Sunflower – Shannon Purser Easy Letter Notes
Sunflower – Shannon Purser song letter notes for piano Sunflower – Shannon Purser ABC and do re mi version.
Sunflower – Shannon Purser Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
^C__G_^C_A-G A-^C
Rose girls in glass vases
^C – G_ G-^C__A-G_ A-^C
Perfect bodies, perfect faces
^E ^D ^C-^D ^C A-G-^D-A
They all belong in magazines
^C__ G_ ^C_ A_ G_ A-^C
Those girls the boys are chasing
^C – G_ G_^C__A___G__ A-^C
Winning all the games they’re playing
^E__ ^D-^C ^D ^C_A-G ^C-^D-^C-A
They’re always in a different league ~
^A – ^G__^E__^D_ ^C
Stretching toward the sky
^D ^E_^C_A
Like I don’t care
^A – ^G_^E_^D_^C ^D
Wishing you could see me
Standing there…
^C ^C ^D ^E-^E-^D
But I’m a sunflower
^C ^D-^E A-^C
A little funny
^C ^D ^E ^D ^E-^D
^C-^D_^E_ A_ ^C
Maybe you’d want me…
^C ^A ^A *C ^A_^G-^E-^G
If I could I’d change overnight
And turn into something you’d like
^C ^C ^D ^E-^E-^D
But I’m a sunflower
^C ^D-^E A-^C
A little funny
^C ^D ^E ^D ^E-^D
^C – ^D_^E_ A_^C
Maybe you’d pick me…
^C ^A ^A_*C_^A_^G_^E_^G-^A
But I know you don’t have a clue ~
^C_^A-^A-*C_ ^A-^G_^E ^G
This sunflower’s waiting for you
^G-^E ^D ^D-^C
Waiting for you…
Sunflower – Shannon Purser Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
^Do_ Sol_^Do_La-Sol La-^Do
Rose girls in glass vases
^Do – Sol_Sol-^Do_ La-Sol_La-^Do
Perfect bodies, perfect faces
^Mi ^Re ^Do-^Re ^Do La-Sol-^Re-La
They all belong in magazines
^Do__Sol_^Do_La_ Sol_La-^Do
Those girls the boys are chasing
^Do – Sol_ Sol_ ^Do_ La__ Sol__ La-^Do
Winning all the games they’re playing
^Mi__ ^Re-^Do ^Re ^Do_La-Sol ^Do-^Re-^Do-La
They’re always in a different league ~
^La – ^Sol__^Mi__^Re_^Do
Stretching toward the sky
^Re ^Mi_^Do_La
Like I don’t care
^La – ^Sol_ ^Mi_^Re_^Do ^Re
Wishing you could see me
^Mi-^Mi_ ^Mi-^Re
Standing there…
^Do ^Do ^Re ^Mi-^Mi-^Re
But I’m a sunflower
^Do ^Re-^Mi La-^Do
A little funny
^Do ^Re ^Mi ^Re ^Mi-^Re
If_I_ were_a_rose
^Do-^Re_ ^Mi_ La_^Do
Maybe you’d want me…
^Do ^La ^La *Do ^La_^Sol-^Mi-^Sol
If I could I’d change overnight
^Do_^La_ ^La-*Do_ ^La-^Sol_ ^Mi_ ^Sol
And turn into something you’d like
^Do ^Do ^Re ^Mi-^Mi-^Re
But I’m a sunflower
^Do ^Re-^Mi La-^Do
A little funny
^Do ^Re ^Mi ^Re ^Mi-^Re
If_ I_ was_ a_ rose
^Do – ^Re_ ^Mi_La_^Do
Maybe you’d pick me…
^Do ^La ^La_*Do_^La_ ^Sol_^Mi_^Sol-^La
But I know you don’t have a clue ~
^Do_^La-^La-*Do_^La-^Sol_^Mi ^Sol
This sunflower’s waiting for you
^Sol-^Mi ^Re ^Re-^Do
Waiting for you…