Somewhere – West Side Story Easy Letter Notes
Somewhere – West Side Story song letter notes for piano Somewhere – West Side Story ABC and do re mi version.
Somewhere Letter Notes ABC easy notes
C_ Bb A F D
There’s a place for us
^D – ^C Bb_A_F D
Somewhere a place for us
E_ F_G-A Bb ^C-A F
Peace and quiet and open air
^D Bb G_F – E
Wait for us, somewhere,,,
C_ Bb A F G
There’s a time for us
^D – ^C Bb A F D
Someday a time for us
E_ F-G-A_Bb ^C A_ F
Time together with time to spare
^D Bb G ^ D# ^C G#
Time to look, time to care
Someday, somewhere!
^G ^F ^D# ^D ^D# ^F ^F-Bb
We’ll find a new way of living
^D# ^C# ^C Bb ^C ^C#-^D#-G#
We’ll find a way of forgiving…
^D – G_ C_Bb A F D
Somewhere, there’s a place for us
^D ^C Bb A_F D
A time and place for us
E_ F_G_A_ Bb_^C – A G
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there
^D Bb_G G# Bb ^D# ^C G#
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there
^D#-^F_ ^D# ^F_ ^D# – ^F
Somehow, some day, somewhere!
Somewhere Letter Notes Do Re Mi easy notes
Do___Sib_ La_ Fa_Re
There’s a place for us
^Re – ^Do_ Sib_ La_ Fa_Re
Somewhere a place for us
Mi___Fa_ Sol-La_ Sib ^Do-La Fa
Peace and quiet and open air
^Re_ Sib Sol__Fa – Mi
Wait for us, somewhere,,,
Do__ Sib_ La_Fa_Sol
There’s a time for us
^Re – ^Do Sib La Fa Re
Someday a time for us
Mi__ Fa-Sol-La_ Sib_ ^Do_La_ Fa
Time together with time to spare
^Re_Sib_Sol ^ Re# ^Do Sol#
Time to look, time to care
Someday, somewhere!
^Sol_^Fa ^Re# ^Re ^Re# ^Fa ^Fa-Sib
We’ll find a new way of living
^Re# ^Do# ^Do Sib ^Do ^Do#-^Re#-Sol#
We’ll find a way of forgiving…
^Re – Sol___ Do__Sib_ La_ Fa_ Re
Somewhere, there’s a place for us
^Re ^Do Sib_ La_ Fa_Re
A time and place for us
Mi__ Fa__Sol_ La_ Sib_ ^Do – La_ Sol
Hold my hand and we’re halfway there
^Re_ Sib_ Sol_ Sol# Sib ^Re# ^Do Sol#
Hold my hand and I’ll take you there
^Re#-^Fa_ ^Re# ^Fa_ ^Re# – ^Fa
Somehow, some day, somewhere!