Fast Car – Tracy Chapman Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Fast Car – Tracy Chapman song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Fast Car – Tracy Chapman piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Fast Car – Tracy Chapman Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

F#_ F# F# F#-E E
You got a fast car

A__B_ B_ B-B_ G#_ G#-A-A
I want a ticket to anywhere…

F#-F#_ F#__ F#__E__E
Maybe we make a deal

A – B___ B-B-B___B__^C#_ A___A-A-B
Maybe together we can get somewhere…

^C#-^C# ^D_^C# B-A
Any_ place_ is_ better…

A_-_A_____B___B-B__ B___ A-A___A__A
Starting from zero, got nothing to lose

^C#-^C#_^D__^C#___ B – A

A_ ^C#_^E-^E_^C# ^C# ^E-^C#_ B_ A

F#_ F# F# F#-E E
You got a fast car…

A_ B_B_ B_G# G# G#_A_ A__B
I got a plan to get us out of here!

B__A___F#-F#_ F#_ F#___F#-E-E_____E
I been working at the convenience store,

A_-_B_____ B__ B__ B_^C# A-A_A_ A_ A-B
Managed to save just a little bit of money

^C#__ ^C#_^D_^C#_ B__A
Won’t have to drive too far

A______A___B___B-B__ B_ G#-G# A_ A-A
Just ‘cross the border and into the city

^C#_^D_^C#_B_ A__A__A
You and I can both get jobs

A__^C#-^E_^E_^C# ^C#_^E_^C#_B_ ^C#-BA
And finally see what it means to be living…

E___F#_ F#__F#__ F#_ F#_ F#-E
See my old man’s got a problem

E___ A____B___B___B-B____ B____B__ A_ A_ A
He lives with the bottle, that’s the way it is

A___ A__ A_ F#-F#_ F#_ A__F#__F#-E
He says his body’s too old for working

E___A-A____B___^C#__A__A__ A__ A
His body’s too young to look like his

A__^C#-^C# ^C#__B__A__ B__A
My mama went off and left him

A____A – B____ B____ B___ B___B___A___A____A
She wanted more from life than he could give

A_A_^C#-^C#-^C#_ ^E-^E_^C__ B__ A__A

A_ A__ B___ B____B____ B____ A__ A_ A
So I quit school and that’s what I did…

F#_ F# F# F#-E E
You got a fast car

E_E__A__ A – B___B__B__ B__A__A-A
Is it fast enough so we can fly away

F#_ F#-F#_ A__F#_ E-F#-E
We gotta make a decision

E_____A___ B – B__ B__ B_ ^C#_ A__A__ A
We leave tonight or live and die this way

^C# ^C#-^D-^C#__B__B__ A-B
So_ remember_ we were driving…

A – A__ G#__A__ A
Driving in your car

G#____A__ A__ A__G#_G#_ A__ A
Speed so fast, felt like I was drunk

A-A___A___ A__G#_ G#-A_ A
City lights lay out before us

E_____ E___ A__ A___A
And your arm felt nice

Wrapped ’round my shoulder…

A ^E-^F#-^C#-A
And I_ ~_ ~

A__ B_^C#-^D ^C#_B_A-^C#-B
Had a feeling that I belonged…

I__ ~___~

A__ B_^C#-^D ^C#_B__B__ A-A
Had a feeling I could be someone,

B____A – A____ B___ A – A
Be someone, be someone…

Fast Car – Tracy Chapman Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Fa#_ Fa# Fa# Fa#-Mi Mi
You got a fast car

La__Si_ Si_ Si-Si_ Sol#_ Sol#-La-La
I want a ticket to anywhere…

Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#__ Fa#__Mi__Mi
Maybe we make a deal

La – Si___ Si-Si-Si___Si__^Do#_ La___La-La-Si
Maybe together we can get somewhere…

^Do#-^Do# ^Re_^Do# Si-La
Any_ place_ is_ better…

La_-_La_____Si___Si-Si__ Si___ La-La___La__La
Starting from zero, got nothing to lose

^Do#-^Do#_^Re__^Do#___ Si – La

La_ ^Do#_^Mi-^Mi_^Do# ^Do# ^Mi-^Do#_ Si_ La

Fa#_ Fa# Fa# Fa#-Mi Mi
You got a fast car…

La_ Si_Si_ Si_Sol# Sol# Sol#_La_ La__Si
I got a plan to get us out of here!

Si__La___Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#_ Fa#___Fa#-Mi-Mi_____Mi
I been working at the convenience store,

La_-_Si_____ Si__ Si__ Si_^Do# La-La_La_ La_ La-Si
Managed to save just a little bit of money

^Do#__ ^Do#_^Re_^Do#_ Si__La
Won’t have to drive too far

La______La___Si___Si-Si__ Si_ Sol#-Sol# La_ La-La
Just ‘cross the border and into the city

^Do#_^Re_^Do#_Si_ La__La__La
You and I can both get jobs

La__^Do#-^Mi_^Mi_^Do# ^Do#_^Mi_^Do#_Si_ ^Do#-SiLa
And finally see what it means to be living…

Mi___Fa#_ Fa#__Fa#__ Fa#_ Fa#_ Fa#-Mi
See my old man’s got a problem

Mi___ La____Si___Si___Si-Si____ Si____Si__ La_ La_ La
He lives with the bottle, that’s the way it is

La___ La__ La_ Fa#-Fa#_ Fa#_ La__Fa#__Fa#-Mi
He says his body’s too old for working

Mi___La-La____Si___^Do#__La__La__ La__ La
His body’s too young to look like his

La__^Do#-^Do# ^Do#__Si__La__ Si__La
My mama went off and left him

La____La – Si____ Si____ Si___ Si___Si___La___La____La
She wanted more from life than he could give

La_La_^Do#-^Do#-^Do#_ ^Mi-^Mi_^Do__ Si__ La__La

La_ La__ Si___ Si____Si____ Si____ La__ La_ La
So I quit school and that’s what I did…

Fa#_ Fa# Fa# Fa#-Mi Mi
You got a fast car

Mi_Mi__La__ La – Si___Si__Si__ Si__La__La-La
Is it fast enough so we can fly away

Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#_ La__Fa#_ Mi-Fa#-Mi
We gotta make a decision

Mi_____La___ Si – Si__ Si__ Si_ ^Do#_ La__La__ La
We leave tonight or live and die this way

^Do# ^Do#-^Re-^Do#__Si__Si__ La-Si
So_ remember_ we were driving…

La – La__ Sol#__La__ La
Driving in your car

Sol#____La__ La__ La__Sol#_Sol#_ La__ La
Speed so fast, felt like I was drunk

La-La___La___ La__Sol#_ Sol#-La_ La
City lights lay out before us

Mi_____ Mi___ La__ La___La
And your arm felt nice

Wrapped ’round my shoulder…

La ^Mi-^Fa#-^Do#-La
And I_ ~_ ~

La__ Si_^Do#-^Re ^Do#_Si_La-^Do#-Si
Had a feeling that I belonged…

I__ ~___~

La__ Si_^Do#-^Re ^Do#_Si__Si__ La-La
Had a feeling I could be someone,

Si____La – La____ Si___ La – La
Be someone, be someone…


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