Letter Notes: Copycat – Billie Eilish

Copycat – Billie Eilish the letter notes of his song . Copycat – Billie Eilish piano letter notes are as follows, you can browse our categories for more letter notes. Good work, we love you. Copycat – Billie Eilish Do Re Mi Notes.

Copycat – Billie Eilish Easy Letter Notes

A***A*** G** A – B***A**G**E
Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind
A** G – A – B***A* G** A-B
You committed, I’m your crime
A*** G* A – B**A-G-E
Push my button anytime
B** A**G**A – G
You got your finger
A**G* A – G
On the trigger
A** G** A – B**A – G**G-E
But your trigger finger’s mine…

A – G*A – B* A – G** E
Silver dollar, golden flame
A – G*A – B*^D-B* B-^C-B
Dirty water, poison rain ~
A – G***A – B***A** G** E
Perfect murder, take your aim
B* A** G-A* G*A-G-A
I don’t belong to anyone
G** A-G-A-B** A** G* G-E
But everybody knows my name…

G* E* .B
By the way…
G****E** .B-.A-C-D-C-.B
You’ve been uninvited* ~
E**** G* E* .B
‘Cause all you say
E** G* E** .B** .B*C* .B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E* ^C*^C* B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E*****B*** B
Watch your back
G**** E**^C**^C***B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E* ^C* ^C* B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E***B* B**G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C** ^C** B
Can’t have mine?

A** G** A – B***A* G* E
Call me calloused, call me cold
A***G-A-B* A*G*A – B
You’re italic, I’m in bold ~
A** G* A – B** A***G** E
Call me cocky, watch your tone
B** A – G** A* B
You better love me
^D****^E* ^G ^A ^F#-^E
‘Cause you’re just a clone ~

G* E* .B
By the way…
G****E** .B-.A-C-D-C-.B
You’ve been uninvited* ~
E**** G* E* .B
‘Cause all you say
E** G* E** .B** .B*C* .B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E* ^C*^C* B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E*****B*** B
Watch your back
G**** E**^C**^C***B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E* ^C* ^C* B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E***B* B**G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C** ^C** B
Can’t have mine?

Mine ~
G* A* ^D ^D ^D ^E*B
I would hate to see you go
A** B*A*G*^D*^D*^D*^E*^G
Hate to be the one that told you so
^B*^A**^F#* ^G* ^E
You just crossed the line
^B***^A*^F# ^G ^E-^D
You’ve run out of time ~
G* A ^D-^D*^D ^E* B
I’m so sorry now you know
A – B* A* G*^D ^D* ^D*^E ^G
Sorry I’m the one that told you so
G – E* E-C* C* E-D* .B-.A
Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry…

G* E* .B
By the way…
G****E** .B-.A-C-D-C-.B
You’ve been uninvited* ~
E**** G* E* .B
‘Cause all you say
E** G* E** .B** .B*C* .B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E* ^C*^C* B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E*****B*** B
Watch your back
G**** E**^C**^C***B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E* ^C* ^C* B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E***B* B**G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C** ^C** B
Can’t have mine?G*** A – B**** A***G***E
Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind
A*** G – A – B**** A** G*** A-B
You committed, I’m your crime
A*****G** A – B***A-G-E
Push my button anytime
B*** A***G***A – G
You got your finger
A***G** A – G
On the trigger
A*** G*** A – B***A – G***G-E
But your trigger finger’s mine…

A – G* A – B** A – G****E
Silver dollar, golden flame
A – G* A – B* ^D-B**B-^C-B
Dirty water, poison rain*~
A – G**** A – B**** A*** G*** E
Perfect murder, take your aim
B**A*** G-A** G* A-G-A
I don’t belong to anyone
G****A-G-A-B****A****G** G-E
But everybody knows my name…

G** E**.B
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
E****** G** E** .B
‘Cause all you say
E*** G**E*** .B****.B* C**.B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E** ^C* ^C** B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E******* B*****B
Watch your back
G****** E***^C***^C**** B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E** ^C**^C** B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E**** B**B***G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C*** ^C****B
Can’t have mine?

A****G****A – B**** A** G** E
Call me calloused, call me cold
A**** G-A-B**A* G* A – B
You’re italic, I’m in bold ~
A*** G**A – B****A**** G****E
Call me cocky, watch your tone
B*** A – G*** A**B
You better love me
^D******^E** ^G*^A*^F#-^E
‘Cause you’re just a clone*~

G** E**.B
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
E****** G** E** .B
‘Cause all you say
E*** G**E*** .B****.B* C**.B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E** ^C* ^C** B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E******* B*****B
Watch your back
G****** E***^C***^C**** B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E** ^C**^C** B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E**** B**B***G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C*** ^C****B
Can’t have mine?

