Fireflies – Owl City Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Fireflies – Owl City song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Fireflies – Owl City piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Fireflies – Owl City Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G___ ^D___ ^D_ ^C-^D__^C__G
You would not believe your eyes
G_ A__ A – G__A-^C-^D
If ten million fireflies
^E ^D ^C__G__ G_ G_^C_^C-A
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
G_____ ^D_ ^D_^C ^D-^C G
‘Cause they fill the open air
G_____A____ A – G_____ A-^C-^D
And leave teardrops everywhere
G______G__ ^E__^D
You’d think me rude
^C_ G__G__ ^E___^D___A__ ^C
But I would just stand and stare
E__ D__C___G___ E – D__ C – D
I’d like to make myself believe
.G____C-. B___ .A____.G__ .B-.A
That planet earth turns slowly
.G__ .A__.A__C__ C__ E__ D-C
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
.G___ .G-.A___ C___ D__ .A-.G
Stay awake when I’m asleep
.G______.A – C – C__ E__D-C_ .G_C__D
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
G____ ^D ^D ^C_ ^D-^C__ B
‘Cause I’d get a thousand hugs
G_____ A___ A – G_____ A-^C__ ^D
From ten thousand lightning bugs
G__ ^E__^D_ ^C__G__ ^E
As they tried to teach me
^D ^C A
How to dance
G ^D-^D_^C-^D_^C_ G
A foxtrot above my head
G__ A___ A___G – A__^C ^D
A sock hop beneath my bed
G_ G-^E ^D ^C_ G__G-^E
A disco ball is just hanging
By a thread
I’d like to make myself believe
G___ ^C – B___A____ G____B-A
That planet earth turns slowly
G___ A__ A_ ^C_ ^C_^E_^C-^C
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
G____ G-A____A__ ^C_ ^D-A
Stay awake when I’m asleep
G_____A-^C-^C__^E_^D-^C G ^C_^D
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
G__ ^E_ ^D_^C-A
When I fall asleep
G___ ^D__^C_ ^D-^C_^D_^C_A
Leave my door open just a crack
G______ A__ ^C__G-A__ ^C___G
Please take me away from here
G_ ^D ^D ^D^C ^D ^C G-^D-^E-^C
‘Cause I feel like such an insomniac
G_______F___A__G-^C__^D__ G
Please take me away from here
^D_ ^D ^C ^D-^C G ^D-^C_A
Why do I tire of counting sheep
G_______ A__^C__G-A__^C__ G
Please take me away from here
^C___^D ^D ^C ^D-^C G ^D ^E-^C
When I’m far too tired to fall asleep
G ^D ^D-^C ^D-^C-G
To ten million fireflies
G____A_____A___G__A__ ^C-^D
I’m weird cause I hate goodbyes
G ^E ^D-^C_G
I got misty eyes
^E_ ^D_ ^D__^C – A
As they said farewell
G__^D_ ^D___^C__ ^D-^C__ G
But I’ll know where several are
G_ A___ A____ G___A__ ^C-^D
If my dreams get real bizarre
G___ G__^E_^D_^D
‘Cause I saved a few
^C_G__G___^E_^D A ^C
And I keep them in a jar
^E_ ^D ^C ^G_^E-^D_ ^C-D
I’d like to make myself believe
G____ ^C-B___ A____ G____B-A
That planet earth turns slowly
G___ A__ A_ ^C_^C_^E_^D-^C
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
G____ G-A____A__^C_ ^D-A
Stay awake when I’m asleep
G______ A-^C-^C_^E_^D-^C G ^C_^D
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
G_ ^E_^D_^C-^C
When I fall asleep
E___D_ C__ G___E – D___C – D
I’d like to make myself believe
.G____C – .B___.A____.G___ .B-.A
That planet earth turns slowly
.G___.A__ .A__C__C__ E__D-C
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
Stay awake when I’m asleep
.G – .A___ C_____C
Because my dreams
E____ D – C__ .G__C___ D
Are bursting at the seams
Fireflies – Owl City Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol___ ^Re___ ^Re_ ^Do-^Re__^Do__Sol
