Film MusicLetter Notes

Stars – Les Miserables Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of Stars – Les Miserables song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Stars – Les Miserables piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Stars – Les Miserables Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

G#__F#_G#_ A_B-G#
There, out in the darkness

G# F#-G#-A_B-E
A fugitive running

Fallen from God

A-G#_ F#_G#
Fallen from grace

F#_G#_B_ F#-G#
God be my witness

G# F#-G#_B_ E
I never shall yield

^C#_B_A_ G#_ E_ F#
Till we come face to face

B_ A_ A_ G#_F#_E
Till we come face to face…

E__E_ D#_C# D#_E_F#
He knows his way in the dark

F#_F#_ F#_E_D#_E_F#_G#
But mine is the way of the Lord

B__ B__ B_ B-B
And those who follow

^C#_B_ A_ G#_A-A
The path of the righteous

A__ A__A_ B-G#
Shall have their reward

E_ G#_B_ ^C
And if they fall

^C ^C-^C-B ^C
As Lucifer fell

A_ B-A-G_ A_B
The flames, the sword!


F#_G#_ A-B-G#
In your multitudes

F#_ G#_ A_ B-E
Scarce to be counted

C#-D#_ E_C#-.B
Filling the darkness

.B_ A-G#_ F#_G#
With order and light

F#_ G#_A_ B-F#-G#
You are the sentinels

Silent and sure

^C#-B__A_G#_ E_F#
Keeping watch in the night

B – A__ A_ G#_ F#_ E
Keeping watch in the night…

E__ E_ D#_C#_ D#_ E_ F#
You know your place in the sky

F#_ F#_ E__D#_ E_F#_G#
You hold your course and your aim

G#_ B_B_B_ B-B
And each in your season

^C#-B_ A_G#-A
Returns and returns

A_ A_A-A_ B_G#
And is always the same

E_ G#_B_^C
And if you fall

^C ^C-^C-B ^C
As Lucifer fell

You fall in flame!

B_ B_B_^C#_B
And so it must be,

B_B_B ^C#_B-B
And so it is written

B_^C# ^D-^D ^D ^C#-B-A
On the doorway to paradise

A__ A__ B_ B-A
That those who falter

A__ ^E_ A_ G#
And those who fall

F#__F#_ E_ F#
Must pay the price!

A__B_ ^C ^D_G
Lord let me find him

E_F#_ G_E_D
That I may see him

^C_ B-A_ ^D
Safe behind bars!

^C_B ^C-B_G
I will never rest

G_^E_^D ^C ^D
Till then this I swear

^D ^D ^D ^D ^D ^D
This I swear by the stars!

Stars – Les Miserables Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Sol#_ Fa# Sol#_La_Si-Sol#
There, out in the darkness

Sol# Fa#-Sol#-La Si-Mi
A fugitive running

Do#-Re# Mi Do#-.Si
Fallen from God

La-Sol#_ Fa#_Sol#
Fallen from grace

Fa# Sol# Si_Fa#-Sol#
God be my witness

Sol# Fa#-Sol# Si_Mi
I never shall yield

^Do# Si La_ Sol#_Mi_Fa#
Till we come face to face

Si_ La_ La_ Sol# Fa# Mi
Till we come face to face…

Mi__Mi_ Re# Do# Re# Mi Fa#
He knows his way in the dark

Fa#_Fa#_Fa# Mi Re# Mi Fa# Sol#
But mine is the way of the Lord

Si__ Si__Si_ Si-Si
And those who follow

The path of the righteous

La__ La_ La_ Si-Sol#
Shall have their reward

Mi_Sol# Si_^Do
And if they fall

^Do ^Do-^Do-Si ^Do
As Lucifer fell

La_ Si-La-Sol_ La_Si
The flames, the sword!


Fa# Sol#_La-Si-Sol#
In your multitudes

Fa#_ Sol#_La_ Si-Mi
Scarce to be counted

Filling the darkness

.Si_ La-Sol#_Fa# Sol#
With order and light

Fa#_Sol# La_Si-Fa#-Sol#
You are the sentinels

Fa#-Sol# Si Sol#
Silent and sure

^Do#-Si_ La_Sol#_Mi_Fa#
Keeping watch in the night

Si – La__ La_ Sol#_Fa#_Mi
Keeping watch in the night…

Mi__Mi_ Re#_Do#_Re#_Mi_Fa#
You know your place in the sky

Fa#_ Fa#_ Mi__Re#_ Mi_Fa#_Sol#
You hold your course and your aim

Sol#_ Si_Si_Si_ Si-Si
And each in your season

^Do#-Si_ La_Sol#-La
Returns and returns

La_ La_La-La_ Si_Sol#
And is always the same

Mi_Sol# Si ^Do
And if you fall

^Do ^Do-^Do-Si ^Do
As Lucifer fell

La Si-La-Sol La Si
You fall in flame!

Si_Si Si ^Do# Si
And so it must be,

Si_Si Si ^Do# Si-Si
And so it is written

Si ^Do# ^Re-^Re ^Re ^Do#-Si-La
On the doorway to paradise

La__ La__Si_ Si-La
That those who falter

La__^Mi_ La_ Sol#
And those who fall

Fa#_ Fa#_Mi_ Fa#
Must pay the price!

La_ Si_^Do ^Re Sol
Lord let me find him

That I may see him

^Do_ Si-La_ ^Re
Safe behind bars!

^Do Si ^Do-Si Sol
I will never rest

Sol_^Mi ^Re ^Do ^Re
Till then this I swear

^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re
This I swear by the stars!

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