Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E-D__ C__.B__.A
Little do you know

C_____D____D-C_____C____C__ G__E-D
How I’m breaking while you fall asleep

E-D__ C__.B__ .A
Little do you know

C___D____ D-C___C__ C_ G-E-D
I’m still haunted by the memory

^C-B__A__ B__A
Little do you know

G___ A-A__G__A___G-A__ B
I’m trying to pick myself up

^C____E__ D
Piece by piece

E-D___C__ .B_ .A
Little do you know

C__ E_ D_ C-.B__.G__ D
I need a little more time

E – D – C____.B_.A
Underneath it all

C____D___D-C___C__ C__ G___E-D
I’m held captive by the hole inside

E_____D____C-.B___ .A
I’ve been holding back

For the fear

C____ C____ C______G___ E-D___D
That you might change your mind

E__ ^C-B__A__ B-A___G
I’m ready to forgive you

A_____G-A-G__ A_B_ ^C-D__E
But forgetting is a harder fight

E-D__ C__ .B__ .A__C
Little do you know I

E____D_ C-.B___.G___ D
Need a little more time…

I’ll wait, I’ll wait

G__ F__ F__ F
I love you like

F________F-E___D__ E__E-D
You’ve never felt the pain,

I’ll wait

C__ F-F___ F____F_____F__ F_ D-C_ E-D
I promise you don’t have to be afraid

E_ E-D
I’ll wait

.G____ F__F___F___F__ F-E_ E_ D-C
The love is here and here to stay

C__ E___G____D___E__C
So lay your head on me

E-D__ C__ .B__ .A
Little do you know

C___C___D____D-C__ C____C___G____E-D
I know you’re hurt while I’m sound asleep

E-D__ C__.B___.A
Little do you know

C__ C____D-D____C___ C-C____G-E____ D
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me

C-.B__ .A__.B__ .A
Little do you know

.G__ .A-.A_ .G__.A__.G_ .A-C
I’m trying to make it better

Piece by piece

E-D__ C__ .B___.A_ C
Little do you know I

.G_ E__ D__C__.B__.G__D
I love you till the sun dies

Little Do You Know – Alex & Sierra Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi-Re__ Do__.Si__.La
Little do you know

Do_____Re____Re-Do_____Do____Do__ Sol__Mi-Re
How I’m breaking while you fall asleep

Mi-Re__ Do__.Si__ .La
Little do you know

Do___Re____ Re-Do___Do__ Do_ Sol-Mi-Re
I’m still haunted by the memory

^Do-Si__La__ Si__La
Little do you know

Sol___ La-La__Sol__La___Sol-La__ Si
I’m trying to pick myself up

^Do____Mi__ Re
Piece by piece

Mi-Re___Do__ .Si_ .La
Little do you know

Do__ Mi_ Re_ Do-.Si__.Sol__ Re
I need a little more time

Mi – Re – Do____.Si_.La
Underneath it all

Do____Re___Re-Do___Do__ Do__ Sol___Mi-Re
I’m held captive by the hole inside

Mi_____Re____Do-.Si___ .La
I’ve been holding back

For the fear

Do____ Do____ Do______Sol___ Mi-Re___Re
That you might change your mind

Mi__ ^Do-Si__La__ Si-La___Sol
I’m ready to forgive you

La_____Sol-La-Sol__ La_Si_ ^Do-Re__Mi
But forgetting is a harder fight

Mi-Re__ Do__ .Si__ .La__Do
Little do you know I

Mi____Re_ Do-.Si___.Sol___ Re
Need a little more time…

I’ll wait, I’ll wait

Sol__ Fa__ Fa__ Fa
I love you like

Fa________Fa-Mi___Re__ Mi__Mi-Re
You’ve never felt the pain,

Mi Mi
I’ll wait

Do__ Fa-Fa___ Fa____Fa_____Fa__ Fa_ Re-Do_ Mi-Re
I promise you don’t have to be afraid

Mi_ Mi-Re
I’ll wait

.Sol____ Fa__Fa___Fa___Fa__ Fa-Mi_ Mi_ Re-Do
The love is here and here to stay

Do__ Mi___Sol____Re___Mi__Do
So lay your head on me

Mi-Re__ Do__ .Si__ .La
Little do you know

Do___Do___Re____Re-Do__ Do____Do___Sol____Mi-Re
I know you’re hurt while I’m sound asleep

Mi-Re__ Do__.Si___.La
Little do you know

Do__ Do____Re-Re____Do___ Do-Do____Sol-Mi____ Re
All my mistakes are slowly drowning me

Do-.Si__ .La__.Si__ .La
Little do you know

.Sol__ .La-.La_ .Sol__.La__.Sol_ .La-Do
I’m trying to make it better

Piece by piece

Mi-Re__ Do__ .Si___.La_ Do
Little do you know I

.Sol_ Mi__ Re__Do__.Si__.Sol__Re
I love you till the sun dies


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