Mine ~
G** A** ^D*^D*^D*^E* B
I would hate to see you go
A****B* A* G* ^D* ^D* ^D* ^E* ^G
Hate to be the one that told you so
^B* ^A***^F#**^G**^E
You just crossed the line
^B**** ^A* ^F# ^G*^E-^D
You’ve run out of time*~
G**A*^D-^D* ^D*^E** B
I’m so sorry now you know
A – B** A**G* ^D*^D**^D* ^E*^G
Sorry I’m the one that told you so
G – E** E-C** C**E-D**.B-.A
Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry…

G** E**.B
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
E****** G** E** .B
‘Cause all you say
E*** G**E*** .B****.B* C**.B
Are all the same things I did…

E – B – B
G – E** ^C* ^C** B – B
Tryna copy my manner ~
E******* B*****B
Watch your back
G****** E***^C***^C**** B
When you can’t watch mine
E – B – B
G – E** ^C**^C** B – B
Tryna copy my glamour ~
E**** B**B***G – E
Why so sad bunny?
^C*** ^C****B
Can’t have mine?

Copycat – Billie Eilish Do Re Mi Notes

La***La*** Sol** La – Si***La**Sol**Mi
Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind
La** Sol – La – Si***La* Sol** La-Si
You committed, I’m your crime
La*** Sol* La – Si**La-Sol-Mi
Push my button anytime
Si** La**Sol**La – Sol
You got your finger
La**Sol* La – Sol
On the trigger
La** Sol** La – Si**La – Sol**Sol-Mi
But your trigger finger’s mine…

La – Sol*La – Si* La – Sol** Mi
Silver dollar, golden flame
La – Sol*La – Si*^Re-Si* Si-^Do-Si
Dirty water, poison rain ~
La – Sol***La – Si***La** Sol** Mi
Perfect murder, take your aim
Si* La** Sol-La* Sol*La-Sol-La
I don’t belong to anyone
Sol** La-Sol-La-Si** La** Sol* Sol-Mi
But everybody knows my name…

Sol* Mi* .Si
By the way…
Sol****Mi** .Si-.La-Do-Re-Do-.Si
You’ve been uninvited* ~
Mi**** Sol* Mi* .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi** Sol* Mi** .Si** .Si*Do* .Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do*^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi*****Si*** Si
Watch your back
Sol**** Mi**^Do**^Do***Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do* ^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi***Si* Si**Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do** ^Do** Si
Can’t have mine?

La** Sol** La – Si***La* Sol* Mi
Call me calloused, call me cold
La***Sol-La-Si* La*Sol*La – Si
You’re italic, I’m in bold ~
La** Sol* La – Si** La***Sol** Mi
Call me cocky, watch your tone
Si** La – Sol** La* Si
You better love me
^Re****^Mi* ^Sol ^La ^Fa#-^Mi
‘Cause you’re just a clone ~

Sol* Mi* .Si
By the way…
Sol****Mi** .Si-.La-Do-Re-Do-.Si
You’ve been uninvited* ~
Mi**** Sol* Mi* .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi** Sol* Mi** .Si** .Si*Do* .Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do*^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi*****Si*** Si
Watch your back
Sol**** Mi**^Do**^Do***Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do* ^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi***Si* Si**Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do** ^Do** Si
Can’t have mine?

Mine ~
Sol* La* ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Mi*Si
I would hate to see you go
La** Si*La*Sol*^Re*^Re*^Re*^Mi*^Sol
Hate to be the one that told you so
^Si*^La**^Fa#* ^Sol* ^Mi
You just crossed the line
^Si***^La*^Fa# ^Sol ^Mi-^Re
You’ve run out of time ~
Sol* La ^Re-^Re*^Re ^Mi* Si
I’m so sorry now you know
La – Si* La* Sol*^Re ^Re* ^Re*^Mi ^Sol
Sorry I’m the one that told you so
Sol – Mi* Mi-Do* Do* Mi-Re* .Si-.La
Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry…

