The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
B ^D B-A-B
Woah . (x8)
D – D_ D_ C#
Ladies and gents
C# C# .B_ C# – C#_ D_ C#-.B .B
This is the moment you’ve waited for
B ^D B-A-B
Woah .
.B___ D – D_ D_D_ C#
Been searching in the dark
.B__ C#_ C#-D__ C#__.B_ .B
Your sweat soaking through the floor
B ^D B-A-B
Woah .
.B__E – E_D C#_ C#
And buried in your bones
C#__ .B_ C#_C#_D_ C#_.B-.B
There’s an ache that you can’t ignore!
C#-C#_D__ C#__C#-C#_D_ C#
Taking your breath, stealing your mind
.B_ C# C#_D_C# D C#_D – F#
And all that was real is left behind
F#__ F#_E
Don’t fight it,
E_ E – D_ D_D
It’s coming for you,
C – D_ C .B
Running at ya
F# F#-E E_ E – D
It’s only this moment,
D___ D_ C#__D_ C#-D
Don’t care what comes after
F#_ F#-E__E
Your fever dream,
E___ E_ D D C#-D C#-.B
Can’t you see it getting closer?
F#_ F#-F#-E
Just surrender
E___ E__E_D_ D-D_ E-F# G-F#
‘Cause you feel the feeling taking over
^F# ^F# -^E
It’s fire,
It’s freedom,
^D ^C#-^D ^C#-B
It’s flooding open,
^F# ^F# ^F#-^E ^E ^E ^E-^D
It’s a preacher in the pulpit
^D_^D_^C# ^D-^C#-^D
And you’ll find devotion
B___ ^F#-^F#_ ^F#-^E
There’s something breaking
^E ^E ^E ^D ^D-^D ^C#
At the brick of every wall
^D ^C#-B_B Bb_B_ C#
It’s holding, I’ll let you know
^D ^E ^D ^D ^D ^G-^F# ^F#
So tell me do you wanna go?
A__ A ^F#-^E ^E ^E ^E ^E-^D ^E-^F#
Where it’s covered in all the colored lights
A___A ^F#-^E-^E ^D ^E-^F# ^A ^F#
Where the runaways are running the night
A-^D-^E-^F# ^F# ^E
Impossible comes true,
^C# ^D-^E ^E-^D ^D
It’s taking over you
^D ^D ^D ^D ^D-^D ^D
Oh! this is the greatest show!
^F# ^F# ^E ^E ^F# ^E ^D_^F#
We light it up, we won’t come down
A__A_^A ^A_ ^B_^B_^F#-^E-^D
And the sun can’t stop us now_~
^D-^E_^F# ^F# ^E
Watching it come true,
^F# ^G-^F# ^E-^D ^D
It’s taking over you .
^D ^D ^D ^D ^D-^D_ ^D
Oh, this is the greatest show!
B ^D B-A-B
Woah .
B-^D-^D ^D ^C#
Colossal we come
^C# ^C#-^C#-^D ^C# B B
These renegades in the ring
B ^D B-A-B
Woah .
B___ B_^E ^D ^C#
Where the lost get found
^C# B ^C# ^C# ^D ^C#-B B
In the crown of the Circus King
^F#_^F# ^E ^E ^E-^D ^D ^D
Don’t fight it, it’s coming for you,
^C#-^D ^C# B
Running at ya
^F# ^F# ^E ^E-^D
It’s only this moment,
^D_ ^D_^C#_ ^D_ ^C#-^D
Don’t care what comes after
^F# ^F#-^E ^E-^E ^D ^D ^C# ^D ^C#_ B
It’s blinding outside and I think that you know
^F# ^F#-^F#-^E ^E ^E_ ^E-^D
Just surrender ’cause you’re calling
^D ^D ^G-^F# ^F#-^E-^D
And you wanna go_~
(Play chorus)
F#_ B – B – B_ B B-^C# ^D
It’s everything you ever want
F#_ B – B – B_ B_B-^C# ^D
It’s everything you ever need
A__A_ ^D_ A_A ^D ^E ^C#
And it’s here right in front of you
^C# ^C# ^C# ^C# ^D-^C# B
This is where you wanna be .
F#_ B – B – B_ B B-^C# ^D
It’s everything you ever want
F#_ B – B – B_ B_B-^C# ^D
It’s everything you ever need
A__A_ ^D_ A_A ^D ^E ^C#
And it’s here right in front of you
^D ^D ^D ^D ^D-D ^D-^E ^G
This is where you wanna be
^G ^G ^G ^G ^G-^A ^D
(This is where you wanna be!)
(Play chorus many times!)
The Greatest Show – The Greatest Showman Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Si ^Re Si-La-Si
Woah . (x8)
Re – Re_ Re_ Do#
Ladies and gents
Do# Do# .Si_ Do# – Do#_ Re_ Do#-.Si .Si
This is the moment you’ve waited for
Si ^Re Si-La-Si
Woah .
.Si___ Re – Re_ Re_Re_ Do#
Been searching in the dark
.Si__ Do#_ Do#-Re__ Do#__.Si_ .Si
Your sweat soaking through the floor
Si ^Re Si-La-Si
Woah .
