I Just Can’t Wait To Be King – The Lion King (Disney) Easy Letter Notes

I Just Can’t Wait To Be King – The Lion King song letter notes for piano I Just Can’t Wait To Be King – The Lion King ABC and do re mi version.

I Just Can’t Wait To Be King Letter Notes ABC easy notes

C_ C-C_ D_F_A-G_ F
I’m gonna be a mighty king

C_ D-F-F_ G – F
So enemies beware

C__ C_ D-F_ F_ F_G# G_F
Well I’ve never seen a king of beasts

F__ G# G# G#-G F
With quite so little hair

C_ C – C_D_F__A_ G-F
I’m gonna be the main event

C_ D_ F_ F_ G – F
Like no king was before

D_ D – F_ F_ D_G#-G_ F
I’m brushing up on looking down

F__A – F_ F_F_ F
I’m working on my roar

C__ D_F_F-F_ F-F-A-F__G
Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing

D_F G# G-F ^C G F_ F
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

D – F__F – F_ G_ F
No-one saying “do this”

D – F__F – F__A_ G
No-one saying “be there”

D – F__F – F__ A_ G
No-one saying “stop that”

D – F__F – F__Bb_ A
No-one saying “see here”

D__F_ F_D – F_A-F G
Free to run around all day

G# G# G F G G-F F
Free to do it all my way

C_C_ C_ F__F_ A_ G F
I think it’s time that you and I

F – A__G_ F_ G_ F
Arranged a heart to heart

D___ F__ F_ D – F
Kings don’t need advice

G__ F-G__A – A_ A_G_F
From little horn-bills for a start

C_F_F_ F__ F_ G-F-F_ G_ A – A
If this is where the monarchy is headed

A___G_ F
Count me out!

F_ F_ D – F_ F_D F-F-F
Out of service, out of Africa

F_ A – A__A_ G-F
I wouldn’t hang about

C__ F_ F_ F – F_ F – F_ A_F_ G
This child is getting wildly out of wing

D_ F G# G-F ^C G F_ F
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

E-G-G-G__A_ G
Everybody look left

E-G-G-G__ B_ A
Everybody look right

E – G – G__ G_ B_ A
Everywhere you look I’m

G – G_ G_G_ ^C – B
Standin’ in the spotlight

D_ E-G_ G – G
Let every creature

G_ G__B_ G_ A
Go for broke and sing

D__ E_G G G_G
Let’s hear it in the herd

G_ B_ G_ A
And on the wing

D_ E-G_ G_ G_ G-G
It’s gonna be King Simba’s

B – G_ A
Finest fling…

E_G Bb A-G_ A_ A G_ G
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

E_G Bb A-G_ A_ A G_ G
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

E_G Bb A-G_ A_ A G_ G
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

I Just Can’t Wait To Be King Letter Notes Do Re Mi easy notes

Do_ Do-Do_Re Fa La-Sol_ Fa
I’m gonna be a mighty king

Do_ Re-Fa-Fa_Sol – Fa
So enemies beware

Do_ Do_ Re-Fa_ Fa_Fa Sol# Sol Fa
Well I’ve never seen a king of beasts

Fa__Sol# Sol# Sol#-Sol Fa
With quite so little hair

Do_Do – Do Re Fa_ La_ Sol-Fa
I’m gonna be the main event

Do_ Re_ Fa_ Fa_Sol – Fa
Like no king was before

Re_ Re – Fa_ Fa_Re Sol#-Sol_ Fa
I’m brushing up on looking down

Fa_ La – Fa_ Fa Fa_ Fa
I’m working on my roar

Do_ Re Fa Fa-Fa_ Fa-Fa-La-Fa_ Sol
Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing

Re Fa Sol# Sol-Fa ^Do Sol Fa_Fa
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

Re – Fa_ Fa – Fa_ Sol_Fa
No-one saying “do this”

Re – Fa_ Fa – Fa_ La_Sol
No-one saying “be there”

Re – Fa_ Fa – Fa_ La_ Sol
No-one saying “stop that”

Re – Fa_ Fa – Fa_ Sib_La
No-one saying “see here”

Re_ Fa_Fa Re – Fa La-Fa Sol
Free to run around all day

Sol# Sol# Sol Fa Sol Sol-Fa Fa
Free to do it all my way

Do Do_Do_ Fa_ Fa_ La_Sol Fa
I think it’s time that you and I

Fa – La_ Sol_ Fa_ Sol_ Fa
Arranged a heart to heart

Re__ Fa__Fa_ Re – Fa
Kings don’t need advice

Sol_ Fa-Sol_ La – La_ La Sol Fa
From little horn-bills for a start

Do Fa Fa_ Fa_ Fa_ Sol-Fa-Fa_Sol_La – La
If this is where the monarchy is headed

La__ Sol_ Fa
Count me out!

Fa_ Fa_ Re – Fa_Fa Re Fa-Fa-Fa
Out of service, out of Africa

Fa_La – La_ La_ Sol-Fa
I wouldn’t hang about

Do_ Fa_ Fa_Fa – Fa_ Fa – Fa_La Fa_Sol
This child is getting wildly out of wing

Re_Fa Sol# Sol-Fa ^Do Sol Fa_Fa
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

Mi-Sol-Sol-Sol_ La_ Sol
Everybody look left

Mi-Sol-Sol-Sol_ Si_ La
Everybody look right

Mi – Sol – Sol__ Sol_ Si_ La
Everywhere you look I’m

Sol – Sol_ Sol Sol_^Do – Si
Standin’ in the spotlight

Re_ Mi-Sol_Sol – Sol
Let every creature

Sol_Sol_ Si_ Sol_ La
Go for broke and sing

Re__ Mi Sol Sol Sol Sol
Let’s hear it in the herd

Sol_ Si_Sol_ La
And on the wing

Re_ Mi-Sol_Sol_ Sol_Sol-Sol
It’s gonna be King Simba’s

Si – Sol_ La
Finest fling…

Mi Sol Sib La-Sol_La_La Sol_Sol
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

Mi Sol Sib La-Sol_La_La Sol_Sol
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!

Mi Sol Sib La-Sol_La_La Sol_Sol
Oh, I just can’t wait to be king


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