Winter Wonderland – Traditional Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Winter Wonderland – Traditional song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Winter Wonderland – Traditional piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Winter Wonderland – Traditional Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
^C____ ^C__ ^C__^C_^C__ A-^C
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
^C ^C_^C__^C_ ^C__Bb-^C
In the lane, snow is glistening
^C ^E-^E-^E ^D
A beautiful sight,
^D___^C-^C_ ^C-Bb
We’re happy tonight.
A_-_A___A_ A__G-G___G – G – F
Walking in a winter wonderland.
^C__^C-^C ^C ^C_ A-^C
Gone away is the bluebird,
^C__^C ^C ^C^C Bb ^C
Here to stay is a new bird
^C_ ^E_^E_^E_ ^D
He sings a love song,
^D ^D ^C ^C-Bb
As we go along,
A_-_A___A_A__G-G___G – G – F
Walking in a winter wonderland.
E__E_ ^C#-^C#_F#_F#_ ^D ^D_^C#-A
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
E______E-^C#_^C# F# F# ^D-^D_^C#
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
G____ G___^E_ ^E___A – A
He’ll say: “Are you married?”
^F___^F__ ^E_ ^C
We’ll say: “No man,
^C_ ^E_ ^E__A__A_ ^D
But you can do the job
^D_____ G____G__^C
When you’re in town!”
^C-^C ^C ^C_ ^C-A-^C
Later on, we’ll conspire,
^C_^C_ ^C__ ^C ^C Bb-^C
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
^D__ ^C___^C__^C____Bb
The plans that we’ve made,
A_-_A___A_A_ G – G___G – G – F
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Winter Wonderland – Traditional Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
^Do____ ^Do__ ^Do__^Do_^Do__ La-^Do
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?
^Do ^Do_^Do__^Do_ ^Do__Sib-^Do
In the lane, snow is glistening
^Do ^Mi-^Mi-^Mi ^Re
A beautiful sight,
^Re___^Do-^Do_ ^Do-Sib
We’re happy tonight.
La_-_La___La_ La__Sol-Sol___Sol – Sol – Fa
Walking in a winter wonderland.
^Do__^Do-^Do ^Do ^Do_ La-^Do
Gone away is the bluebird,
^Do__^Do ^Do ^Do^Do Sib ^Do
Here to stay is a new bird
^Do_ ^Mi_^Mi_^Mi_ ^Re
He sings a love song,
^Re ^Re ^Do ^Do-Sib
As we go along,
La_-_La___La_La__Sol-Sol___Sol – Sol – Fa
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Mi__Mi_ ^Do#-^Do#_Fa#_Fa#_ ^Re ^Re_^Do#-La
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Mi______Mi-^Do#_^Do# Fa# Fa# ^Re-^Re_^Do#
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
Sol____ Sol___^Mi_ ^Mi___La – La
He’ll say: “Are you married?”
^Fa___^Fa__ ^Mi_ ^Do
We’ll say: “No man,
^Do_ ^Mi_ ^Mi__La__La_ ^Re
But you can do the job
^Re_____ Sol____Sol__^Do
When you’re in town!”
^Do-^Do ^Do ^Do_ ^Do-La-^Do
Later on, we’ll conspire,
^Do_^Do_ ^Do__ ^Do ^Do Sib-^Do
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
^Re__ ^Do___^Do__^Do____Sib
The plans that we’ve made,
La_-_La___La_La_ Sol – Sol___Sol – Sol – Fa
Walking in a winter wonderland.