Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham! Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham! song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham! piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham! Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G___ A___G____C____ C___E-G__A__ _C
You put the boom boom into my heart
G___ _C__ _G_ _F_ _E__D
You send my soul sky high
When your lovin’ starts…
C – C – C__E-G_ A__D-_C
Jitterbug into my brain,
_E-_G__ _F___E___D-_C
Goes bang bang bang
_C_ A_ _C__A_ _C_ A-G
Till my feet do the same!
_C__ _D – _D_____D-_D__ A
But something’s bugging me
_E_-__E___ _D____E
Something ain’t right
_E____F_-__F__ _E___E
My best-friend told me
_F_____E___E_ _G___E
What you did last night…
_D_ _D_ _C-_D___E__E_ _D-_C
_F__F_ _E-_E_ _F__F
I was dreaming but I
_A_-__G__ _G____E___G___E-_A
Should’ve been with you instead!
_E____G_ _A_ _E-G_ _A_ _E-_C
Wake me up before you go-go,
_C_____D_ _E_ _F-_E__D-_C
Don’t leave me hanging on
_E__G_ _E-_C
_E____G__A_ _E-_G_ _A__E-_C
Wake me up before you go go,
_C__D_ _E__D__F__E
I don’t want to miss it
_C____ A___C_ _C__A-G
When you hit that high!
_E____G__A__E-_G_ _A__E-_C
Wake me up before you go-go,
_C_____D_ _E___F-_E_ _D-_C
‘Cause I’m not planning on
Going solo…
Wake me up before you go-go,
_E___C_ _D-_E_ _D-_D-_C
Take me dancing tonight!
_C _C-A _C _C__*C
I wanna hit that high…
Yeah__ yeah!
Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go – Wham! Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol___ La___Sol____Do____ Do___Mi-Sol__La__ _Do
You put the boom boom into my heart
Sol___ _Do__ _Sol_ _Fa_ _Mi__Re
You send my soul sky high
When your lovin’ starts…
Do – Do – Do__Mi-Sol_ La__Re-_Do
Jitterbug into my brain,
_Mi-_Sol__ _Fa___Mi___Re-_Do
Goes bang bang bang
_Do_ La_ _Do__La_ _Do_ La-Sol
Till my feet do the same!
_Do__ _Re – _Re_____Re-_Re__ La
But something’s bugging me
_Mi_-__Mi___ _Re____Mi
Something ain’t right
_Mi____Fa_-__Fa__ _Mi___Mi
My best-friend told me
_Fa_____Mi___Mi_ _Sol___Mi
What you did last night…
_Re_ _Re_ _Do-_Re___Mi__Mi_ _Re-_Do
_Fa__Fa_ _Mi-_Mi_ _Fa__Fa
I was dreaming but I
_La_-__Sol__ _Sol____Mi___Sol___Mi-_La
Should’ve been with you instead!
_Mi____Sol_ _La_ _Mi-Sol_ _La_ _Mi-_Do
Wake me up before you go-go,
_Do_____Re_ _Mi_ _Fa-_Mi__Re-_Do
Don’t leave me hanging on
_Mi__Sol_ _Mi-_Do
_Mi____Sol__La_ _Mi-_Sol_ _La__Mi-_Do
Wake me up before you go go,
_Do__Re_ _Mi__Re__Fa__Mi
I don’t want to miss it
_Do____ La___Do_ _Do__La-Sol
When you hit that high!
_Mi____Sol__La__Mi-_Sol_ _La__Mi-_Do
Wake me up before you go-go,
_Do_____Re_ _Mi___Fa-_Mi_ _Re-_Do
‘Cause I’m not planning on
Going solo…
Wake me up before you go-go,
_Mi___Do_ _Re-_Mi_ _Re-_Re-_Do
Take me dancing tonight!
_Do _Do-La _Do _Do__*Do
I wanna hit that high…
Yeah__ yeah!