Sober – Demi Lovato Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of I’m A Little Teapot – Traditional piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Sober – Demi Lovato Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
C_ D_ D_ D_-D_-C_
I_ got_ no_ excuses
For all of these goodbyes
C___D__D__ D__D_-C_
Call me when it’s over
C____C__ C_-.Bb_.G_-.F
‘Cause I’m dying inside
C_____D___D___ D___ D___C___C_
Wake me when the shakes are gone
.Bb_ .Bb_ D___ D___D_-C_-D_
And the cold sweats disappear
C__ D__ D__ D__D_-C_
Call me when it’s over
C___C_-C__ C__.Bb-.G_-.F
And myself has reappeared
C__C__ C__ D__ D___D_
I don’t know, I don’t know
F___F___ F__G__ G___G___F-C_
I don’t know, I don’t know why
C_ C_ C_ D_-D__ F-F_ G_-F_ D_
I_ do_ it_ every,_every,_every_time
C_-C___ C__ D__ D_-D__ F
Sometimes I just wanna cave
F___F__ G___ G_-F__D_
And I don’t wanna fight
D_ C_ C_ C_ D_
I try and I try
D__D_ F_ F_F_G_ G_ G_ F-D_
And I try and I try and I try
C___ C__.Bb .Bb C_-.Bb
Just hold me, I’m lonely
G_-F____G__ F_G_-F
Momma I’m so sorry
G__G__Bb-F_ F-D_-D_
I’m not sober anymore
D___F_ – F___F____ F – F___F
And daddy please forgive me
D__ C__ D____ F___D__ C__.Bb-.G_
For the drink spilled on the floor ~
F__G___G___F___G_-F_ G__ F
To the ones who never left me
G______G____G____F___D__ C_-C_
We’ve been down this road before
C__ F_F_-F
I’m so sorry
C__F_ F_-D_-F-D__C_-D_-C_
I’m not sober_ ~____ anymore
G_-Bb-F C_
Ooh ooh…
C_ D_-D_ D_ D_-F D_-C_ C_
C__ C__ D___C__ D__C__D_
For the man that left my bed
C__ D_-D__ D__D__D_
For making love the way
I saved for you inside my head
C__C__G_-G_ G_ G_ D_ C_ C_
And I’m sorry for the fans I lost
C_____ D____ C__ D__F-D_
who watched me fall again
C_ D_-D_ D_ D_ D_ C_-C_
I_ wanna_ be_ a_ role_ model
C__ C__ C_-.G__ .F-.D_
But_ I’m_ only_ human…
Sober – Demi Lovato Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Do_ Re_ Re_ Re_-Re_-Do_
I_ got_ no_ excuses
For all of these goodbyes
Do___Re__Re__ Re__Re_-Do_
Call me when it’s over
Do____Do__ Do_-.Sib_.Sol_-.Fa
‘Cause I’m dying inside
Do_____Re___Re___ Re___ Re___Do___Do_
Wake me when the shakes are gone
.Sib_ .Sib_ Re___ Re___Re_-Do_-Re_
And the cold sweats disappear
Do__ Re__ Re__ Re__Re_-Do_
Call me when it’s over
Do___Do_-Do__ Do__.Sib-.Sol_-.Fa
And myself has reappeared
Do__Do__ Do__ Re__ Re___Re_
I don’t know, I don’t know
Fa___Fa___ Fa__Sol__ Sol___Sol___Fa-Do_
I don’t know, I don’t know why
Do_ Do_ Do_ Re_-Re__ Fa-Fa_ Sol_-Fa_ Re_
I_ do_ it_ every,_every,_every_time
Do_-Do___ Do__ Re__ Re_-Re__ Fa
Sometimes I just wanna cave
Fa___Fa__ Sol___ Sol_-Fa__Re_
And I don’t wanna fight
Re_ Do_ Do_ Do_ Re_
I try and I try
Re__Re_ Fa_ Fa_Fa_Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Fa-Re_
And I try and I try and I try
Do___ Do__.Sib .Sib Do_-.Sib
Just hold me, I’m lonely
Sol_-Fa____Sol__ Fa_Sol_-Fa
Momma I’m so sorry
Sol__Sol__Sib-Fa_ Fa-Re_-Re_
I’m not sober anymore
Re___Fa_ – Fa___Fa____ Fa – Fa___Fa
And daddy please forgive me
Re__ Do__ Re____ Fa___Re__ Do__.Sib-.Sol_
For the drink spilled on the floor ~
Fa__Sol___Sol___Fa___Sol_-Fa_ Sol__ Fa
To the ones who never left me
Sol______Sol____Sol____Fa___Re__ Do_-Do_
We’ve been down this road before
Do__ Fa_Fa_-Fa
I’m so sorry
Do__Fa_ Fa_-Re_-Fa-Re__Do_-Re_-Do_
I’m not sober_ ~____ anymore
Sol_-Sib-Fa Do_
Ooh ooh…
Do_ Re_-Re_ Re_ Re_-Fa Re_-Do_ Do_
Do__ Do__ Re___Do__ Re__Do__Re_
For the man that left my bed
Do__ Re_-Re__ Re__Re__Re_
For making love the way
I saved for you inside my head
Do__Do__Sol_-Sol_ Sol_ Sol_ Re_ Do_ Do_
And I’m sorry for the fans I lost
Do_____ Re____ Do__ Re__Fa-Re_
who watched me fall again
Do_ Re_-Re_ Re_ Re_ Re_ Do_-Do_
I_ wanna_ be_ a_ role_ model
Do__ Do__ Do_-.Sol__ .Fa-.Re_
But_ I’m_ only_ human…