Count on Me – Bruno Mars Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Count on Me – Bruno Mars song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Count on Me – Bruno Mars piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Count on Me – Bruno Mars Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G-A _C
Uh – um
_E _D _E-_E _E__D-_E_ _E
If you ever find yourself stuck
_E _D _E-_E _E _E _E
In the middle of the sea
_D _E__C__A___E_ _D_ _C
I’ll sail the world to find you
_E _D _E-_E _E__D-_E__E
If you ever find yourself lost
_E _D__E_ _E___E___G___E
In the dark and you can’t see,
_D _E _C_ A_ _E_ _D_ _C
I’ll be the light to guide you…
_F__ _F___G___A___ _G___E
Find out what we’re made of
_E_____F_ _E__ _D_ _C_ _F
When we are called to help
_E_____D_ _C___D
Our friends in need
_E___E_ _C_ _E_ _G
You can count on me
_C___ B__ _E___G
Like one two three
B__ B__ A
I’ll be there
_C__F__E_ _D_ _C__F__E
And I know when I need it
_D _C _C__E__G
I can count on you
_C___B__ _E__ _G
Like four three two
A_____ B___ B__ A
And you’ll be there
‘Cause that’s what friends
_C__ _F-_F_ _E__D__D__C
Are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa
_C-_D-_E _B-_A-_G
Oh, oh
_F _E
Yeah, yeah
_E___ _D-_E___F_ _G_ _E-_G _A
You’ll always have my shoulder
_B *C-_B
When you cry
_E__D-_E _F _G
I’ll never let go
_E-_G_ _A_ _B-*C
Never say goodbye
*D___*C___B_ _A
You know you can
Count on Me – Bruno Mars Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol-La _Do
Uh – um
_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi__Re-_Mi_ _Mi
If you ever find yourself stuck
_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi _Mi _Mi
In the middle of the sea
_Re _Mi__Do__La___Mi_ _Re_ _Do
I’ll sail the world to find you
_Mi _Re _Mi-_Mi _Mi__Re-_Mi__Mi
If you ever find yourself lost
_Mi _Re__Mi_ _Mi___Mi___Sol___Mi
In the dark and you can’t see,
_Re _Mi _Do_ La_ _Mi_ _Re_ _Do
I’ll be the light to guide you…
_Fa__ _Fa___Sol___La___ _Sol___Mi
Find out what we’re made of
_Mi_____Fa_ _Mi__ _Re_ _Do_ _Fa
When we are called to help
_Mi_____Re_ _Do___Re
Our friends in need
_Mi___Mi_ _Do_ _Mi_ _Sol
You can count on me
_Do___ Si__ _Mi___Sol
Like one two three
Si__ Si__ La
I’ll be there
_Do__Fa__Mi_ _Re_ _Do__Fa__Mi
And I know when I need it
_Re _Do _Do__Mi__Sol
I can count on you
_Do___Si__ _Mi__ _Sol
Like four three two
La_____ Si___ Si__ La
And you’ll be there
‘Cause that’s what friends
_Do__ _Fa-_Fa_ _Mi__Re__Re__Do
Are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa
_Do-_Re-_Mi _Si-_La-_Sol
Oh, oh
_Fa _Mi
Yeah, yeah
_Mi___ _Re-_Mi___Fa_ _Sol_ _Mi-_Sol _La
You’ll always have my shoulder
_Si *Do-_Si
When you cry
_Mi__Re-_Mi _Fa _Sol
I’ll never let go
_Mi-_Sol_ _La_ _Si-*Do
Never say goodbye
*Re___*Do___Si_ _La
You know you can