Wuthering Heights – Kate Bush Easy Letter Notes
We have added the letter notes of Wuthering Heights – Kate Bush song in two versions for you. You can reach the notes of this song for piano with Do re mi and A B C version. Written notes were created to provide convenience to those who do not know how to read notes. You can examine the notes of Wuthering Heights – Kate Bush piano letters below. You can share your thoughts by commenting. The Piano Notes wishes good work …
Wuthering Heights – Kate Bush Letter Notes ABC Easy Notes
_E__D _C# _E-_E_F-A_ _C
Out on the wiley, windy moors
_D__ B_ _D_ B _C# Bb
We’d roll and fall in green
_E _D _C# _E-_E_ F_ A__C-_D-B
You had a temper like my jealousy
_D_ B_ G#_ B-G#
Too hot, too greedy…
E_____E_ _E_ _E__F#
How could you leave me
_C__C _E-_C _D-B_ B-_D_ B
When I needed to ~_possess you?
G# B-G# G# C_C_ G#_ G#
I hated you, I loved you too
_D#_ _C# _C# _C _C
Bad dreams in the night
F#__D# _C#
They told me
_C# _C _C-_C Bb _C_Bb _C-Bb
I_ was_ going_to_lose_the_fight
Leave behind
_C_ F-_C-_C_ F-_C-_C
My wuthering, wuthering
F-_C-_C_ Bb-_C-Bb
Wuthering Heights
_C#-_C#__F__D# _C# _F-_D#
I’ve come home__~
G# G#_G#-Bb-_C#-_D#
I’m_so_cold_~__ ~
Let_ me__in__ your
Wuthering Heights – Kate Bush Letter Notes Do Re Mi Easy Notes
_Mi_ _Re__Do#__Mi-_Mi_ Fa-La___Do
Out on the wiley, windy moors
_Re___ Si__ _Re__Si__Do#_Sib
We’d roll and fall in green
_Mi__Re _Do# _Mi-_Mi__Fa__La_ _Do-_Re-Si
You had a temper like my jealousy
_Re__Si__ Sol#__Si-Sol#
Too hot, too greedy…
Mi_______Mi___Mi__ _Mi_ _Fa#
How could you leave me
_Do_ _Do__Mi-_Do__Re-Si__ Si-_Re__ Si
When I needed to_~_ possess you?
Sol#_Si-Sol#_Sol#_Do_ Do__ Sol#__Sol#
I hated you, I loved you too
_Re#___Do# _Do# _Do__Do
Bad dreams in the night
Fa#_ _Re#__Do#
They told me
_Do# _Do _Do-_Do_Sib__Do_ Sib__Do-Sib
I__was__going_ to_ lose_ the_ fight
_Re#_ _Do#-_Do#-_Do
Leave behind
_Do__Fa-_Do-_Do__ Fa-_Do-_Do
My wuthering, wuthering
Fa-_Do-_Do__ Sib-_Do-Sib
Wuthering Heights
_Do#-_Do#_ _Fa_ _Re#__Do#__Fa-_Re#
Heathcliff,_ it’s_ me,_ I’m_ Cathy
_Do#_ _Fa_ _Re#-_Do#-Sib
I’ve come home___~
Sol#_Sol#_ Sol#-Sib-_Do#-_Re#
I’m_ so_ cold_ ~___ ~
Sib_ _Fa_ _Re#-_Do#_ Sib-Sol#
Let__ me___in___ your