I Won’t Say I’m In Love – Hercules Easy Letter Notes
I Won’t Say I’m In Love – Hercules song letter notes for piano I Won’t Say I’m In Love – Hercules ABC and do re mi version.
I Won’t Say I’m In Love – Hercules Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
E__E__ F__G__F__ E – F__ E – D
If there’s a prize for rotten judgement
D_ D_ D__D-C-D_ .A_ .G
I guess I’ve already won that
E__ E_ F__G__ F__ E-F-E-D
No man is worth the aggravation
.A___.A – .B_ .A-.G-.G
That’s ancient history,
C____.B___ C__ D
Been there, done that…
D____ E___E___ C___D – E
Who’d you think you’re kidding?
D___E__ E__ C__ G – F_ E_D
He’s the earth and heaven to you
D_ E_ E_ C_ D – E
Try to keep it hidden
D – E__E__C_ G__ F___ E___ D
Honey we can see right through you
G__ A__ A__F – G_ A
Girl you can’t conceal it
G___A___A__ G__ ^C-B
We know how you’re feeling
A___G__A – F_ G-A
Who you thinking of…
Ooh_~_ ~
^C__ B__ G__E
No chance no way
C_ D_ E_ F_G_C
I won’t say it, no no
^C___B___G__ E
You swoon, you sigh
C__ D-E_F_G E-C
Why deny it, oh oh ~
^C_ B_ G-E
It’s too cliche
C_ D__E_ F_G D-C
I won’t say I’m in love…
E__ E___ F__ G__ F___ E__ F__ E-D
I thought my heart had learned its lesson
D_ D_ E__D___ C__ D_ .A__.G
It feels so good when you start out
E__ E__ F__ G – F
My head is screaming
E__ F_ E__D
“Get a grip girl…
.A – .A__ .B__.A-.G_.G
Unless you’re dying to
C__ .B__ C___D
Cry your heart out!”
D__ E__E_ C-E_ D
Girl you can’t deny it
D___ E__E_ C__ G___ F___E-D
Who you are and how you’re feeling
D-E__ E__ C__D-E
Baby we’re not buying
D__ F__ F__C_ G_ F__E-D
Hon we saw you hit the ceiling
G__ A_ A_F_ G – A
Face it like a grown-up
G____ A__A-G_ ^C_ B
When you gonna own up
A___ G_ A_ D_C
That you got, got it
A_ E G-A
Got it bad ~
^C__ B__ G__E
No chance no way
C_ D__E_ F_G_C
I won’t say it, no no
^C_ B__G_ E
Give up, give in
C____ D__E___ F__G__C
Check the grin, you’re in love
^C__ B___ G__ E
This scene won’t play
C_ D__E__F_G_ G
I won’t say I’m in love…
^C___ B-G__E
You’re doing flips
C___ D_ E___F_ G_ B-G
Read our lips, you’re in love
^C____B_ G__E_C_ D__E_ G
You’re way off base I won’t say it
^C_ B_ G_ E_ C_D_A-G G-A
Get off my case I won’t say it…
^C__ B_ G__ E
Girl don’t be proud
C_ D-E__F_ G_ E-D-C
It’s okay you’re in love ~
^C_ B_ A_ E
At least out loud
C_ D_ E_ F_ G_D-E-D-C
I won’t say I’m in love…
I Won’t Say I’m In Love – Hercules Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Mi__Mi__ Fa__Sol__Fa__ Mi – Fa__ Mi – Re
If there’s a prize for rotten judgement
Re_ Re_ Re__Re-Do-Re_ .La_ .Sol
I guess I’ve already won that
Mi__ Mi_ Fa__Sol__ Fa__ Mi-Fa-Mi-Re
No man is worth the aggravation
.La___.La – .Si_ .La-.Sol-.Sol
That’s ancient history,
Do____.Si___ Do__ Re
Been there, done that…
Re____ Mi___Mi___ Do___Re – Mi
Who’d you think you’re kidding?
Re___Mi__ Mi__ Do__ Sol – Fa_ Mi_Re
He’s the earth and heaven to you
Re_ Mi_ Mi_ Do_ Re – Mi
Try to keep it hidden
Re – Mi__Mi__Do_ Sol__ Fa___ Mi___ Re
Honey we can see right through you
Sol__ La__ La__Fa – Sol_ La
Girl you can’t conceal it
Sol___La___La__ Sol__ ^Do-Si
We know how you’re feeling
La___Sol__La – Fa_ Sol-La
Who you thinking of…
Ooh_~_ ~
^Do__ Si__ Sol__Mi
No chance no way
Do_ Re_ Mi_ Fa_Sol_Do
I won’t say it, no no
^Do___Si___Sol__ Mi
You swoon, you sigh
Do__ Re-Mi_Fa_Sol Mi-Do
Why deny it, oh oh ~
^Do_ Si_ Sol-Mi
It’s too cliche
Do_ Re__Mi_ Fa_Sol Re-Do
I won’t say I’m in love…
Mi__ Mi___ Fa__ Sol__ Fa___ Mi__ Fa__ Mi-Re
I thought my heart had learned its lesson
Re_ Re_ Mi__Re___ Do__ Re_ .La__.Sol
It feels so good when you start out
Mi__ Mi__ Fa__ Sol – Fa
My head is screaming
Mi__ Fa_ Mi__Re
“Get a grip girl…
.La – .La__ .Si__.La-.Sol_.Sol
Unless you’re dying to
Do__ .Si__ Do___Re
Cry your heart out!”
Re__ Mi__Mi_ Do-Mi_ Re
Girl you can’t deny it
Re___ Mi__Mi_ Do__ Sol___ Fa___Mi-Re
Who you are and how you’re feeling
Re-Mi__ Mi__ Do__Re-Mi
Baby we’re not buying
Re__ Fa__ Fa__Do_ Sol_ Fa__Mi-Re
Hon we saw you hit the ceiling
Sol__ La_ La_Fa_ Sol – La
Face it like a grown-up
Sol____ La__La-Sol_ ^Do_ Si
When you gonna own up
La___ Sol_ La_ Re_Do
That you got, got it
La_ Mi Sol-La
Got it bad ~
^Do__ Si__ Sol__Mi
No chance no way
Do_ Re__Mi_ Fa_Sol_Do
I won’t say it, no no
^Do_ Si__Sol_ Mi
Give up, give in
Do____ Re__Mi___ Fa__Sol__Do
Check the grin, you’re in love
^Do__ Si___ Sol__ Mi
This scene won’t play
Do_ Re__Mi__Fa_Sol_ Sol
I won’t say I’m in love…
^Do___ Si-Sol__Mi
You’re doing flips
Do___ Re_ Mi___Fa_ Sol_ Si-Sol
Read our lips, you’re in love
^Do____Si_ Sol__Mi_Do_ Re__Mi_ Sol
You’re way off base I won’t say it
^Do_ Si_ Sol_ Mi_ Do_Re_La-Sol Sol-La
Get off my case I won’t say it…
^Do__ Si_ Sol__ Mi
Girl don’t be proud
Do_ Re-Mi__Fa_ Sol_ Mi-Re-Do
It’s okay you’re in love ~
^Do_ Si_ La_ Mi
At least out loud
Do_ Re_ Mi_ Fa_ Sol_Re-Mi-Re-Do
I won’t say I’m in love…