi___Re_ Re
But you were there in front of me

Si_____Si____ Si – La
I’ve been sleeping

La___La_-_Sol___ Sol___Mi___Mi
A thousand years it seems

Si Si Si-La La La Sol Mi-^Do-Si
Got to open my eyes to everything…

Re_-_Re__ Re____Mi
Without a thought

Re_-_Re__ Re__ Mi_
Without a voice

Re_-_Re__ Re__ Mi
Without a soul…

Si_____Si__ Si__ Si
Bring me to life….

__ Mi___Mi__ Mi
(Wake me up)

Si_____ Si__Si___La-La
Wake me up inside

Mi_ Mi___ Mi___ Mi
{I can’t wake up}

Si_____ Si__ Si__ La-La
Wake me up inside

__Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do__ Si____La___ Sol__^Do__ Si___ La___Si__Sol-Fa#-Mi
Call my name and save me from the dark_~

(Wake me up)

Si___Si___ Si___ La__ La
Bid my blood to run

__ Mi__Mi__Mi___ Mi
(I can’t wake up)

Si Si Si Si La La
Before I come undone

__ Sol__ Fa#
(Save me…)

^Do___Si___ La___ Sol__ ^Do-Si___ La___Si-^Do
Save me from the nothing I’ve become…

Sol____ La__Fa#_Mi
Bring me to life

(Lot’s of E’s again…?)
(I’ve been living a lie, there’s no feeling inside)

Sol____ La_^Do_ Si
Bring me to life….

… La Si Do ^Mi Si

Si La Si Do ^Mi Si


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