More Than Words – Extreme Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of More Than Words – Extreme song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of More Than Words – Extreme piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

More Than Words – Extreme Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

Saying__ “I__ love__you”

_D_ _D_ _E__ _D
Are not the words

_D__D__D-_E _D_ _C___D
I__ want_ to__hear_ from_ you…

B___B___D_ _D-B__E-_D__D
It’s_ not_ that_ I__want_you


_D _D__D-_E__D-_C_B
But_ if_ you_ only_ knew

A-B__C-B-A _D_ _E___D
How_ easy_ it_ would_ be

_C__ B___ B___ B___D____G-_F#-_G

_E_____E__ _E-_C
More than words

_C _F#__F#__E_ _F#-_G_ _F
Is__all__ you_ have_ to__do

_F___F_ _G-F_ _F-_E
To__ make_ it_ real…

_D____C_ _G-_D#
Then you wouldn’t

_D_ _C_ _C-_D-_C-B
Have to say_ ~__ ~

B_____ B___D_ _D-_E
That you love me

_E__ _E_ _C-_F#-_D___G
‘Cause I’d already know…

B_______A__ _G___E-_F#
What would you do

_D__C__A__G_ _A_ _A-_B__G
If my heart was torn in two

_E____ _E__ _E__ _E_ _E-_D__C_ _E-_D-_E
More than words to show you feel_ ~

_E____E__ _F#_ _F#__F#__E-_D__D
That your_love_ for__me__ is___real

B________A__ _G___E-_F#
What would you say

_D__C_ _A___G_____A___ _A-_B-_G
If___I__ took_those_words away_ ~

_E___ _E__ _E-_E___E-_D___C__ _E
Then you couldn’t make things new

_E_ _E_ _F#-_F#_ _F#_ _F#-_G__G
Just_ by_ saying___ ” I___ love__ you ”

_C_B_A__B__C _D__E__D__C_ B

_D__F#-_G_ _G
More than words

_C_B_ A__B__C__D

B__ _D__D-B__E-_D__D
Now that I’ve tried to

_D _E _D
Talk to you

_D_ _D__D-_E__D-_C-_D
And make you understand…

B-_D _D-B _E _D _D
All you have to do

_D_ _D_ _E___D
Is close your eyes

_D___D__D-_E__D__C-B_ B
And just reach out your hands

A-B_ _C___C-B-A
And touch me

_D___E_ _D
Hold me close

_C-B_ B-B_ B_ _D__G
Don’t ever let me go….

_E_____E_ _E-_C
More than words

_C_ _F#__F#___E-_F#-_G

_F-_____F_ _G-F_ _F-_E
Needed you to show

_D__ _C_ _G-_D#__ _D_ _C_ _C-_D-_C-B
Then you_wouldn’t_have_ to_ say__ ~__ ~

B____ B__ _D___D-_E
That you love me

_E_ _E_ _C-_F#-_D__G
‘Cause I’d already know…

What would you do

_D _C__A_ _G_ _A__A-_B_ _G

_E___ _E____E___E_ _E-_D__C_ _E-_D-_E
More than words to show you feel__~

_E__ _E_ _F#__F#__F#__E-_D__D

B___A_ _F#-_G_ _E-_F#
What would you say


_E____E___E-_E_ _E-_D_ _C___E-_D-_E
Then you couldn’t make things new

_E_ _E_ _F#-_F#_ _F#__F#-_G__G
Just_ by__ saying__” I___ love__ you ” …

More Than Words – Extreme Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Saying__ “I__ love__you”

