Film MusicLetter Notes

Memory – Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats) Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Memory – Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Memory – Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Memory – Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes


A_Bb_ ^C__ Bb_ G__Bb-Bb
Not a sound from the pavement

A__ Bb_ ^C_Bb_F__ G – G
Has the moon lost her memory?

D#_ F_G – F_D#-D
She is smiling alone…

D_ F__ F-C
In the lamplight,

D___D#-F__ G
The withered leaves

A – Bb_ A_ G_ F
Collect at my feet

D__ .Bb_ F__ .G-.G_ .Bb_ .Bb
And the wind begins to moan…


A_ Bb-^C_Bb_G_ Bb-Bb
All alone in the moonlight

A_ Bb_ ^C_Bb_F_G_ G
I can dream of the old days

I was beautiful then…

I remember

D__ D#_ F_ G__ A
The time I knew what

Bb-A-G__ F
Happiness was

D_.Bb__F – F_ .G_ .Bb-.Bb
Let the memory live again…

.A-D__ .A – .G___ .A__ D_.A
Every streetlamp seems to beat

.A_ .A-D-D-C_C-.G
A fatalistic warning

F_-_F___ F – A
Someone mutters

G__ F___E – E___ E – G
And the streetlamp gutters

F___ A_ A_A_B_ ^C-G
And soon it will be morning….


A_ Bb_ ^C_ Bb_ G_Bb-Bb
I must wait for the sunrise

A_ Bb_^C_ Bb_F_ G_ G
I must think of a new life

D#_F_G – F_ D#_D
And I mustn’t give in…

When the dawn comes

D – D#__F_G_ A_Bb-A-G_ F
Tonight will be a memory too

D_ .Bb_F_ F_ .G_ .Bb-.Bb
And a new day will begin…

F___Bb_ F_D#_F-Bb_F
Burnt out ends of smoky days

D#__ F__Bb_ Bb_G#_ G#-G#
The stale cold smell of morning

C#_ C#-C#_C#
A streetlamp dies,

F-D#-C#_C_ C_C-D#
Another night is over

C#-F-F_ F_G_G#-D#
Another day is dawning…

^C# ^C#
Touch me!

^C_^C#_^D#-^C#_ Bb_ ^C#_^C#
It’s_ so__ easy__to_leave_me

All_ alone_ with_ the_ memory

F#_G#_Bb_G#_F#_ F
Of my days in the sun…

F_ G#_ G#_D#
If you touch me,

F___ F#-G#-Bb
You’ll understand

^C_ ^C#-^C-Bb_ G#
What happiness is

F__C#_ G#_ G#
Look, a new day

Bb_ ^C#-^C#
Has begun….

Memory – Andrew Lloyd Webber (Cats) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes


La_Sib_ ^Do__ Sib_ Sol__Sib-Sib
Not a sound from the pavement

La__ Sib_ ^Do_Sib_Fa__ Sol – Sol
Has the moon lost her memory?

Re#_ Fa_Sol – Fa_Re#-Re
She is smiling alone…

Re_ Fa__ Fa-Do
In the lamplight,

Re___Re#-Fa__ Sol
The withered leaves

La – Sib_ La_ Sol_ Fa
Collect at my feet

Re__ .Sib_ Fa__ .Sol-.Sol_ .Sib_ .Sib
And the wind begins to moan…


La_ Sib-^Do_Sib_Sol_ Sib-Sib
All alone in the moonlight

La_ Sib_ ^Do_Sib_Fa_Sol_ Sol
I can dream of the old days

I was beautiful then…

I remember

Re__ Re#_ Fa_ Sol__ La
The time I knew what

Sib-La-Sol__ Fa
Happiness was

Re_.Sib__Fa – Fa_ .Sol_ .Sib-.Sib
Let the memory live again…

.La-Re__ .La – .Sol___ .La__ Re_.La
Every streetlamp seems to beat

.La_ .La-Re-Re-Do_Do-.Sol
A fatalistic warning

Fa_-_Fa___ Fa – La
Someone mutters

Sol__ Fa___Mi – Mi___ Mi – Sol
And the streetlamp gutters

Fa___ La_ La_La_Si_ ^Do-Sol
And soon it will be morning….


La_ Sib_ ^Do_ Sib_ Sol_Sib-Sib
I must wait for the sunrise

La_ Sib_^Do_ Sib_Fa_ Sol_ Sol
I must think of a new life

Re#_Fa_Sol – Fa_ Re#_Re
And I mustn’t give in…

When the dawn comes

Re – Re#__Fa_Sol_ La_Sib-La-Sol_ Fa
Tonight will be a memory too

Re_ .Sib_Fa_ Fa_ .Sol_ .Sib-.Sib
And a new day will begin…

Fa___Sib_ Fa_Re#_Fa-Sib_Fa
Burnt out ends of smoky days

Re#__ Fa__Sib_ Sib_Sol#_ Sol#-Sol#
The stale cold smell of morning

Do#_ Do#-Do#_Do#
A streetlamp dies,

Fa-Re#-Do#_Do_ Do_Do-Re#
Another night is over

Do#-Fa-Fa_ Fa_Sol_Sol#-Re#
Another day is dawning…

^Do# ^Do#
Touch me!

^Do_^Do#_^Re#-^Do#_ Sib_ ^Do#_^Do#
It’s_ so__ easy__to_leave_me

All_ alone_ with_ the_ memory

Fa#_Sol#_Sib_Sol#_Fa#_ Fa
Of my days in the sun…

Fa_ Sol#_ Sol#_Re#
If you touch me,

Fa___ Fa#-Sol#-Sib
You’ll understand

^Do_ ^Do#-^Do-Sib_ Sol#
What happiness is

Fa__Do#_ Sol#_ Sol#
Look, a new day

Sib_ ^Do#-^Do#
Has begun….

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