Whistle While You Work – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Whistle While You Work – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Whistle While You Work – Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Whistle While You Work Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
G__ G-F__ E__ F_ G
Just whistle while you work
~ Whistle ~
G__ G-F-E__ D-G-F_ E
And cheerfully together we
D__G-F_E_D_ G
Can tidy up the place!
G A-G_F_E-F_ G
So hum a merry tune
~ Whistle ~
D_ G__F__E
It won’t take long
D____G__F_ E
When there’s a song
D_ G_ F__E_ D_ C
To help you set the pace!
C_ ^C_Bb__A_ Bb_^C
And as you sweep the room
Imagine that the broom
Is someone that you love
^C_ Bb_ G#_ G
And soon you’ll find
G#__ G-G#_G_G#_G
You’re dancing to the tune!
^C__ ^C_ Bb_ A
When hearts are high
The time will fly so
^C -Bb_ A__ G_ F
Whistle while you work!
Whistle While You Work Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
Sol__ Sol-Fa__ Mi__ Fa_ Sol
Just whistle while you work
Sol-La-Sol Fa-Mi Fa-Sol
~ Whistle ~
Sol__ Sol-Fa-Mi__ Re-Sol-Fa_ Mi
And cheerfully together we
Re__Sol-Fa_Mi_Re_ Sol
Can tidy up the place!
Sol La-Sol_Fa_Mi-Fa_ Sol
So hum a merry tune
Sol-La-Sol Fa-Mi Fa-Sol
~ Whistle ~
Re_ Sol__Fa__Mi
It won’t take long
Re____Sol__Fa_ Mi
When there’s a song
Re_ Sol_ Fa__Mi_ Re_ Do
To help you set the pace!
Do_ ^Do_Sib__La_ Sib_^Do
And as you sweep the room
Imagine that the broom
Is someone that you love
^Do_ Sib_ Sol#_ Sol
And soon you’ll find
Sol#__ Sol-Sol#_Sol_Sol#_Sol
You’re dancing to the tune!
^Do__ ^Do_ Sib_ La
When hearts are high
The time will fly so
^Do -Sib_ La__ Sol_ Fa
Whistle while you work!