_Re_ _Re_ _Mi__ _Re
Are not the words

_Re__Re__Re-_Mi _Re_ _Do___Re
I__ want_ to__hear_ from_ you…

Si___Si___Re_ _Re-Si__Mi-_Re__Re
It’s_ not_ that_ I__want_you


_Re _Re__Re-_Mi__Re-_Do_Si
But_ if_ you_ only_ knew

La-Si__Do-Si-La _Re_ _Mi___Re
How_ easy_ it_ would_ be

_Do__ Si___ Si___ Si___Re____Sol-_Fa#-_Sol

_Mi_____Mi__ _Mi-_Do
More than words

_Do _Fa#__Fa#__Mi_ _Fa#-_Sol_ _Fa
Is__all__ you_ have_ to__do

_Fa___Fa_ _Sol-Fa_ _Fa-_Mi
To__ make_ it_ real…

_Re____Do_ _Sol-_Re#
Then you wouldn’t

_Re_ _Do_ _Do-_Re-_Do-Si
Have to say_ ~__ ~

Si_____ Si___Re_ _Re-_Mi
That you love me

_Mi__ _Mi_ _Do-_Fa#-_Re___Sol
‘Cause I’d already know…

Si_______La__ _Sol___Mi-_Fa#
What would you do

_Re__Do__La__Sol_ _La_ _La-_Si__Sol
If my heart was torn in two

_Mi____ _Mi__ _Mi__ _Mi_ _Mi-_Re__Do_ _Mi-_Re-_Mi
More than words to show you feel_ ~

_Mi____Mi__ _Fa#_ _Fa#__Fa#__Mi-_Re__Re
That your_love_ for__me__ is___real

Si________La__ _Sol___Mi-_Fa#
What would you say

_Re__Do_ _La___Sol_____La___ _La-_Si-_Sol
If___I__ took_those_words away_ ~

_Mi___ _Mi__ _Mi-_Mi___Mi-_Re___Do__ _Mi
Then you couldn’t make things new

_Mi_ _Mi_ _Fa#-_Fa#_ _Fa#_ _Fa#-_Sol__Sol
Just_ by_ saying___ ” I___ love__ you ”

_Do_Si_La__Si__Do _Re__Mi__Re__Do_ Si

_Re__Fa#-_Sol_ _Sol
More than words

_Do_Si_ La__Si__Do__Re

Si__ _Re__Re-Si__Mi-_Re__Re
Now that I’ve tried to

_Re _Mi _Re
Talk to you

_Re_ _Re__Re-_Mi__Re-_Do-_Re
And make you understand…

Si-_Re _Re-Si _Mi _Re _Re
All you have to do

_Re_ _Re_ _Mi___Re
Is close your eyes

_Re___Re__Re-_Mi__Re__Do-Si_ Si
And just reach out your hands

La-Si_ _Do___Do-Si-La
And touch me

_Re___Mi_ _Re
Hold me close

_Do-Si_ Si-Si_ Si_ _Re__Sol
Don’t ever let me go….

_Mi_____Mi_ _Mi-_Do
More than words

_Do_ _Fa#__Fa#___Mi-_Fa#-_Sol

_Fa-_____Fa_ _Sol-Fa_ _Fa-_Mi
Needed you to show

_Re__ _Do_ _Sol-_Re#__ _Re_ _Do_ _Do-_Re-_Do-Si
Then you_wouldn’t_have_ to_ say__ ~__ ~

Si____ Si__ _Re___Re-_Mi
That you love me

_Mi_ _Mi_ _Do-_Fa#-_Re__Sol
‘Cause I’d already know…

What would you do

_Re _Do__La_ _Sol_ _La__La-_Si_ _Sol

_Mi___ _Mi____Mi___Mi_ _Mi-_Re__Do_ _Mi-_Re-_Mi
More than words to show you feel__~

_Mi__ _Mi_ _Fa#__Fa#__Fa#__Mi-_Re__Re

Si___La_ _Fa#-_Sol_ _Mi-_Fa#
What would you say


_Mi____Mi___Mi-_Mi_ _Mi-_Re_ _Do___Mi-_Re-_Mi
Then you couldn’t make things new

_Mi_ _Mi_ _Fa#-_Fa#_ _Fa#__Fa#-_Sol__Sol
Just_ by__ saying__” I___ love__ you ” …


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