We have added the letter notes of Completely – Caro Emerald song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Completely – Caro Emerald piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
F_ F-D__C__ D___ F__D_ .A__ C-D
I recall the days that I was single
F____ F__D-C__D___F-D___.A___C-D
Used to flirt, fool around and mingle
G#____A___ C____D-F
Then you came along
G___G#-G-F__C#___ C____ .G#-.A-F
And suddenly it changed completely
C______F____ F___D
Now some girls fall
C_____D-F___ D___.A__ C-D
And others keep on playing
C – F___ F___ D
Forget the now
C D F D-.A-C-D
And keep on yesterdayin’
.G#_ .A__ C__ D___F
Now I know it’s wrong
G____G#__ G-F__D___ C______.G#-.A-F
You came along, I changed completely
G#-F___G___D___ F
Darling do you know
F___G#___ F – G___D__F
The sky performs a show
G#___ F___G-F____A___ F-G__ F__A
Each and every night before I sleep
F____ G__G#__F_ G_ D___F
When I look up at the stars
F_ G_ G#-A-^C_ G#_F_ G
In the galaxy near and far
F___ G – F___G___F_ G#-G#
I’m always with you baby
F-G#-G#___F__ G
Wherever you are
F__D__F_ D
I look at you
C__ D__F__ D__.A_ C-D
And I sure see a genius
It’s kinda crazy
C____D___ F____D__.A__ C___ D
But you don’t think I mean this
You filled up my heart
G__G#__G__ F___D____C_____ .G#.A-F
And I know that I changed completely
G# – F__ G__ D___F
Darling do you know
F___ G#___ F – G__ D__ F
The sky performs a show
G#___ F___G-F___ A___ F-G__ F__ A
Each and every night before I sleep
F____G__ G#__F__G__D__F
When I look up at the stars
F__G_ G#-A-^C_ G#_F_ G
In the galaxy near and far
F___ G – F__ G___F_ G#-G#
I’m always with you baby
F – G – G___ F___ G
Wherever you are
F_ D_ F-D
If I’m alone
C_ F__ D___ .A-C-D
I still feel protected
F___ D__ F-D__ C__D-F__ D-.A-C-D
By your love, it’s never misdirected
When you came along
G__ G#-G__F__D___ C______ .G#-.A-F
I’m happy my life changed completely
F__ G-F_ G#_A-D
I’m talkin’ to you
F____G#__ F__G___F
You filled up my heart
And I know that I changed completely
Fa_ Fa-Re__Do__ Re___ Fa__Re_ .La__ Do-Re
I recall the days that I was single
Fa____ Fa__Re-Do__Re___Fa-Re___.La___Do-Re
Used to flirt, fool around and mingle
Sol#____La___ Do____Re-Fa
Then you came along
Sol___Sol#-Sol-Fa__Do#___ Do____ .Sol#-.La-Fa
And suddenly it changed completely
Do______Fa____ Fa___Re
Now some girls fall
Do_____Re-Fa___ Re___.La__ Do-Re
And others keep on playing
Do – Fa___ Fa___ Re
Forget the now
Do Re Fa Re-.La-Do-Re
And keep on yesterdayin’
.Sol#_ .La__ Do__ Re___Fa
Now I know it’s wrong
Sol____Sol#__ Sol-Fa__Re___ Do______.Sol#-.La-Fa
You came along, I changed completely
Sol#-Fa___Sol___Re___ Fa
Darling do you know
Fa___Sol#___ Fa – Sol___Re__Fa
The sky performs a show
Sol#___ Fa___Sol-Fa____La___ Fa-Sol__ Fa__La
Each and every night before I sleep
Fa____ Sol__Sol#__Fa_ Sol_ Re___Fa
When I look up at the stars
Fa_ Sol_ Sol#-La-^Do_ Sol#_Fa_ Sol
In the galaxy near and far
Fa___ Sol – Fa___Sol___Fa_ Sol#-Sol#
I’m always with you baby
Fa-Sol#-Sol#___Fa__ Sol
Wherever you are
Fa__Re__Fa_ Re
I look at you
Do__ Re__Fa__ Re__.La_ Do-Re
And I sure see a genius
It’s kinda crazy
Do____Re___ Fa____Re__.La__ Do___ Re
But you don’t think I mean this
You filled up my heart
Sol__Sol#__Sol__ Fa___Re____Do_____ .Sol#.La-Fa
And I know that I changed completely
Sol# – Fa__ Sol__ Re___Fa
Darling do you know
Fa___ Sol#___ Fa – Sol__ Re__ Fa
The sky performs a show
Sol#___ Fa___Sol-Fa___ La___ Fa-Sol__ Fa__ La
Each and every night before I sleep
Fa____Sol__ Sol#__Fa__Sol__Re__Fa
When I look up at the stars
Fa__Sol_ Sol#-La-^Do_ Sol#_Fa_ Sol
In the galaxy near and far
Fa___ Sol – Fa__ Sol___Fa_ Sol#-Sol#
I’m always with you baby
Fa – Sol – Sol___ Fa___ Sol
Wherever you are
Fa_ Re_ Fa-Re
If I’m alone
Do_ Fa__ Re___ .La-Do-Re
I still feel protected
Fa___ Re__ Fa-Re__ Do__Re-Fa__ Re-.La-Do-Re
By your love, it’s never misdirected
When you came along
Sol__ Sol#-Sol__Fa__Re___ Do______ .Sol#-.La-Fa
I’m happy my life changed completely
Fa__ Sol-Fa_ Sol#_La-Re
I’m talkin’ to you
Fa____Sol#__ Fa__Sol___Fa
You filled up my heart
And I know that I changed completely
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