Film MusicLetter Notes

Gaston – Beauty and the Beast Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Gaston – Beauty and the Beast song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Gaston – Beauty and the Beast piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Gaston – Beauty and the Beast Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

A_ A_ A-A_ B ^C_B F#_F#-F#
Gosh, it disturbs me to see you Gaston

B – B_ B_ B_^C_B_ E
Looking so down in the dumps

A – A_A_ A_ B_^C B_F#_F#-F#
Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston

B-B_ B_ B-^C_B_ A
Even when taking your lumps

G__ ^C_^C ^C_^C
There’s no man in town’s

^D ^E-^D-A A A
As admired as you

A_ ^D-^D-^D_^D-^E-^D_G
You’re everyone’s favorite guy

^C-^C-^C_ ^C_^D_^E-^D-A A A
Everyone’s awed and inspired by you

B ^C ^D A-B ^C ^D ^E ^D-^E-^D
And it’s not very hard to see why ~ ~

G_ G#_A_ E_E-E
No one’s slick as Gaston

A_A__A_.B_ .B-.B
No one’s quick as Gaston

D_ E_ F
No one’s neck’s

G_A-B-^C-^D ^D ^C B-^C
As incredibly thick as Gaston’s

B_ ^C_ ^D ^C B ^C_B_A ^C-F
For there’s no man in town half as manly

^C – F_^C_B_ F-B-A-B-A
Perfect! A pure paragon ~

G_G#_A_G-E_ A_G_E_ A-C
You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley

C__ D_ D#_D_C_ D#
And they’ll tell you whose team

D__C-D#_D C G
They’d prefer to be on!

G_G#_ A_ E_ E-E
No one’s been like Gaston

A king pin like Gaston

D_ E_ F_G_ A
No one’s got a swell

B_^C ^D ^D ^C_B-^C
Cleft in his chin like Gaston!

B ^C ^D-^C-B ^C
As a specimen, yes,

B ^C-^E-^D-G#-A
I’m intimidating!

^C_G_F# F_^D_ B-^C
My what a guy, that Gaston!

G__G_ G-G
Give five “hurrahs!”

G__ G#_ G#-G#
Give twelve “hip-hips!”

G#-A_A A_Bb
Gaston is the best

Bb_Bb B ^C ^C# ^D
And the rest is all drips!

G_G#_A_E_ E-E
No one fights like Gaston

G – G#_ A_ .B_.B-.B
Douses lights like Gaston

D E_E-F-G_ A
In a wrestling match

B-^C-^D ^D ^C_ B-^C
Nobody bites like Gaston!

B_^C_ ^D_^C
For there’s no one

B_^C-B_ A_ ^C-E
As burly and brawny

^C ^C ^C F ^C_B – F_B A-B-A
As you see I’ve got biceps to spare ~

G G# A G_E_A – G_ E_ A – C
Not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny

D_ D#-D_C_ D#_D_C
And every last inch of me’s

D# – D_ C_G
Covered with hair!

No one hits like Gaston

G – G#_ A_.B_.B-.B
Matches wits like Gaston

D E_ F-G_ A
In a spitting match

B-^C-^D ^D ^C_B-^C
Nobody spits like Gaston!

B ^C-^D-^C-B ^C
I’m especially good

B ^C-^E-^D-G#-A
At expectorating…


F#_ F_^D_ B-^C
Ten points for Gaston!

E_ E_E_E_E
When I was a lad,

G# B_A_ E-E_E
I ate four dozen eggs

C-C_ D – D_D_D_ F#_A_ G
Every morning to help me get large

G_ G_ G_G_ G
And now that I’m grown,

B ^D ^C_A-A_A
I eat five dozen eggs

A_ B_^C-A_ B_ ^C A ^C ^D
So I’m roughly the size of a barge!

G_G#_ A_ E_ E-E
No one shoots like Gaston

G__ G#_ A_ .B_ .B-.B
Makes those beauts like Gaston

D__E__ F-G__ A-B
Then goes tromping around

Wearing boots like Gaston

B ^C ^D-^C B ^C
I use antlers in all

B ^C ^E-^D-G#-A
Of my decorating!

^C_G_G_ G_ G-^C
My what a guy, Gaston!

