Prima Donna – Phantom of the Opera Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Prima Donna – Phantom of the Opera song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Prima Donna – Phantom of the Opera piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Prima Donna – Phantom of the Opera Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
^C-^E ^D-^C_ B_A-G_ C_E__A
Prima Donna, first lady of the stage
G___E-D-E__A_ E_ D__ E
Your devotees are on their knees
C__ E-G__ G
To implore you…
D___E__ F_ G
Can you bow out
A____ B___B-^C__G___E
When they’re shouting your name?
^C__B__A__ B_^C_C-D_D
Think of how they all adore you…
^C-^E_^D-^C__B – A_ G_ C_ E-A
Prima Donna, enchant us once again
G___ E__D__ E
Think of your muse
A__ E__D___E____ C__E_^C-^C
And of your queues ’round the theatre!
D__ E_ F-G_A_B__B-^C_G__E
Can you deny us the triumph in store?
C__ G-D__D-D__E__ C
Sing Prima Donna once more!
Prima Donna
^E__ ^D_ ^C_ E_A-^D
Your song shall live again
You took a snub
^D__ A__G_A-F_ A__^C_ ^C
But there’s a public who needs you…
G__ A_Bb_ ^C
Think of their cry
Of undying support
^F-^E__ ^D_^E__^F – E__ G__ G
Follow where the limelight leads you
Prima Donna
^E__^D_ ^C__E_ A-^D
Your song shall never die
^C__ A_ G-A
You’ll sing again
^D_A_ G-A-F_ A-^F-^F
And to unending ovation
G___ A__Bb__^C
Think how you’ll shine
^D_^E_ ^E-^F_^C-A
F__ ^C-G__G-G__ A__F
Sing Prima Donna once more…
D___D#-F_ G_ F-G
Who’d believe a diva
F-G_ A_ Bb-^C ^D
Happy to relieve a
^D#-^D_^D#_^D_ ^C
Chorus girl whose gone
Bb_^C_ Bb_ A__G-F-D#
And slept with the patron?
D___ E__ F__G – F
Raoul and the soubrette
G – F___ G__A_ Bb-^C
Entwined in love’s duet!
^D-^D#_ ^D_^D#_^D-^C
Bb_ ^C__Bb__A__ G__ F
He must have been with her!
D#__C-D_D#_ F-D#
You’d never get away
F__ D#_F_ G_A_ Bb
With all this in a play
^C ^D ^C ^D-^C ^D
But if it’s loudly sung
^C_ Bb_A_ Bb-A__G
And in a foreign tongue
A_ Bb_ A_Bb_ A_ G-A
It’s just the sort of story
Audiences adore
Bb ^D# ^D ^D#-^F ^F-^C
In_ fact_ a_ perfect_ opera!
Bb-^D ^C-Bb
Prima Donna,
A___G__F_ .Bb_ D_G
The world is at your feet!
F_ D-C__D
A nation waits
G__ D_C__D_ .Bb_D_ Bb-Bb
And how it hates to be cheated!
^C_^D_ ^D#_^F
Light up the stage
^G__^A_ ^A-^Bb_^F *D-*C-^Bb-^A
With that age-old rapport_~_~_~_!
Bb_ ^F-^C_^C-^C_^D_^Bb
Sing Prima Donna, once more!
Prima Donna – Phantom of the Opera Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
^Do-^Mi ^Re-^Do_ Si_ La-Sol_Do_ Mi_La
Prima Donna, first lady of the stage
Sol__Mi-Re-Mi_La_ Mi_ Re__Mi
Your devotees are on their knees
Do_ Mi-Sol_ Sol
To implore you…
Re__ Mi_ Fa_ Sol
Can you bow out
La___ Si__Si-^Do_ Sol__ Mi
When they’re shouting your name?
^Do_ Si_La_ Si_ ^Do_ Do-Re_ Re
Think of how they all adore you…
^Do-^Mi ^Re-^Do_Si – La_ Sol_ Do_ Mi-La
Prima Donna, enchant us once again
Sol__ Mi_Re_ Mi
Think of your muse
La_ Mi_Re__ Mi___Do_ Mi_ ^Do-^Do
And of your queues ’round the theatre!
Re__Mi_ Fa-Sol_ La_ Si_Si-^Do_ Sol_Mi
Can you deny us the triumph in store?
Do__Sol-Re_Re-Re_ Mi__Do
Sing Prima Donna once more!
^Fa-^La ^Sol-^Fa
Prima Donna
^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Do_ Mi_ La-^Re
Your song shall live again
^Do_La_ Sol_ La
You took a snub
^Re__La_Sol_ La-Fa_ La_^Do_ ^Do
But there’s a public who needs you…
Sol__La_ Sib_^Do
Think of their cry
^Re ^Mi-^Mi-^Fa ^Do-La
Of undying support
^Fa-^Mi_ ^Re_ ^Mi_^Fa – Mi__Sol_ Sol
Follow where the limelight leads you
^Fa-^La ^Sol-^Fa
Prima Donna
^Mi_^Re_ ^Do_Mi_ La-^Re
Your song shall never die
^Do__La_ Sol-La
You’ll sing again
^Re_ La_ Sol-La-Fa_La-^Fa-^Fa
And to unending ovation
Sol__ La_Sib_^Do
Think how you’ll shine
^Re ^Mi_^Mi-^Fa ^Do-La
In that final encore
Fa_ ^Do-Sol_Sol-Sol_ La_ Fa
Sing Prima Donna once more…
Who’d believe a diva
Fa-Sol_La_Sib-^Do ^Re
Happy to relieve a
^Re#-^Re ^Re# ^Re_^Do
Chorus girl whose gone
Sib_ ^Do_ Sib_ La_Sol-Fa-Re#
And slept with the patron?
Re__ Mi_ Fa_ Sol – Fa
Raoul and the soubrette
Sol – Fa__ Sol_La_ Sib-^Do
Entwined in love’s duet!
^Re-^Re#_^Re ^Re# ^Re-^Do
Although he may demur
Sib_^Do_Sib_ La_ Sol_ Fa
He must have been with her!
Re#_Do-Re_ Re#_Fa-Re#
You’d never get away
Fa_ Re#_ Fa_Sol La_Sib
With all this in a play
^Do ^Re ^Do ^Re-^Do ^Re
But if it’s loudly sung
^Do_Sib La_Sib-La_Sol
And in a foreign tongue
La_ Sib_ La_ Sib_La_Sol-La
It’s just the sort of story
Audiences adore
Sib ^Re# ^Re ^Re#-^Fa ^Fa-^Do
Sib-^Re ^Do-Sib
Prima Donna,
La__ Sol_Fa_.Sib_Re_ Sol
The world is at your feet!
Fa_ Re-Do_Re
A nation waits
Sol__Re_ Do_Re_.Sib Re_Sib-Sib
And how it hates to be cheated!
^Do_ ^Re_^Re# ^Fa
Light up the stage
^Sol_^La_^La-^Sib ^Fa *Re-*Do-^Sib-^La
With that age-old rapport ~_ ~_ ~ !
Sib_^Fa-^Do ^Do-^Do_ ^Re_ ^Sib
Sing Prima Donna, once more!