Letter Notes

Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello Easy Letter Notes

Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello song letter notes for piano Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello ABC and do re mi version.

Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

E- – G—- G – E– G— G
Something must’ve gone wrong

G- E-A-G
In my brain

G– G–G – G – G- G G-E- A-G
Got your chemicals all in my veins

G – G–G- G–G
Feeling all the highs

G–G- E- A-G
Feel all the pain

G- G-G- G–G
Let go of the wheel

It’s the bullet lane

G– G- G – G–G
Now I’m seeing red

G– G – E– A – G
Not thinking straight

G – G–G- G- G
Blurring all the lines

G-G-G-A–C -D–E
You intoxicate me

Just like nicotine

Heroin, morphine

-E–G–E-G-G -E–G
Suddenly, I’m a fiend

G– G- -E–G -E
And you’re all I need

-E -G -E–D–C-A
All-I-need- ~–~

G— G- -E -G–E–D
Yeah you’re all I need-~

-C -C- G
It’s you, babe

A–C-A -C-A
And I’m a sucker

-C- A–C- -C- A- -C—G
For the way that you move babe

A -C-A- -C-A–C
And I could try to run

A -C- A- -C–D-A-G
But it would be useless

G– -E- -D
You’re to blame

-F–E–C -C-F
Just one hit of you

E- F- E- F – E- F- E- -C
I knew I’ll never be the same

-C -C- G
It’s you, babe

A–C- A–C-A
And I’m a sucker

-C- A- -C- -C- A- -C– G
For the way that you move babe

A–C-A- -C-A -C
And I could try to run

A–C- A- -C- -D-G
But it would be useless

A– -E- -D
You’re to blame

-F- -E -C -C F
Just one hit of you

E- F- E- F – E- F-E- F-E
I knew I’ll never ever, ever

F– E- -C
Be the same…

E- F – E- F- E–E–D
I’ll never be the same

E- F – E- F- E–E–D–C-A
I’ll never be the same-~- ~

E-F – E–E -D–E
I’ll never be the same…

Never Be the Same – Camila Cabello Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Mi—-Sol—— Sol—Mi—-Sol—–Sol
Something must’ve gone wrong

Sol–Mi- La-Sol
In my brain

Sol— Sol—Sol – Sol – Sol– Sol-Sol- Mi–La-Sol
Got your chemicals all in my veins

Sol – Sol—Sol–Sol—Sol
Feeling all the highs

Sol—Sol– Mi–La-Sol
Feel all the pain

Sol–Sol- Sol–Sol—Sol
Let go of the wheel

Sol Sol Sol-Mi La-Sol
It’s the bullet lane

Sol—-Sol–Sol – Sol—Sol
Now I’m seeing red

Sol— Sol—Mi—-La – Sol
Not thinking straight

Sol—Sol—Sol– Sol– Sol
Blurring all the lines

Sol- Sol-Sol-La–Do–Re–Mi
You intoxicate me

La-Sol- Sol- -Mi–Mi–Mi
Just like nicotine

-Mi–Sol–Mi- -Sol–Mi
Heroin, morphine

-Mi–Sol–Mi- Sol- Sol–Mi–Sol

Sol—-Sol– -Mi- -Sol–Mi
And you’re all I need

All- I- need–~—~

Sol—–Sol– -Mi–Sol- -Mi–Re
Yeah you’re all I need- ~

It’s you, babe

La- -Do- La–Do-La
And I’m a sucker

-Do–La- -Do—Do– La—Do—- Sol
For the way that you move babe

La–Do- La– -Do- La- -Do
And I could try to run

La–Do–La—Do- -Re-La-Sol
But it would be useless

Sol— -Mi—Re
You’re to blame

-Fa- -Mi- -Do–Do- Fa
Just one hit of you

Mi– Fa– Mi–Fa – Mi– Fa–Mi—Do
I knew I’ll never be the same

It’s you, babe

La- -Do–La- -Do-La
And I’m a sucker

-Do– La—Do—Do–La—Do— Sol
For the way that you move babe

La- -Do- La—Do- La–Do
And I could try to run

La- -Do–La—Do—Re-Sol
But it would be useless

La—–Mi– -Re
You’re to blame

Just one hit of you

Mi– Fa– Mi– Fa – Mi–Fa-Mi–Fa-Mi
I knew I’ll never ever, ever

Fa— Mi– -Do
Be the same…

Mi–Fa – Mi–Fa–Mi- -Mi–Re
I’ll never be the same

Mi–Fa – Mi–Fa–Mi- -Mi–Re–Do-La
I’ll never be the same- ~–~

Mi- Fa – Mi- -Mi–Re- -Mi
I’ll never be the same…

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