For Good– Wicked Easy Letter Notes

For Good– Wicked song letter notes for piano For Good– Wicked ABC and do re mi version.

For Good Letter Notes ABC easy notes

D_ E_ G .A
I’ve heard it said

.A_ .A-.G_ .G_ E-E .G_E
That people come into our lives

E G G-.G
For a reason

.A – .G_ .G – C_ C_ D_ D
Bringing something we must learn

D_ E_G_.A .A .A
And we are led to those

.G_ .G_E_ E_.G_ E
Who help us most to grow

If we let them

.A_ C_ E_ D_ D C-D
And we help them in return

C_ E_G_ G_ A
Well, I don’t know if

C E – E_ D_ C
I believe that’s true

C_C C_D_D C D D#-D#
But I know I’m who I am today

.A – C_ D#_F_F
Because I knew you

D_ F G-G_ G__G_ G-C
Like a comet pulled from orbit

C D E-D_C .G
As it passes the sun

For Good Letter Notes Do Re Mi easy notes

Re__Mi_ Sol_.La
I’ve heard it said

.La__ .La-.Sol_ .Sol_ Mi-Mi_.Sol_ Mi
That people come into our lives

For a reason

.La – .Sol__ .Sol – Do__Do_ Re__Re
Bringing something we must learn

Re_ Mi_ Sol_ .La .La .La
And we are led to those

.Sol__ .Sol_ Mi_ Mi_ .Sol_ Mi
Who help us most to grow

Fa_Mi_Re_ Do
If we let them

.La_ Do_ Mi__Re_ Re_Do-Re
And we help them in return

Do__Mi_ Sol_ Sol_ La
Well, I don’t know if

Do_Mi – Mi_ Re__Do
I believe that’s true

Do_ Do_Do_ Re_ Re_Do Re Re#-Re#
But I know I’m who I am today

.La – Do_ Re#_ Fa_ Fa
Because I knew you

Re_ Fa_Sol-Sol_ Sol__ Sol_ Sol-Do
Like a comet pulled from orbit

Do Re_Mi-Re_ Do_.Sol
As it passes the sun

Do_ Mi_ Sol__Sol__Sol_ Sol_ Sol-Do
Like a stream that meets a boulder

Do – Re___Re__ Mi_ Re-Do
Halfway through the wood

Mi__ Sol_ La_Sol Mi_ Do___Fa
Who can say if I’ve been changed

Fa__Mi_ Re-Do
For the better

Do_ .Si – Do_ Sol_ Sol_ Do
But because I knew you

Do_ Sol_ Do___ Mi__ Re_ Do
I have been changed for good

Re_Mi_ Sol_.La
It well may be

.La__.La_.Sol_.Sol-Mi_ Mi_ .Sol-Mi
That we will never meet again

Mi_ Sol_ Sol-.La
In this lifetime

.La_.La .Sol .Sol_ Do – Do_Re_Re
So, let me say before we part:

Re_ Mi_ Sol .La
So much of me

.La_ .La_.Sol_.Sol_Mi_ Mi___.Sol_ Mi
Is made of what I learned from you

Fa__ Mi_ Re_ Do
You’ll be with me

.La_ Do_ Mi – Re__ Re_Do_ Re
Like a handprint on my heart

Do__ Mi__Sol-Sol-La_ Do
And now whatever way

Mi__ Mi – Re_ Do
Our stories end

Do_ Do_ Re_ Re_ Do-Re-Re#_ Re#
I know you have rewritten mine

.Sib Do-Re#_Fa_ Fa
By being my friend

Re_ Fa_Sol_ Sol__ Sol_ Sol_ Sol – Do
Like a ship blown from its mooring

Do Re_Mi_ Re_Do_.Sol
By a wind off the sea

Do_ Mi_ Sol__ Sol__Sol Sol Mi-Re Do
Like a seed dropped by a sky bird

Do Re_Re-Mi_Re-Do
In a distant wood

Mi__ Sol_La_ Sol Mi-Re_ Do_ Fa
Who can say if I’ve been changed

Fa_ Mi_ Re-Do
For the better

Do__ .Si – Do_Sol_ Sol_ Do
But because I knew you…

.Si – Do_ Sol_ Sol__Do
Because I knew you…

Do Sol_ Do___Mi__ Re_ Do
I have been changed for good


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