Gaston – Beauty and the Beast Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

La_ La_ La-La_ Si ^Do_ Si_Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#
Gosh, it disturbs me to see you Gaston

Si – Si_ Si_ Si_ ^Do_ Si_Mi
Looking so down in the dumps

La – La__La_ La_Si_ ^Do_Si_ Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#
Every guy here’d love to be you, Gaston

Si-Si_ Si_ Si-^Do__Si_La
Even when taking your lumps

Sol__ ^Do_ ^Do_^Do_ ^Do
There’s no man in town’s

^Re ^Mi-^Re-La La La
As admired as you

La_ ^Re-^Re-^Re_ ^Re-^Mi-^Re_ Sol
You’re everyone’s favorite guy

^Do-^Do-^Do_ ^Do_ ^Re_ ^Mi-^Re-La_La_La
Everyone’s awed and inspired by you

Si_^Do_^Re_La-Si_^Do ^Re ^Mi ^Re-^Mi-^Re
And it’s not very hard to see why_~_~

Sol_Sol#__La_ Mi__Mi-Mi
No one’s slick as Gaston

La__La__La__.Si_ .Si-.Si
No one’s quick as Gaston

Re_ Mi_ Fa
No one’s neck’s

Sol_ La-Si-^Do-^Re ^Re ^Do_Si-^Do
As incredibly thick as Gaston’s

Si_ ^Do_ ^Re_^Do_Si_^Do_ Si_ La_^Do-Fa
For there’s no man in town half as manly

^Do – Fa_ ^Do_ Si_ Fa-Si-La-Si-La
Perfect! A pure paragon_~

Sol__Sol#_ La_ Sol-Mi_ La__Sol__Mi_ La-Do
You can ask any Tom, Dick, or Stanley

Do__ Re_ Re#__Re__Do_Re#
And they’ll tell you whose team

Re__ Do-Re#_ Re_Do_Sol
They’d prefer to be on!

Sol__Sol#_La_ Mi_ Mi-Mi
No one’s been like Gaston

Sol_ Sol#_ La_ .Si_ .Si-.Si
A king pin like Gaston

Re_Mi_Fa_ Sol_ La
No one’s got a swell

Si__^Do ^Re ^Re_^Do_ Si-^Do
Cleft in his chin like Gaston!

Si ^Do ^Re-^Do-Si ^Do
As a specimen, yes,

I’m intimidating!

^Do_ Sol_ Fa#_Fa__^Re_ Si-^Do
My what a guy, that Gaston!

Sol__Sol_ Sol-Sol
Give five “hurrahs!”

Sol__ Sol#_ Sol#-Sol#
Give twelve “hip-hips!”

Sol#-La__La_La_ Sib
Gaston is the best

Sib_ Sib_Si_^Do ^Do# ^Re
And the rest is all drips!

Sol__Sol#__La__Mi_ Mi-Mi
No one fights like Gaston

Sol – Sol#_ La_.Si__.Si-.Si
Douses lights like Gaston

In a wrestling match

Si-^Do-^Re_^Re_^Do_ Si-^Do
Nobody bites like Gaston!

Si__^Do_ ^Re_ ^Do
For there’s no one

Si_ ^Do-Si_ La_ ^Do-Mi
As burly and brawny

^Do_^Do ^Do Fa_^Do__Si – Fa_ Si_La-Si-La
As you see I’ve got biceps to spare ~

Sol_Sol#_La_Sol_ Mi__La – Sol_Mi_ La – Do
Not a bit of him’s scraggly or scrawny

Re_ Re#-Re_ Do_ Re#_ Re_ Do
And every last inch of me’s

Re# – Re_ Do__Sol
Covered with hair!

Sol__Sol#_ La__Mi__Mi-Mi
No one hits like Gaston

Sol – Sol#_ La__.Si__.Si-.Si
Matches wits like Gaston

Re_Mi_ Fa-Sol_ La
In a spitting match

Si-^Do-^Re_^Re_^Do_ Si-^Do
Nobody spits like Gaston!

Si_^Do-^Re-^Do-Si ^Do
I’m especially good

At expectorating…


Ten points for Gaston!

Mi_ Mi_ Mi_ Mi_ Mi
When I was a lad,

Sol# Si_ La_ Mi-Mi__Mi
I ate four dozen eggs

Do-Do_ Re – Re__Re_ Re_ Fa#_ La_ Sol
Every morning to help me get large

Sol_ Sol_Sol__Sol_Sol
And now that I’m grown,

Si ^Re ^Do_ La-La_ La
I eat five dozen eggs

La_ Si_ ^Do-La_Si_ ^Do_La ^Do ^Re
So I’m roughly the size of a barge!

Sol__Sol#_La_ Mi_ Mi-Mi
No one shoots like Gaston

Sol__ Sol#_ La_.Si_.Si-.Si
Makes those beauts like Gaston

Re__ Mi__ Fa-Sol__ La-Si
Then goes tromping around

^Do-^Re__^Re_ ^Do_ Si-^Do
Wearing boots like Gaston

Si ^Do ^Re-^Do Si ^Do
I use antlers in all

Si ^Do ^Mi-^Re-Sol#-La
Of my decorating!

^Do__Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Sol-^Do
My what a guy, Gaston!

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