You would not believe your eyes
Sol_ La__ La – Sol__La-^Do-^Re
If ten million fireflies
^Mi ^Re ^Do__Sol__ Sol_ Sol_^Do_^Do-La
Lit up the world as I fell asleep
Sol_____ ^Re_ ^Re_^Do ^Re-^Do Sol
‘Cause they fill the open air
Sol_____La____ La – Sol_____ La-^Do-^Re
And leave teardrops everywhere
Sol______Sol__ ^Mi__^Re
You’d think me rude
^Do_ Sol__Sol__ ^Mi___^Re___La__ ^Do
But I would just stand and stare
Mi__ Re__Do___Sol___ Mi – Re__ Do – Re
I’d like to make myself believe
.Sol____Do-. Si___ .La____.Sol__ .Si-.La
That planet earth turns slowly
.Sol__ .La__.La__Do__ Do__ Mi__ Re-Do
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
.Sol___ .Sol-.La___ Do___ Re__ .La-.Sol
Stay awake when I’m asleep
.Sol______.La – Do – Do__ Mi__Re-Do_ .Sol_Do__Re
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
Sol____ ^Re ^Re ^Do_ ^Re-^Do__ Si
‘Cause I’d get a thousand hugs
Sol_____ La___ La – Sol_____ La-^Do__ ^Re
From ten thousand lightning bugs
Sol__ ^Mi__^Re_ ^Do__Sol__ ^Mi
As they tried to teach me
^Re ^Do La
How to dance
Sol ^Re-^Re_^Do-^Re_^Do_ Sol
A foxtrot above my head
Sol__ La___ La___Sol – La__^Do ^Re
A sock hop beneath my bed
Sol_ Sol-^Mi ^Re ^Do_ Sol__Sol-^Mi
A disco ball is just hanging
By a thread
I’d like to make myself believe
Sol___ ^Do – Si___La____ Sol____Si-La
That planet earth turns slowly
Sol___ La__ La_ ^Do_ ^Do_^Mi_^Do-^Do
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
Sol____ Sol-La____La__ ^Do_ ^Re-La
Stay awake when I’m asleep
Sol_____La-^Do-^Do__^Mi_^Re-^Do Sol ^Do_^Re
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
Sol__ ^Mi_ ^Re_^Do-La
When I fall asleep
Sol___ ^Re__^Do_ ^Re-^Do_^Re_^Do_La
Leave my door open just a crack
Sol______ La__ ^Do__Sol-La__ ^Do___Sol
Please take me away from here
Sol_ ^Re ^Re ^Re^Do ^Re ^Do Sol-^Re-^Mi-^Do
‘Cause I feel like such an insomniac
Sol_______Fa___La__Sol-^Do__^Re__ Sol
Please take me away from here
^Re_ ^Re ^Do ^Re-^Do Sol ^Re-^Do_La
Why do I tire of counting sheep
Sol_______ La__^Do__Sol-La__^Do__ Sol
Please take me away from here
^Do___^Re ^Re ^Do ^Re-^Do Sol ^Re ^Mi-^Do
When I’m far too tired to fall asleep
Sol ^Re ^Re-^Do ^Re-^Do-Sol
To ten million fireflies
Sol____La_____La___Sol__La__ ^Do-^Re
I’m weird cause I hate goodbyes
Sol ^Mi ^Re-^Do_Sol
I got misty eyes
^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Re__^Do – La
As they said farewell
Sol__^Re_ ^Re___^Do__ ^Re-^Do__ Sol
But I’ll know where several are
Sol_ La___ La____ Sol___La__ ^Do-^Re
If my dreams get real bizarre
Sol___ Sol__^Mi_^Re_^Re
‘Cause I saved a few
^Do_Sol__Sol___^Mi_^Re La ^Do
And I keep them in a jar
^Mi_ ^Re ^Do ^Sol_^Mi-^Re_ ^Do-Re
I’d like to make myself believe
Sol____ ^Do-Si___ La____ Sol____Si-La
That planet earth turns slowly
Sol___ La__ La_ ^Do_^Do_^Mi_^Re-^Do
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
Sol____ Sol-La____La__^Do_ ^Re-La
Stay awake when I’m asleep
Sol______ La-^Do-^Do_^Mi_^Re-^Do Sol ^Do_^Re
‘Cause everything is never as it seems
Sol_ ^Mi_^Re_^Do-^Do
When I fall asleep
Mi___Re_ Do__ Sol___Mi – Re___Do – Re
I’d like to make myself believe
.Sol____Do – .Si___.La____.Sol___ .Si-.La
That planet earth turns slowly
.Sol___.La__ .La__Do__Do__ Mi__Re-Do
It’s hard to say that I’d rather
Stay awake when I’m asleep
.Sol – .La___ Do_____Do
Because my dreams
Mi____ Re – Do__ .Sol__Do___ Re
Are bursting at the seams