Something There – Beauty and the Beast Easy Letter Notes

Something There – Beauty and the Beast song letter notes for piano Something There – Beauty and the Beast ABC and do re mi version.

Something There  Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D__ B – ^C_ A_D_ A-B_ G
There’s something sweet and almost kind

D_ B ^C_A
But he was mean

D_ B ^C_ A_ D F#-^E-^D
And he was coarse and unrefined

G_G ^D_^C ^C ^C ^D-B
And now he’s dear and so unsure

B B-^C_A D A-B A D F#_A-G
I wonder why I didn’t see it there before

D_ B_^C_ A D_ A_ B G
She glanced this way, I thought I saw

D_ B_ ^C_ A
And when we touched

D_ A-^C_A – D_F# ^E ^D
She didn’t shudder at my paw

G G ^D ^C ^C ^C ^D-B
No, it can’t be, I’ll just ignore

B_ B_ ^C_A-D
But then she’s never

A_ B_A_ D F# A-G
Looked at me that way before

^E ^E ^F# ^G ^F#-^F#-^D
New, and a bit alarming

^D_ ^E ^F#-^E
Who’d have ever

B__ G_ A_^E_^D
Thought that this could be?

^E_ ^E ^F# ^A ^G_^F#-^D
True, that he’s no Prince Charming

^D_ ^E_ ^F#-^E_ B_G
But there’s something in him

G_ B ^E-B G-B ^D
That I simply didn’t see…

D_ B_ ^C_ A
Well, who’d have thought?

D_ G_ B_A
Well, bless my soul

D_ F#_ A_ G
Well, who’d have known?

D_F#_ A – G
Well, who indeed?

D_ G_B_ A
And who’d have guessed

D__ A_ ^C-A-D_F# ^E ^D
They’d come together on their own?

D G B-^E-^D
It’s so peculiar…

^D_ ^D ^E ^C ^C ^C ^D_B
We’ll wait and see a few days more

B_ B_ ^C_ A – E_ G
There may be something there

B_A – D_ F#_ A-G
That wasn’t there before

D – G_ B_ A – D_ G
Perhaps there’s something there

B_ A – D_ F#_ A-G
That wasn’t there before…

Something There  Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re_ Si – ^Do_ La_ Re_La-Si_ Sol
There’s something sweet and almost kind

Re_Si ^Do La
But he was mean

Re_ Si ^Do_ La_ Re Fa#-^Mi-^Re
And he was coarse and unrefined

Sol_ Sol ^Re ^Do ^Do ^Do ^Re-Si
And now he’s dear and so unsure

Si Si-^Do La Re La-Si La Re Fa# La-Sol
I wonder why I didn’t see it there before

Re_ Si_ ^Do_ La Re_La_Si Sol
She glanced this way, I thought I saw

Re_ Si_^Do_ La
And when we touched

Re_La-^Do La – Re Fa# ^Mi ^Re
She didn’t shudder at my paw

Sol Sol ^Re ^Do ^Do ^Do ^Re-Si
No, it can’t be, I’ll just ignore

Si_ Si_^Do La-Re
But then she’s never

La_ Si La_Re Fa# La-Sol
Looked at me that way before

^Mi ^Mi ^Fa# ^Sol ^Fa#-^Fa#-^Re
New, and a bit alarming

^Re_ ^Mi ^Fa#-^Mi
Who’d have ever

Si_ Sol_La ^Mi ^Re
Thought that this could be?

^Mi_ ^Mi ^Fa# ^La ^Sol ^Fa#-^Re
True, that he’s no Prince Charming

^Re_^Mi_ ^Fa#-^Mi_Si Sol
But there’s something in him

Sol_Si ^Mi-Si Sol-Si ^Re
That I simply didn’t see…

Re_ Si_ ^Do_ La
Well, who’d have thought?

Re_Sol_ Si La
Well, bless my soul

Re_ Fa#_ La_ Sol
Well, who’d have known?

Re_ Fa#_La – Sol
Well, who indeed?

Re_Sol_ Si_ La
And who’d have guessed

Re_ La_ ^Do-La-Re Fa# ^Mi ^Re
They’d come together on their own?

Re Sol Si-^Mi-^Re
It’s so peculiar…

^Re_^Re ^Mi ^Do ^Do ^Do ^Re Si
We’ll wait and see a few days more

Si_Si_^Do_La – Mi_ Sol
There may be something there

Si_ La – Re_ Fa#_La-Sol
That wasn’t there before

Re – Sol_Si_ La – Re_Sol
Perhaps there’s something there

Si_ La – Re_Fa#_La-Sol
That wasn’t there before…


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