Film MusicLetter Notes

True Colors – Cyndi Lauper Easy Letter Notes

True Colors – Cyndi Lauper song letter notes for piano True Colors – Cyndi Lauper ABC and do re mi version.

True Colors Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

D#_ D_ C_ C .A-G
You with the sad eyes

E___F_ G – G – F
Don’t be discouraged

Oh I realize

.A_ D_ D_D_ D – C
Its hard to take courage

.B .B_C_ C_C_D-C
In a world full of people

C__E_ F_ G_ G A C
You can lose sight of it all

C__ C_ D – D_ D-D_ C
And the darkness inside you

C__ C_ C__C_C_ C
Can make you feel so small

C C_E_ G_ A_ A-G
But I see your true colors

E – D__ D – E
Shining through

C E_G_ A_ A-G
I see your true colors

C__ A__A_A_A_G
And that’s why I love you

G_ A_ A_G – E C D_ D_ D-C
So don’t be afraid to let them show

C__ C_ C – C
Your true colors

C_ C-D-E_.G_ E-D-D
True colors are beautiful

C_ C_C – .A
Like a rainbow…

True Colors Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Re#_ Re_Do_Do .La-Sol
You with the sad eyes

Mi__ Fa_ Sol – Sol – Fa
Don’t be discouraged

Mi Re Re-Mi-Do
Oh I realize

.La_Re_Re_Re_ Re – Do
Its hard to take courage

.Si .Si_Do_ Do_Do_Re-Do
In a world full of people

Do_ Mi_ Fa_ Sol_Sol La Do
You can lose sight of it all

Do__Do_Re – Re_ Re-Re_ Do
And the darkness inside you

Do__Do_ Do_ Do_Do_Do
Can make you feel so small

Do Do_Mi_ Sol_ La_ La-Sol
But I see your true colors

Mi – Re__Re – Mi
Shining through

Do Mi_Sol_ La_ La-Sol
I see your true colors

Do__ La_ La_La_La_Sol
And that’s why I love you

Sol_ La_La_Sol – Mi Do Re_Re_ Re-Do
So don’t be afraid to let them show

Do__Do_ Do – Do
Your true colors

Do_ Do-Re-Mi_.Sol_Mi-Re-Re
True colors are beautiful

Do_Do_Do – .La
Like a rainbow…

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