Sol* Mi* .Si
By the way…
Sol****Mi** .Si-.La-Do-Re-Do-.Si
You’ve been uninvited* ~
Mi**** Sol* Mi* .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi** Sol* Mi** .Si** .Si*Do* .Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do*^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi*****Si*** Si
Watch your back
Sol**** Mi**^Do**^Do***Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi* ^Do* ^Do* Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi***Si* Si**Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do** ^Do** Si
Can’t have mine?Sol*** La – Si**** La***Sol***Mi
Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind
La*** Sol – La – Si**** La** Sol*** La-Si
You committed, I’m your crime
La*****Sol** La – Si***La-Sol-Mi
Push my button anytime
Si*** La***Sol***La – Sol
You got your finger
La***Sol** La – Sol
On the trigger
La*** Sol*** La – Si***La – Sol***Sol-Mi
But your trigger finger’s mine…

La – Sol* La – Si** La – Sol****Mi
Silver dollar, golden flame
La – Sol* La – Si* ^Re-Si**Si-^Do-Si
Dirty water, poison rain*~
La – Sol**** La – Si**** La*** Sol*** Mi
Perfect murder, take your aim
Si**La*** Sol-La** Sol* La-Sol-La
I don’t belong to anyone
Sol****La-Sol-La-Si****La****Sol** Sol-Mi
But everybody knows my name…

Sol** Mi**.Si
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
Mi****** Sol** Mi** .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi*** Sol**Mi*** .Si****.Si* Do**.Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do* ^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi******* Si*****Si
Watch your back
Sol****** Mi***^Do***^Do**** Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do**^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi**** Si**Si***Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do*** ^Do****Si
Can’t have mine?

La****Sol****La – Si**** La** Sol** Mi
Call me calloused, call me cold
La**** Sol-La-Si**La* Sol* La – Si
You’re italic, I’m in bold ~
La*** Sol**La – Si****La**** Sol****Mi
Call me cocky, watch your tone
Si*** La – Sol*** La**Si
You better love me
^Re******^Mi** ^Sol*^La*^Fa#-^Mi
‘Cause you’re just a clone*~

Sol** Mi**.Si
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
Mi****** Sol** Mi** .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi*** Sol**Mi*** .Si****.Si* Do**.Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do* ^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi******* Si*****Si
Watch your back
Sol****** Mi***^Do***^Do**** Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do**^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi**** Si**Si***Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do*** ^Do****Si
Can’t have mine?

Mine ~
Sol** La** ^Re*^Re*^Re*^Mi* Si
I would hate to see you go
La****Si* La* Sol* ^Re* ^Re* ^Re* ^Mi* ^Sol
Hate to be the one that told you so
^Si* ^La***^Fa#**^Sol**^Mi
You just crossed the line
^Si**** ^La* ^Fa# ^Sol*^Mi-^Re
You’ve run out of time*~
Sol**La*^Re-^Re* ^Re*^Mi** Si
I’m so sorry now you know
La – Si** La**Sol* ^Re*^Re**^Re* ^Mi*^Sol
Sorry I’m the one that told you so
Sol – Mi** Mi-Do** Do**Mi-Re**.Si-.La
Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry…

Sol** Mi**.Si
By the way…
You’ve been uninvited**~
Mi****** Sol** Mi** .Si
‘Cause all you say
Mi*** Sol**Mi*** .Si****.Si* Do**.Si
Are all the same things I did…

Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do* ^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my manner ~
Mi******* Si*****Si
Watch your back
Sol****** Mi***^Do***^Do**** Si
When you can’t watch mine
Mi – Si – Si
Sol – Mi** ^Do**^Do** Si – Si
Tryna copy my glamour ~
Mi**** Si**Si***Sol – Mi
Why so sad bunny?
^Do*** ^Do****Si
Can’t have mine?

Copycat – Billie Eilish Piano Tutorial

Copycat – Billie Eilish Lyrics

Don’t be cautious, don’t be kind
You committed, I’m your crime
Push my button anytime
You got your finger on the trigger
But your trigger finger’s mine
Silver dollar, golden flame
Dirty water, poison rain
Perfect murder, take your aim
I don’t belong to anyone
But everybody knows my name
By the way, you’ve been uninvited
‘Cause all you say, are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can’t watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can’t have mine
Call me calloused, call me cold
You’re italic, I’m in bold
Call me cocky, watch your tone
You better love me, ’cause you’re just a clone
By the way, you’ve been uninvited
‘Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can’t watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can’t have mine
I would hate to see you go
Hate to be the one that told you so
You just crossed the line
You’ve run out of time
I’m so sorry, now you know
Sorry I’m the one that told you so
Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry, sorry
By the way, you’ve been uninvited
‘Cause all you say are all the same things I did
Copycat tryna cop my manner
Watch your back when you can’t watch mine
Copycat tryna cop my glamor
Why so sad, bunny? Can’t have mine


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