Film MusicLetter Notes

Prince Ali – Aladdin (Disney) Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Prince Ali – Aladdin (Disney) song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Prince Ali – Aladdin (Disney) piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Prince Ali – Aladdin (Disney) Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^D__ ^A_^D__^E_^D-^A
Make way for Prince Ali!

Say hey! It’s Prince Ali!

D____A__ A__D_A_ A_ D_ A-Bb
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar

A__ .A__ E_ E__ .A
Hey you! Let us through!

E_ E_ .A__ E__ F
It’s a bright new star!

Oh Come!

A__A_ D_ A_ A__ D
Be the first on your block

A_ Bb_ A_ G
To meet his eye!

F____ E___ B_ B__ E
Make way! Here he comes!

B____E___ B__ B__ E
Ring bells! Bang the drums!

E___A__A-A__ B_ ^C ^C#
Are you gonna love this guy!

A__ A-^A_^G-^A-^G_^F
Prince Ali! Fabulous he!


G#-A-^D__^C__^D_ ^C-Bb
Genuflect, show some respect

A___ Bb_ A__G
Down on one knee!

Bb__Bb_ Bb__A_ Bb_ A__ F
Now, try your best to stay calm

Brush up your sunday salaam

^F___^F__^F_ ^E_^F
Then come and meet his

Spectacular_ coterie…..

A__ A-^A_^G-^A ^G ^F
Prince Ali! Mighty is he

^E-^F ^E-^D-A
Ali_ Ababwa!

G#__ A ^D ^C-^D-^C Bb
Strong as ten regular men,


Bb_ Bb_ Bb_A-Bb-A__ F
He faced the galloping hordes

^D ^D-^D ^C_^D_ ^C__ Bb
A hundred bad guys with swords

^F__ ^F__^F__ ^E_ ^F_ ^E_ ^A
Who sent those goons to their lords?

A____^F_ ^C#-^D
Why, Prince Ali!

^C# ^D ^E-^F-^D#-^D
He’s got seventy-five

Golden camels

Purple peacocks?

^C# ^D ^E-^D-^F
He’s got fifty-three!

^C# ^D_^E_ ^D ^C#-^D-^E_^F ^D-A
When it comes to exotic type mammals

^D_^D Bb Bb Bb_ ^D Bb-Bb_Bb
Has he got a zoo?_I’m telling you

^D ^D_^E – ^E__^E-^D#-^E-^A
It’s a world-class menagerie!

A_ A-^Bb
Prince Ali!

^G#-^Bb ^G# ^F#
Handsome is he,

^F-^F# ^F-^D#-Bb
Ali Ababwa

A___Bb-^D#_ ^C# ^D# ^C# B
That physique! How can I speak

Bb__ B_ Bb_ G#
Weak at the knee!

B___ B_ B_Bb_B_Bb__ F#
Well, get on out in that square

^D#-^D# ^D# ^C# ^D# ^C#-B
Adjust your veil and prepare

^F# ^F# ^F# ^F-^F# ^F ^Bb
To gawk and grovel and stare

Bb ^F# ^D-^D#
At Prince Ali!

^D_^D# ^F-^D#-^D
He’s got ninety-five

^D#_ ^F-^F#_^D#-Bb
White Persian monkeys

^D ^D# ^F ^D# ^D ^D#-^F ^D# ^F#
And to view them he charges no fee

^D ^D#_ ^F_ ^D# ^D ^D#-^F ^F# ^D#-Bb
He’s got slaves, he’s got servants and flunkies

^F#_^F_^F# ^F ^D#
Proud to work for him

^D# B_B__ B__ ^D#_ B-B__B
Bow to his whim, love serving him

^D#_ ^D# ^F-^F_^F_^E-^F-^F#
They’re just lousy with loyalty…

^D# ^F-^A A_Bb-^Bb
To Ali! Prince Ali!

Prince Ali!

^A-^B-^A ^G
Amorous he!

Ali Ababwa

Bb____B__ ^E-^D_^E ^D ^C
Heard your princess was a sight

B-^C_ B_ A
Lovely to see!

^C_ ^C__^C_ B-^C_B_ G
And that, good people is why

^E ^E_ ^E_ ^D ^E__ ^D__^C
He got dolled up and dropped by…

With sixty elephants,

Llamas galore!

B___ B_ ^G_^G_^F#-^G
With his bears and lions

^F# ^G_^G_^G_^F#
A brass band and more

B__ B_^E-^E_^E-^F#
With his forty fakirs,

^G_ ^E_ ^E_ ^E-^G
His cooks, his bakers

^G_ ^E_ ^E_ ^E-^F# ^G_ ^Bb
His birds that warble on key…

^G__ ^B_ B__*C_ ^B-Bb-*D#
Make way for Prince Ali!

Prince Ali – Aladdin (Disney) Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Re__ ^La_^Re__^Mi_^Re-^La
Make way for Prince Ali!

Say hey! It’s Prince Ali!

Re____La__ La__Re_La_ La_ Re_ La-Sib
Hey! Clear the way in the old Bazaar

La__ .La__ Mi_ Mi__ .La
Hey you! Let us through!

