Film MusicLetter Notes

Shall We Dance? – The King and I Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Shall We Dance? – The King and I song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Shall We Dance? – The King and I piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Shall We Dance? – The King and I Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

F____ E__ G__ F – D – E
We’ve just been introduced,

E E_G__ F__ E__F
I do not know you well,

F___ E___G_ F-D__E-G
But when the music started

F_- D_____ E__G_ F__E__ F
Something drew me to your side.

F_ E-G__F__ D__E
So many men and girls,

E__E_ G__ F – E__ F
Are in each others arms

F__G__ G__G__G__ G__ G
It made me think we might be

B-B-A-A_ G-F-E
Similarly occupied…

Shall we dance?

A_ G#_ A___A_ G#_A-E
On a bright cloud of music

G__ F_ ^C
shall we fly?

Shall we dance?

G___F#_ G_ G___ F# – G
Shall we then say “Goodnight”

D___ F___ E – A
And mean “Goodbye”?

^C__B -^C
Or perchance,

F____ G_ A_ A-G# A_ E__G_ F_ G
When the last little star has left the sky,

G__ F#_ G_ G_F#-G-Bb
Shall we still be together

A___ G__ F___E – F__ E__F – A
With our arms around each other

G___ F__ E_ F_ G__D__ E – A
And shall you be my new romance?

Bb_ A__G__ G-F#-G-Bb
On the clear understanding

Bb__ G__ A_ G#_ A_ G#_ A-^C
That this kind of thing can happen,

Bb__ A__ ^C
Shall we dance?

D___F__ ^C
Shall we dance?

Shall we Dance?

Shall We Dance? – The King and I Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Fa____ Mi__ Sol__ Fa – Re – Mi
We’ve just been introduced,

Mi Mi_Sol__ Fa__ Mi__Fa
I do not know you well,

Fa___ Mi___Sol_ Fa-Re__Mi-Sol
But when the music started

Fa_- Re_____ Mi__Sol_ Fa__Mi__ Fa
Something drew me to your side.

Fa_ Mi-Sol__Fa__ Re__Mi
So many men and girls,

Mi__Mi_ Sol__ Fa – Mi__ Fa
Are in each others arms

Fa__Sol__ Sol__Sol__Sol__ Sol__ Sol
It made me think we might be

Si-Si-La-La_ Sol-Fa-Mi
Similarly occupied…

Shall we dance?

La_ Sol#_ La___La_ Sol#_La-Mi
On a bright cloud of music

Sol__ Fa_ ^Do
shall we fly?

Shall we dance?

Sol___Fa#_ Sol_ Sol___ Fa# – Sol
Shall we then say “Goodnight”

Re___ Fa___ Mi – La
And mean “Goodbye”?

^Do__Si -^Do
Or perchance,

Fa____ Sol_ La_ La-Sol# La_ Mi__Sol_ Fa_ Sol
When the last little star has left the sky,

Sol__ Fa#_ Sol_ Sol_Fa#-Sol-Sib
Shall we still be together

La___ Sol__ Fa___Mi – Fa__ Mi__Fa – La
With our arms around each other

Sol___ Fa__ Mi_ Fa_ Sol__Re__ Mi – La
And shall you be my new romance?

Sib_ La__Sol__ Sol-Fa#-Sol-Sib
On the clear understanding

Sib__ Sol__ La_ Sol#_ La_ Sol#_ La-^Do
That this kind of thing can happen,

Sib__ La__ ^Do
Shall we dance?

Re___Fa__ ^Do
Shall we dance?

Shall we Dance?

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