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We have added the letter notes of Whisper – Evanescence song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Whisper – Evanescence piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …

Whisper – Evanescence Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes

B_____ A_ F# G_A
Catch me as I fall

F#____G_____A___ E__E__E_A-G-F#_ E
Say you’re here and it’s all over now

B_-_A____F#_ G_ ^C – B – G
Speaking to the atmosphere

F# -_G_____A___E__E_ E_ A-G_ F# – E
No-one’s here and I fall into myself…

B_____A__ A-G-F#__G
This truth drives me

B – A_ ^C-B-A-B
Into madness

A_ G__F#_G__F#__G___B
I know I can stop the pain

G_F# F# G_F#_G – E

F# G F# G_F#_G-B

B_____ ^C__^D-A
Don’t turn away

(F#___ G__ A__G__F#__G)
(Don’t give in to the pain)

B-A__ F#_ G_ G-F#
Don’t try to hide

(E_______ F#_____F# – G____GF#__ E)
(Though they’re screaming your name)

Don’t close your eyes

(F#____G_____A____G___F#-F#_ G)
(God knows what lies behind them)

B______A___ F#__G__ G-F#
Don’t turn out the lights

(E – F#__ F#_ G – GF#_E)
(Never sleep never die)

Whisper – Evanescence Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes

Si_____ La_ Fa# Sol_La
Catch me as I fall

Fa#____Sol_____La___ Mi__Mi__Mi_La-Sol-Fa#_ Mi
Say you’re here and it’s all over now

Si_-_La____Fa#_ Sol_ ^Do – Si – Sol
Speaking to the atmosphere

Fa# -_Sol_____La___Mi__Mi_ Mi_ La-Sol_ Fa# – Mi
No-one’s here and I fall into myself…

Si_____La__ La-Sol-Fa#__Sol
This truth drives me

Si – La_ ^Do-Si-La-Si
Into madness

La_ Sol__Fa#_Sol__Fa#__Sol___Si
I know I can stop the pain

Sol_Fa# Fa# Sol_Fa#_Sol – Mi

Fa# Sol Fa# Sol_Fa#_Sol-Si

Si_____ ^Do__^Re-La
Don’t turn away

(Fa#___ Sol__ La__Sol__Fa#__Sol)
(Don’t give in to the pain)

Si-La__ Fa#_ Sol_ Sol-Fa#
Don’t try to hide

(Mi_______ Fa#_____Fa# – Sol____SolFa#__ Mi)
(Though they’re screaming your name)

Don’t close your eyes

(Fa#____Sol_____La____Sol___Fa#-Fa#_ Sol)
(God knows what lies behind them)

Si______La___ Fa#__Sol__ Sol-Fa#
Don’t turn out the lights

(Mi – Fa#__ Fa#_ Sol – SolFa#_Mi)
(Never sleep never die)