Mi_ Mi_ .La__ Mi__ Fa
It’s a bright new star!

Oh Come!

La__La_ Re_ La_ La__ Re
Be the first on your block

La_ Sib_ La_ Sol
To meet his eye!

Fa____ Mi___ Si_ Si__ Mi
Make way! Here he comes!

Si____Mi___ Si__ Si__ Mi
Ring bells! Bang the drums!

Mi___La__La-La__ Si_ ^Do ^Do#
Are you gonna love this guy!

La__ La-^La_^Sol-^La-^Sol_^Fa
Prince Ali! Fabulous he!


Sol#-La-^Re__^Do__^Re_ ^Do-Sib
Genuflect, show some respect

La___ Sib_ La__Sol
Down on one knee!

Sib__Sib_ Sib__La_ Sib_ La__ Fa
Now, try your best to stay calm

Brush up your sunday salaam

^Fa___^Fa__^Fa_ ^Mi_^Fa
Then come and meet his

Spectacular_ coterie…..

La__ La-^La_^Sol-^La ^Sol ^Fa
Prince Ali! Mighty is he

^Mi-^Fa ^Mi-^Re-La
Ali_ Ababwa!

Sol#__ La ^Re ^Do-^Re-^Do Sib
Strong as ten regular men,


Sib_ Sib_ Sib_La-Sib-La__ Fa
He faced the galloping hordes

^Re ^Re-^Re ^Do_^Re_ ^Do__ Sib
A hundred bad guys with swords

^Fa__ ^Fa__^Fa__ ^Mi_ ^Fa_ ^Mi_ ^La
Who sent those goons to their lords?

La____^Fa_ ^Do#-^Re
Why, Prince Ali!

^Do# ^Re ^Mi-^Fa-^Re#-^Re
He’s got seventy-five

Golden camels

Purple peacocks?

^Do# ^Re ^Mi-^Re-^Fa
He’s got fifty-three!

^Do# ^Re_^Mi_ ^Re ^Do#-^Re-^Mi_^Fa ^Re-La
When it comes to exotic type mammals

^Re_^Re Sib Sib Sib_ ^Re Sib-Sib_Sib
Has he got a zoo?_I’m telling you

^Re ^Re_^Mi – ^Mi__^Mi-^Re#-^Mi-^La
It’s a world-class menagerie!

La_ La-^Sib
Prince Ali!

^Sol#-^Sib ^Sol# ^Fa#
Handsome is he,

^Fa-^Fa# ^Fa-^Re#-Sib
Ali Ababwa

La___Sib-^Re#_ ^Do# ^Re# ^Do# Si
That physique! How can I speak

Sib__ Si_ Sib_ Sol#
Weak at the knee!

Si___ Si_ Si_Sib_Si_Sib__ Fa#
Well, get on out in that square

^Re#-^Re# ^Re# ^Do# ^Re# ^Do#-Si
Adjust your veil and prepare

^Fa# ^Fa# ^Fa# ^Fa-^Fa# ^Fa ^Sib
To gawk and grovel and stare

Sib ^Fa# ^Re-^Re#
At Prince Ali!

^Re_^Re# ^Fa-^Re#-^Re
He’s got ninety-five

^Re#_ ^Fa-^Fa#_^Re#-Sib
White Persian monkeys

^Re ^Re# ^Fa ^Re# ^Re ^Re#-^Fa ^Re# ^Fa#
And to view them he charges no fee

^Re ^Re#_ ^Fa_ ^Re# ^Re ^Re#-^Fa ^Fa# ^Re#-Sib
He’s got slaves, he’s got servants and flunkies

^Fa#_^Fa_^Fa# ^Fa ^Re#
Proud to work for him

^Re# Si_Si__ Si__ ^Re#_ Si-Si__Si
Bow to his whim, love serving him

^Re#_ ^Re# ^Fa-^Fa_^Fa_^Mi-^Fa-^Fa#
They’re just lousy with loyalty…

^Re# ^Fa-^La La_Sib-^Sib
To Ali! Prince Ali!

Prince Ali!

^La-^Si-^La ^Sol
Amorous he!

Ali Ababwa

Sib____Si__ ^Mi-^Re_^Mi ^Re ^Do
Heard your princess was a sight

Si-^Do_ Si_ La
Lovely to see!

^Do_ ^Do__^Do_ Si-^Do_Si_ Sol
And that, good people is why

^Mi ^Mi_ ^Mi_ ^Re ^Mi__ ^Re__^Do
He got dolled up and dropped by…

With sixty elephants,

Llamas galore!

Si___ Si_ ^Sol_^Sol_^Fa#-^Sol
With his bears and lions

^Fa# ^Sol_^Sol_^Sol_^Fa#
A brass band and more

Si__ Si_^Mi-^Mi_^Mi-^Fa#
With his forty fakirs,

^Sol_ ^Mi_ ^Mi_ ^Mi-^Sol
His cooks, his bakers

^Sol_ ^Mi_ ^Mi_ ^Mi-^Fa# ^Sol_ ^Sib
His birds that warble on key…

^Sol__ ^Si_ Si__*Do_ ^Si-Sib-*Re#
Make way for Prince Ali!

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