The Point of No Return – Phantom of the Opera Easy Letter Notes

We have added the letter notes of The Point of No Return – Phantom of the Opera song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of The Point of No Return – Phantom of the Opera piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

The Point of No Return – Phantom of the Opera Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

^D_ ^E_ ^C__Bb
You have come here

^D ^D-^E ^E ^E_^C-^C_ Bb
In pursuit of your deepest urge

Bb Bb-^C ^C ^C G#
In pursuit of that wish

G#__ G#_ F#_ F#_ F#
Which till now has been

E-E__ D-D
Silent, silent…

^E ^F# ^D#_^C#
I have brought you

^E_ ^E_^F#-^F# ^F# ^D# ^D# ^C#
That our passions may fuse and merge

^C# ^C# ^D# ^D#_^D#-B-B
In your mind you’ve already

B – B_____A_ B
Succumbed to me

^C#__ ^C#_^C#-^D#-^D#
Dropped all defenses

^D# – B – B___ B – B___A_ A
Completely succumbed to me

A___ G__G__G__G__G
Now you are here with me

G__ F – F___ F
No second thoughts…

F___ F-D#-D#_D#-D-D
You’ve decided, decided…

C___F__ E__F_ G_G#-G
Past the point of no return

F___ G – F___ A-^C
No backward glances

^D#__^D#_^F_^C# ^C-Bb
These games of make-believe

^C ^C# ^D# ^C
Are at an end…

C__ F___ E__ F_G G#_G
Past all thought of if or when

F__ G_ F-A-^C
No use resisting

^D#-^D#-^F_^C#_ ^C_ Bb
Abandon_ thought_and_let

^C_ ^C#_ ^D#-^C
The dream descend…

^C_ ^C-^C_^C
What raging fire

^C#__F_ G#_ Bb
Shall flood the soul?

Bb__ Bb_Bb-Bb_ B-F#_D#_D
What rich desire unlocks its door?

F#___ B__ B-^C#-Bb_F#_ D-C#_C
What sweet seduction lies before us?

C___F__ E__F_G_ G#-G
Past the point of no return

F__ G-F__A-^C
The final threshold?

^D#_^D#_^F-^C#-^C Bb-^C
What warm, unspoken secrets

^C# ^D# ^C
Will we learn?

^C-^C_^C#_F_ G#_Bb_ E-F
Beyond the point of no return?

^D__^E__ ^C__ Bb
You have brought me

^D_^D_^E-^E__ ^E__ ^C_ ^C_ Bb
To that moment where words run dry

Bb_Bb_ ^C-^C_ ^C
To that moment where

Speech disappears into

E – E___D – D
Silence, silence…

^E ^F# ^D# ^C#
I have come here

^E-^E_^F#-^F# ^F# ^D#-^D# ^C#

^C# ^C# ^D#

^D# ^D#-B-B_B-B-A
I’ve already imagined

B_^C#-^C# ^C#-^D#-^D#

^D# – B – B__ B_ B-A
Defenseless and silent…

A___A_G_G_ G__ G__G
And now I am here with you,

No second thoughts

F F-D#-D# D#-D-D
I’ve decided, decided…

C___F__ E_ F_ G_G#-G
Past the point of no return

F__ G-F__A_ ^C
No going back now

^D# ^D#-^F ^C# ^C_Bb
Our passion play has now

^C ^C# ^D#-^C

C__ F___E___ F_ G_ G#_ G
Past all thought of right or wrong

F__ G-F_ A-^C
One final question

^D#_^D#_ ^F_ ^C# ^C_Bb
How long should we two wait

^C-^C# ^D# ^C
Before we’re one?

^C__ ^C_^C_ ^C_^C#-F_G# Bb
When will the blood begin to race

Bb_ Bb-Bb_ Bb__ B__F#-D#_ D
The sleeping bud bursts into bloom?

F#___ B__ B_ ^C#_Bb_F#_ D-C#_ C
When will the flames at last consume us?

D___G_ F#_ G_A_Bb-A
Past the point of no return

The final threshold

^F__ ^F_^G_ ^D#
The bridge is crossed,

^D_ ^C ^D_^D# ^F ^D
So stand and watch it burn

^D___ ^D_ ^D#_ G_ Bb ^C_F#-G
We’ve passed the point of no return…

The Point of No Return – Phantom of the Opera Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