.Si__Mi – Mi_Re Do#_ Do#
And buried in your bones
Do#__ .Si_ Do#_Do#_Re_ Do#_.Si-.Si
There’s an ache that you can’t ignore!
Do#-Do#_Re__ Do#__Do#-Do#_Re_ Do#
Taking your breath, stealing your mind
.Si_ Do# Do#_Re_Do# Re Do#_Re – Fa#
And all that was real is left behind
Fa#__ Fa#_Mi
Don’t fight it,
Mi_ Mi – Re_ Re_Re
It’s coming for you,
Do – Re_ Do .Si
Running at ya
Fa# Fa#-Mi Mi_ Mi – Re
It’s only this moment,
Re___ Re_ Do#__Re_ Do#-Re
Don’t care what comes after
Fa#_ Fa#-Mi__Mi
Your fever dream,
Mi___ Mi_ Re Re Do#-Re Do#-.Si
Can’t you see it getting closer?
Fa#_ Fa#-Fa#-Mi
Just surrender
Mi___ Mi__Mi_Re_ Re-Re_ Mi-Fa# Sol-Fa#
‘Cause you feel the feeling taking over
^Fa# ^Fa# -^Mi
It’s fire,
It’s freedom,
^Re ^Do#-^Re ^Do#-Si
It’s flooding open,
^Fa# ^Fa# ^Fa#-^Mi ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Re
It’s a preacher in the pulpit
^Re_^Re_^Do# ^Re-^Do#-^Re
And you’ll find devotion
Si___ ^Fa#-^Fa#_ ^Fa#-^Mi
There’s something breaking
^Mi ^Mi ^Mi ^Re ^Re-^Re ^Do#
At the brick of every wall
^Re ^Do#-Si_Si Sib_Si_ Do#
It’s holding, I’ll let you know
^Re ^Mi ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Sol-^Fa# ^Fa#
So tell me do you wanna go?
La__ La ^Fa#-^Mi ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Re ^Mi-^Fa#
Where it’s covered in all the colored lights
La___La ^Fa#-^Mi-^Mi ^Re ^Mi-^Fa# ^La ^Fa#
Where the runaways are running the night
La-^Re-^Mi-^Fa# ^Fa# ^Mi
Impossible comes true,
^Do# ^Re-^Mi ^Mi-^Re ^Re
It’s taking over you
^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re-^Re ^Re
Oh! this is the greatest show!
^Fa# ^Fa# ^Mi ^Mi ^Fa# ^Mi ^Re_^Fa#
We light it up, we won’t come down
La__La_^La ^La_ ^Si_^Si_^Fa#-^Mi-^Re
And the sun can’t stop us now_~
^Re-^Mi_^Fa# ^Fa# ^Mi
Watching it come true,
^Fa# ^Sol-^Fa# ^Mi-^Re ^Re
It’s taking over you .
^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re-^Re_ ^Re
Oh, this is the greatest show!
Si ^Re Si-La-Si
Woah .
Si-^Re-^Re ^Re ^Do#
Colossal we come
^Do# ^Do#-^Do#-^Re ^Do# Si Si
These renegades in the ring
Si ^Re Si-La-Si
Woah .
Si___ Si_^Mi ^Re ^Do#
Where the lost get found
^Do# Si ^Do# ^Do# ^Re ^Do#-Si Si
In the crown of the Circus King
^Fa#_^Fa# ^Mi ^Mi ^Mi-^Re ^Re ^Re
Don’t fight it, it’s coming for you,
^Do#-^Re ^Do# Si
Running at ya
^Fa# ^Fa# ^Mi ^Mi-^Re
It’s only this moment,
^Re_ ^Re_^Do#_ ^Re_ ^Do#-^Re
Don’t care what comes after
^Fa# ^Fa#-^Mi ^Mi-^Mi ^Re ^Re ^Do# ^Re ^Do#_ Si
It’s blinding outside and I think that you know
^Fa# ^Fa#-^Fa#-^Mi ^Mi ^Mi_ ^Mi-^Re
Just surrender ’cause you’re calling
^Re ^Re ^Sol-^Fa# ^Fa#-^Mi-^Re
And you wanna go_~
(Play chorus)
Fa#_ Si – Si – Si_ Si Si-^Do# ^Re
It’s everything you ever want
Fa#_ Si – Si – Si_ Si_Si-^Do# ^Re
It’s everything you ever need
La__La_ ^Re_ La_La ^Re ^Mi ^Do#
And it’s here right in front of you
^Do# ^Do# ^Do# ^Do# ^Re-^Do# Si
This is where you wanna be .
Fa#_ Si – Si – Si_ Si Si-^Do# ^Re
It’s everything you ever want
Fa#_ Si – Si – Si_ Si_Si-^Do# ^Re
It’s everything you ever need
La__La_ ^Re_ La_La ^Re ^Mi ^Do#
And it’s here right in front of you
^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re ^Re-Re ^Re-^Mi ^Sol
This is where you wanna be
^Sol ^Sol ^Sol ^Sol ^Sol-^La ^Re
(This is where you wanna be!)
(Play chorus many times!)