Dear Theodosia – Hamilton Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Dear Theodosia – Hamilton song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Dear Theodosia – Hamilton piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Dear Theodosia – Hamilton Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

_C#_ B-A-G#-A_ E__E__E B-_C# B
Dear Theodosia, what to say to you?

A___C# _E _C#
You have my eyes

_C# _C#_ B__ A-_E__ _C#
You have your mother’s name

A____ B___C#_A-A_ A_ A
When you came into the world

_C#_G#__E_ E__E__ B_ A-F#
You cried, and it broke my heart

_C# B-A-G#-A_E-E _E _C# B
I’m dedicating every day to you

A-_C#-_E _C# _C# _C#-B A _E _C#
Domestic life was never quite my style

A____ B_ _C#__C# _F# _E _F#
When you smile you knock me out

_E _F# _E-_C#
I fall apart…

A_ A_ _F# _E _C# A-B_A
And I thought I was so smart

E__ E___B__A_ B_ A__ B__ A___B-A
You will come of age with our young nation

E____ E__ E_ _C# _E _C#
We’ll bleed and fight for you

B____ A__B _C# _E _C#-B
We’ll make it right for you…

E_ E_ B A_ B__ A – B___E – B – A
If we lay a strong enough foundation

E____E_ E _C# _E _C#
We’ll pass it on to you

B____A_ B_ _C#__E _C#-B
We’ll give the world to you

_C#__E_ _F# _E _C# B-B-A
And you’ll blow us all away

E – B___ _C#-A
Someday, someday

_C#___E_ _F#__E _C# B-B-A
Yeah, you’ll blow us all away

E – B_____C#-A
Someday, someday…

A_ G#-G#_ G#_ G#_ A
Oh Philip, when you smile

G# F# E-F#
I am undone

E__F#_ F# _C# _D _E
My son, look at my son!

_F#__E _E__E__E_ _D _C#-B_A
Pride is not the word I’m looking for

A___ A_A__A___A__ A-A__C#-_D _C#
There is so much more inside me now

A_ G#-G#_G#_ G#-A_ G#__F#-E_ F#
Oh Philip, you outshine the morning sun

E__F#_ _C#__D__E_ E_A_B-_C#
My son, when you smile I fall apart

A_ F#__A__F#_A_ B_ _C#
And I thought I was so smart

A__ A-A__ A-G#_ E – A
My father wasn’t around

(_C# _C#-_C# _C#-B _E-_C#)
(My father wasn’t around)

A_ A__ A__A_G#_ E-A_ G#_E
I swear that I’ll be around for you

A_A__ A-A-G#_ E_A
I’ll do whatever it takes

_C# _C# _C# _C#-B _E-_C#
I’ll make a million mistakes

_C# _C# _C# _C#
I’ll make the world

B___ A_ _C# _D _E
Safe and sound for you

_C# _E _C# _E
Will come of age

_C# _E_ _C# _E-_C#
With our young nation

A___ A___A_ _C# _E _C#
We’ll bleed and fight for you

B____A__B__C# _E _C#
We’ll make it right for you

E_E _E _C# _E _C#-_E _C#-_E-_C#
If we lay a strong enough foundation

E____E_ E _C# _E _C#
We’ll pass it on to you

B___ A__B__C# _E _C#
We’ll give the world to you

_C# _E _F# _E _C# B-B-A
And you’ll blow us all away

E – B____C#-A
Someday, someday

_C#_ _E___F# _E _C# B-B A
Yeah, you’ll blow us all away

E – B___ _C# – A
Someday, someday…

Dear Theodosia – Hamilton Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

_Do#_ Si-La-Sol#-La_ Mi__Mi__Mi Si-_Do# Si
Dear Theodosia, what to say to you?

La___Do# _Mi _Do#
You have my eyes

_Do# _Do#_ Si__ La-_Mi__ _Do#
You have your mother’s name

La____ Si___Do#_La-La_ La_ La
When you came into the world

_Do#_Sol#__Mi_ Mi__Mi__ Si_ La-Fa#
You cried, and it broke my heart

_Do# Si-La-Sol#-La_Mi-Mi _Mi _Do# Si
I’m dedicating every day to you

La-_Do#-_Mi _Do# _Do# _Do#-Si La _Mi _Do#
Domestic life was never quite my style

La____ Si_ _Do#__Do# _Fa# _Mi _Fa#
When you smile you knock me out

_Mi _Fa# _Mi-_Do#
I fall apart…

La_ La_ _Fa# _Mi _Do# La-Si_La
And I thought I was so smart

Mi__ Mi___Si__La_ Si_ La__ Si__ La___Si-La
You will come of age with our young nation

Mi____ Mi__ Mi_ _Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll bleed and fight for you

Si____ La__Si _Do# _Mi _Do#-Si
We’ll make it right for you…

Mi_ Mi_ Si La_ Si__ La – Si___Mi – Si – La
If we lay a strong enough foundation

Mi____Mi_ Mi _Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll pass it on to you

Si____La_ Si_ _Do#__Mi _Do#-Si
We’ll give the world to you

_Do#__Mi_ _Fa# _Mi _Do# Si-Si-La
And you’ll blow us all away

Mi – Si___ _Do#-La
Someday, someday

_Do#___Mi_ _Fa#__Mi _Do# Si-Si-La
Yeah, you’ll blow us all away

Mi – Si_____Do#-La
Someday, someday…

La_ Sol#-Sol#_ Sol#_ Sol#_ La
Oh Philip, when you smile

Sol# Fa# Mi-Fa#
I am undone

Mi__Fa#_ Fa# _Do# _Re _Mi
My son, look at my son!

_Fa#__Mi _Mi__Mi__Mi_ _Re _Do#-Si_La
Pride is not the word I’m looking for

La___ La_La__La___La__ La-La__Do#-_Re _Do#
There is so much more inside me now

La_ Sol#-Sol#_Sol#_ Sol#-La_ Sol#__Fa#-Mi_ Fa#
Oh Philip, you outshine the morning sun

Mi__Fa#_ _Do#__Re__Mi_ Mi_La_Si-_Do#
My son, when you smile I fall apart

La_ Fa#__La__Fa#_La_ Si_ _Do#
And I thought I was so smart

La__ La-La__ La-Sol#_ Mi – La
My father wasn’t around

(_Do# _Do#-_Do# _Do#-Si _Mi-_Do#)
(My father wasn’t around)

La_ La__ La__La_Sol#_ Mi-La_ Sol#_Mi
I swear that I’ll be around for you

La_La__ La-La-Sol#_ Mi_La
I’ll do whatever it takes

_Do# _Do# _Do# _Do#-Si _Mi-_Do#
I’ll make a million mistakes

_Do# _Do# _Do# _Do#
I’ll make the world

Si___ La_ _Do# _Re _Mi
Safe and sound for you

_Do# _Mi _Do# _Mi
Will come of age

_Do# _Mi_ _Do# _Mi-_Do#
With our young nation

La___ La___La_ _Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll bleed and fight for you

Si____La__Si__Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll make it right for you

Mi_Mi _Mi _Do# _Mi _Do#-_Mi _Do#-_Mi-_Do#
If we lay a strong enough foundation

Mi____Mi_ Mi _Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll pass it on to you

Si___ La__Si__Do# _Mi _Do#
We’ll give the world to you

_Do# _Mi _Fa# _Mi _Do# Si-Si-La
And you’ll blow us all away

Mi – Si____Do#-La
Someday, someday

_Do#_ _Mi___Fa# _Mi _Do# Si-Si La
Yeah, you’ll blow us all away

Mi – Si___ _Do# – La
Someday, someday…


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