Havana – Camila Cabello Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Havana – Camila Cabello song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Havana – Camila Cabello piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Havana – Camila Cabello Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G – B – B__G__ G – E
Havana, ooh na-na
B____A__B__ ^C__B A
Half of my heart is in
G – B – B__G__ G – E
Havana, ooh-na-na
B____A___B__ ^C__B__A
He took me back to East
G – B – B_ G_ G_ E
Atlanta, na na na
B____A__ B__ ^C__B_A_ G-B-G
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
B_________ A – B______ A__ G____B-F#
There’s somethin’ ’bout his manners
G-F#-G__F#_ G – E
Havana, ooh na-na
B_ ^E-^E_ ^E__ B___B___ B____^C__ B__A-B
He didn’t walk up with that “how you doin’?”
____B___ A___ B__ A__G___E
(When he came in the room)
B___^E___^E__^E_B__B__B ^C_B__A__B
He said there’s a lot of girls I can do with
__ B_ A__B___ A – G___ E
(But I can’t without you)
B ^E_^E_^E-^E-^F# ^G ^F# ^E ^F#
I knew him forever in a minute
___ B____A – B____A___G__ E
(That summer night in June)
B__ ^E-^E_^E__B__B_ ^C-B_A_ B
And papa says he got malo in him
B___A__ B__ E-E___ E
He got me feelin’ like
^D-^E ^D-^E-^B-^A-^G ^A-^F#
Ooh_~__ooh__ ~___~_____ ooh ~
^D^D ^D ^D ^D ^E_ B
I knew it when I met him
B__A____B___ A__ G_ B__ F#
I loved him when I left him
B___A__ B__ E-E___ E
He got me feelin’ like
^D-^E ^D-^E-^B-^A-^G ^A-^F#
Ooh_~__ooh__ ~___~_____ ooh ~
^D_ ^D ^D ^D ^D ^E_ B
And then I had to tell him
^E B B ^G-^F#
I had to go_~
^E ^E-^E-^E-^E-^E
Oh na-na-na-na-na
G – B – B__G__ G – E
Havana, ooh na-na
B____A__B__ ^C__B A
Half of my heart is in
G – B – B__G__ G – E
Havana, ooh-na-na
B____A___B__ ^C__B__A
He took me back to East
G – B – B_ G_ G_ E
Atlanta, na na na
B____A__ B__ ^C__B_A_ G-B-G
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
B_________ A – B______ A__ G____B-F#
There’s somethin’ ’bout his manners
G-F#-G__F#_ G – E
Havana, ooh na-na
Havana – Camila Cabello Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol – Si – Si__Sol__ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh na-na
Si____La__Si__ ^Do__Si La
Half of my heart is in
Sol – Si – Si__Sol__ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh-na-na
Si____La___Si__ ^Do__Si__La
He took me back to East
Sol – Si – Si_ Sol_ Sol_ Mi
Atlanta, na na na
Si____La__ Si__ ^Do__Si_La_ Sol-Si-Sol
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
Si_________ La – Si______ La__ Sol____Si-Fa#
There’s somethin’ ’bout his manners
Sol-Fa#-Sol__Fa#_ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh na-na
Si_ ^Mi-^Mi_ ^Mi__ Si___Si___ Si____^Do__ Si__La-Si
He didn’t walk up with that “how you doin’?”
____Si___ La___ Si__ La__Sol___Mi
(When he came in the room)
Si___^Mi___^Mi__^Mi_Si__Si__Si ^Do_Si__La__Si
He said there’s a lot of girls I can do with
__ Si_ La__Si___ La – Sol___ Mi
(But I can’t without you)
Si ^Mi_^Mi_^Mi-^Mi-^Fa# ^Sol ^Fa# ^Mi ^Fa#
I knew him forever in a minute
___ Si____La – Si____La___Sol__ Mi
(That summer night in June)
Si__ ^Mi-^Mi_^Mi__Si__Si_ ^Do-Si_La_ Si
And papa says he got malo in him
Si___La__ Si__ Mi-Mi___ Mi
He got me feelin’ like
^Re-^Mi ^Re-^Mi-^Si-^La-^Sol ^La-^Fa#
Ooh_~__ooh__ ~___~_____ ooh ~
^Re^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Mi_ Si
I knew it when I met him
Si__La____Si___ La__ Sol_ Si__ Fa#
I loved him when I left him
Si___La__ Si__ Mi-Mi___ Mi
He got me feelin’ like
^Re-^Mi ^Re-^Mi-^Si-^La-^Sol ^La-^Fa#
Ooh_~__ooh__ ~___~_____ ooh ~
^Re_ ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Mi_ Si
And then I had to tell him
^Mi Si Si ^Sol-^Fa#
I had to go_~
^Mi ^Mi-^Mi-^Mi-^Mi-^Mi
Oh na-na-na-na-na
Sol – Si – Si__Sol__ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh na-na
Si____La__Si__ ^Do__Si La
Half of my heart is in
Sol – Si – Si__Sol__ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh-na-na
Si____La___Si__ ^Do__Si__La
He took me back to East
Sol – Si – Si_ Sol_ Sol_ Mi
Atlanta, na na na
Si____La__ Si__ ^Do__Si_La_ Sol-Si-Sol
Oh, but my heart is in Havana
Si_________ La – Si______ La__ Sol____Si-Fa#
There’s somethin’ ’bout his manners
Sol-Fa#-Sol__Fa#_ Sol – Mi
Havana, ooh na-na