^Re_ ^Mi_ ^Do__Sib
You have come here

^Re ^Re-^Mi ^Mi ^Mi_^Do-^Do_ Sib
In pursuit of your deepest urge

Sib Sib-^Do ^Do ^Do Sol#
In pursuit of that wish

Sol#__ Sol#_ Fa#_ Fa#_ Fa#
Which till now has been

Mi-Mi__ Re-Re
Silent, silent…

^Mi ^Fa# ^Re#_^Do#
I have brought you

^Mi_ ^Mi_^Fa#-^Fa# ^Fa# ^Re# ^Re# ^Do#
That our passions may fuse and merge

^Do# ^Do# ^Re# ^Re#_^Re#-Si-Si
In your mind you’ve already

Si – Si_____La_ Si
Succumbed to me

^Do#__ ^Do#_^Do#-^Re#-^Re#
Dropped all defenses

^Re# – Si – Si___ Si – Si___La_ La
Completely succumbed to me

La___ Sol__Sol__Sol__Sol__Sol
Now you are here with me

Sol__ Fa – Fa___ Fa
No second thoughts…

Fa___ Fa-Re#-Re#_Re#-Re-Re
You’ve decided, decided…

Do___Fa__ Mi__Fa_ Sol_Sol#-Sol
Past the point of no return

Fa___ Sol – Fa___ La-^Do
No backward glances

^Re#__^Re#_^Fa_^Do# ^Do-Sib
These games of make-believe

^Do ^Do# ^Re# ^Do
Are at an end…

Do__ Fa___ Mi__ Fa_Sol Sol#_Sol
Past all thought of if or when

Fa__ Sol_ Fa-La-^Do
No use resisting

^Re#-^Re#-^Fa_^Do#_ ^Do_ Sib
Abandon_ thought_and_let

^Do_ ^Do#_ ^Re#-^Do
The dream descend…

^Do_ ^Do-^Do_^Do
What raging fire

^Do#__Fa_ Sol#_ Sib
Shall flood the soul?

Sib__ Sib_Sib-Sib_ Si-Fa#_Re#_Re
What rich desire unlocks its door?

Fa#___ Si__ Si-^Do#-Sib_Fa#_ Re-Do#_Do
What sweet seduction lies before us?

Do___Fa__ Mi__Fa_Sol_ Sol#-Sol
Past the point of no return

Fa__ Sol-Fa__La-^Do
The final threshold?

^Re#_^Re#_^Fa-^Do#-^Do Sib-^Do
What warm, unspoken secrets

^Do# ^Re# ^Do
Will we learn?

^Do-^Do_^Do#_Fa_ Sol#_Sib_ Mi-Fa
Beyond the point of no return?

^Re__^Mi__ ^Do__ Sib
You have brought me

^Re_^Re_^Mi-^Mi__ ^Mi__ ^Do_ ^Do_ Sib
To that moment where words run dry

Sib_Sib_ ^Do-^Do_ ^Do
To that moment where

Speech disappears into

Mi – Mi___Re – Re
Silence, silence…

^Mi ^Fa# ^Re# ^Do#
I have come here

^Mi-^Mi_^Fa#-^Fa# ^Fa# ^Re#-^Re# ^Do#

^Do# ^Do# ^Re#

^Re# ^Re#-Si-Si_Si-Si-La
I’ve already imagined

Si_^Do#-^Do# ^Do#-^Re#-^Re#

^Re# – Si – Si__ Si_ Si-La
Defenseless and silent…

La___La_Sol_Sol_ Sol__ Sol__Sol
And now I am here with you,

Sol Fa-Fa Fa
No second thoughts

Fa Fa-Re#-Re# Re#-Re-Re
I’ve decided, decided…

Do___Fa__ Mi_ Fa_ Sol_Sol#-Sol
Past the point of no return

Fa__ Sol-Fa__La_ ^Do
No going back now

^Re# ^Re#-^Fa ^Do# ^Do_Sib
Our passion play has now

^Do ^Do# ^Re#-^Do

Do__ Fa___Mi___ Fa_ Sol_ Sol#_ Sol
Past all thought of right or wrong

Fa__ Sol-Fa_ La-^Do
One final question

^Re#_^Re#_ ^Fa_ ^Do# ^Do_Sib
How long should we two wait

^Do-^Do# ^Re# ^Do
Before we’re one?

^Do__ ^Do_^Do_ ^Do_^Do#-Fa_Sol# Sib
When will the blood begin to race

Sib_ Sib-Sib_ Sib__ Si__Fa#-Re#_ Re
The sleeping bud bursts into bloom?

Fa#___ Si__ Si_ ^Do#_Sib_Fa#_ Re-Do#_ Do
When will the flames at last consume us?

Re___Sol_ Fa#_ Sol_La_Sib-La
Past the point of no return

The final threshold

^Fa__ ^Fa_^Sol_ ^Re#
The bridge is crossed,

^Re_ ^Do ^Re_^Re# ^Fa ^Re
So stand and watch it burn

^Re___ ^Re_ ^Re#_ Sol_ Sib ^Do_Fa#-Sol
We’ve passed the point of no return…


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