Theme from New York, New York – Frank Sinatra Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Theme from New York, New York – Frank Sinatra song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Theme from New York, New York – Frank Sinatra piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Theme from New York, New York – Frank Sinatra Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
F_____ E_ -_ F____E___D-C
Start spreading the news
F___ G – F__ E-D-C
I’m leaving today
E__ F__G_ A_G# A_G# A
I want to be a part of it
^C____ A___ ^C__ A-G
New York, New York
F______ E – F – E___D-C
These vagabond shoes
F____ G – F__ E__D-C
Are longing to stray
E________ F_____G__A-G#__A_ G# A
Right through the very heart of it
^C____ A___^C__ A-G
New York, New York
^D Bb-^C_^D_ Bb A G ^C#-^C
I wanna wake up in a city
Bb____A – G___^C
That doesn’t sleep
A____Bb__^C_ ^D_^C_Bb_^D
And find I’m king of the hill
^C_ Bb_ A_ ^C
Top of the heap
F______E – F___E___D-C
These little town blues
F____G – F___E-D-C
Are melting away
E____ F__ G__ A___ G#__ A__G# A
I’ll make a brand new start of it
^C__A__^C__ ^D
In old New York
^C Bb A_ ^F_^D_^C
If I can make it there
Bb__ A__G_ ^E-^D-^C
I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you
Bb____A____^C___ F
New York, New York
^C____A____^E__ ^C
New York, New York
A_ Bb_^C_^D_ Bb A G ^C#-^C
I want to wake up in a city
Bb___ A-G___^C
That never sleeps
A___ Bb_^C ^D_^C-Bb_^D
And find I’m a number one
^D ^C_Bb ^D
Top of the list
^E_ ^D_^C_^E
King of the hill
A number one…
^ F___^E-^F_^D_ ^D-^C
These little town blues
^F_^G – ^F_^D-^D-^C
All melting away…
^D_^D-^C# ^C_Bb_ A__ ^C__ A__G# A
I’m gonna make a brand new start of it
In old New York
And ~
^F ^D ^C ^F_^D_^C
If I can make it there
Bb__ A__G_^E-^D-^C
I’ll make it anywhere
A__Bb ^C ^D
It’s up to you
^C___ ^D_ ^D-^C_^F
New York, New York
New York!
Theme from New York, New York – Frank Sinatra Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Fa_____ Mi_ -_ Fa____Mi___Re-Do
Start spreading the news
Fa___ Sol – Fa__ Mi-Re-Do
I’m leaving today
Mi__ Fa__Sol_ La_Sol# La_Sol# La
I want to be a part of it
^Do____ La___ ^Do__ La-Sol
New York, New York
Fa______ Mi – Fa – Mi___Re-Do
These vagabond shoes
Fa____ Sol – Fa__ Mi__Re-Do
Are longing to stray
Mi________ Fa_____Sol__La-Sol#__La_ Sol# La
Right through the very heart of it
^Do____ La___^Do__ La-Sol
New York, New York
^Re Sib-^Do_^Re_ Sib La Sol ^Do#-^Do
I wanna wake up in a city
Sib____La – Sol___^Do
That doesn’t sleep
La____Sib__^Do_ ^Re_^Do_Sib_^Re
And find I’m king of the hill
^Do_ Sib_ La_ ^Do
Top of the heap
Fa______Mi – Fa___Mi___Re-Do
These little town blues
Fa____Sol – Fa___Mi-Re-Do
Are melting away
Mi____ Fa__ Sol__ La___ Sol#__ La__Sol# La
I’ll make a brand new start of it
^Do__La__^Do__ ^Re
In old New York
^Do Sib La_ ^Fa_^Re_^Do
If I can make it there
Sib__ La__Sol_ ^Mi-^Re-^Do
I’ll make it anywhere
It’s up to you
Sib____La____^Do___ Fa
New York, New York
^Do____La____^Mi__ ^Do
New York, New York
La_ Sib_^Do_^Re_ Sib La Sol ^Do#-^Do
I want to wake up in a city
Sib___ La-Sol___^Do
That never sleeps
La___ Sib_^Do ^Re_^Do-Sib_^Re
And find I’m a number one
^Re ^Do_Sib ^Re
Top of the list
^Mi_ ^Re_^Do_^Mi
King of the hill
A number one…
^ Fa___^Mi-^Fa_^Re_ ^Re-^Do
These little town blues
^Fa_^Sol – ^Fa_^Re-^Re-^Do
All melting away…
^Re_^Re-^Do# ^Do_Sib_ La__ ^Do__ La__Sol# La
I’m gonna make a brand new start of it
In old New York
And ~
^Fa ^Re ^Do ^Fa_^Re_^Do
If I can make it there
Sib__ La__Sol_^Mi-^Re-^Do
I’ll make it anywhere
La__Sib ^Do ^Re
It’s up to you
^Do___ ^Re_ ^Re-^Do_^Fa
New York, New York
New York!